Seriously, this Flynn bust is turning into Flynngate bigtime

#4: Yes, the Clinton Foundation as slush fund....all that stuff. French bataclan 'stuff,' reveals the Clinton mafia link to ISIS, which is located for the link to Eagles of Death Metal to Low Gap, North Carolina. One band member is of Viking extraction, and this links to the founding of the Ukraine as a Viking kingship alongside Eastern Rite Catholicism. Abaaoud is the Bataclan link to Morocco, and the Clinton Foundation's gifts from Morocco would morph into an attempt to establish a phosphate cartel in competition with the world's only future rival, China. A replay of Bill Clinton's attempt to make Great Lakes water a commodity via NAFTA, the Oroville Dam now groaning at the irony. If you're going to suck and lick bamboo tips or bamboo saxophone reeds, you may as well get paid for it.
Low Gap, North Carolina is the link to Eagles of Death Metal recruiters via theology. Islamochristiana morphing, not far from that location is the interesting link to Siamese twins at Mount Airy.
The irony will be when Putin spills the beans on all the Dems he's financed the.past 3 decades
Yes, money seems to attract fascist democrats and is most likely a psy-op technique of the FSB. Before posting the Utah excerpt, readers may wish to get a peek at the Mount Airy siamese twins. The photo is available which reads "You'll never guess whats hidden under the Andy Griffith Museum....Egyptian Hall, Picadilly February 8th, 1869."
Mount Airy was a stagecoach stop named after a local plantation. At this point, it matters little who owned the plantation. The link to fascism is agricultural, and the reader may wish to check the chron for Utah, because at a certain point between 2002-6, there was an important ratio between Mormons and non-Mormons (also the Mormon link to Clay County, Missouri).

'A crucial intervening variable generated by it, and the emergence of a fascist system is the power held by each sector of the society and the corresponding elites. The degree of modernization is clearly very important indeed, because it shapes the degree of power that each sector has vis-a-vis the other. If we measure modernization by the percentage of economically active males in non-agricultural pursuits, a widely used indicator for such purposes, the span within which fascism is most likely to emerge lies in the fourth and fifth deciles.'
(Woolf SJ, The Nature of Fascism, p. 25)

The graph shows the beginning of the emergence from 40% to 55%. The time of the Utah chron for the ratio of non-Mormons to Mormons coalesces with the agricultural/non-agricultural percentage for fascism.
Utah at one time sported a ratio of 49-51% Mormon/non-Mormon or either Non-Mormon/Mormon, though we cannot pin down the precise chron for it at this time.
Siamese twins are a model for the fascism of Islamochristiana's latest poster-child, ISIS. Previously, it was al-Qaeda. Japanese kaede 'frog-hand-shaped leaf' (Martin, The Japanese Language Through Time). Since Putin's daughter holds a degree in Japanese philology, we note Speck's Ethnology of the Yuchi and the color-plates at the back of the book. One plate depicts a frog's hand along with a hatchet, and resonates with the current Afghan police murders and the mother placing the washed item in the cupboard.

'The fascist party is a form of mobilization in response to the mobilization of others....Class conflict puts pressure on the modern and non-modern elites to unite to resist the demands made upon them from below.'
(Woolf, op cit)

The Yuchi aligned with the Creek Confederacy due to the pressures that Woolf analyzes.
Manafort's ties were to the Ukraine. The current Ukrainian government actually planted stories in the media that they were investigating him for corruption and have admitted they lied. The Ukraine backed Hillary. Including huge donations to her so called Clinton Foundation.

Flynn in his capacity has always dealt with Russia. That's a no brainer. He had to.

Tillerson was the CEO of a company that dealt world wide. And yes he had dealings with Russia.

For you stupid numbskulls out there Russia is a member of the G8 and the G20.

It's FUCKING LEGAL to have dealt with them.

After reading all that I'm fairly certain the phrase 'conflict of interest' has been permanently banned from The Bubble, you have idea what's even being discussed

Tillerson is making millions, personally, off Putin........fact, not Faux Fake News
The GOP elite, the Democrats and mainstream media couldn’t stop Donald Trump from becoming president, so now they have a coup, says lawyer and filmmaker Mike Cernovich. Michael Flynn’s resignation is a huge victory for them, he adds

M.C.:The fake news media - this is what people call the American mainstream media - they have been going after General Flynn since November. They even tried to say that General Flynn one time linked to a blog article that people thought was a wrong story. This is completely bizarre. They dug up these all tweets and they tried to find the tweet that maybe they didn’t like. They’ve been going after him, Stephen Bannon, Kellyanne Conway, and Stephen Miller because those are the four people who really are pro-Trump, pro-America, they really want what is best for America. Reince Priebus and the other establishment Republicans, they are no different than the Democrats in America. They are controlled opposition, so what we see right now is a coup. The elite members of the Republican Party are trying to take over, they are very upset that Trump won, they didn’t want Trump to win. They tried to sabotage him the entire campaign. So, what they are doing now is the next best thing: they couldn’t stop him from becoming president, so now they have a coup.

'Michael Flynn’s resignation - US establishment coup’
Oh stop crying!!! Impeachment is NEAR!!!!!
Manafort's ties were to the Ukraine. The current Ukrainian government actually planted stories in the media that they were investigating him for corruption and have admitted they lied. The Ukraine backed Hillary. Including huge donations to her so called Clinton Foundation.

Flynn in his capacity has always dealt with Russia. That's a no brainer. He had to.

Tillerson was the CEO of a company that dealt world wide. And yes he had dealings with Russia.

For you stupid numbskulls out there Russia is a member of the G8 and the G20.

It's FUCKING LEGAL to have dealt with them.
LOL ^Russian Troll^
and don't forget Exxon CEO Tillerson, who would make one of the biggest oil deals with Putin IF the sanctions were lifted

it just keeps going deeper, ala Watergate
At this point, I think it would be easier to make a list of people in this admin who are not in cahoots with Russia.
What is the purpose of this twinning phenomenon within the Republicans, a fascist coup which can backfire due to its accelerationist tendency? One can scroll down to the place on the page that states: 'purpose = fascist'....www. for Deleuze and the Accelerationists. Tinydancer's mention of Manafort, and Chappaqua Blue Racer speaks with forked tongue. Rodham brothers have already shown us Stupidity in investing in hazlenuts in the country now called Georgia. Ukrainian chernozym symbolized in Pence's Black Madonna mask of Indignance, secret meetings of Baptists in the woods outside of Kiev is documented and known to the Kremlin.
and don't forget Exxon CEO Tillerson, who would make one of the biggest oil deals with Putin IF the sanctions were lifted

it just keeps going deeper, ala Watergate

I don't think so snowflake. the only thing deeper is the shit in you're pants
"What did they (Trump Inc) know about Flynn's collaboration with Putin, and WHEN did they know it" ......, similar to the Watergate scandal, and we all know what happened after that

and those are the basic questions begging an answer, the roles Flynn, Bannon and Trump played need addressing as well

fasten those seatbelts!


"What did they (Trump Inc) know about Flynn's collaboration with Putin, and WHEN did they know it" ......, similar to the Watergate scandal, and we all know what happened after that

and those are the basic questions begging an answer, the roles Flynn, Bannon and Trump played need addressing as well

fasten those seatbelts!


Trump isn't taking the FLYNN resignation to good.
"What did they (Trump Inc) know about Flynn's collaboration with Putin, and WHEN did they know it" ......, similar to the Watergate scandal, and we all know what happened after that

and those are the basic questions begging an answer, the roles Flynn, Bannon and Trump played need addressing as well

fasten those seatbelts!


The loons think they have a'll be another wiener for them
"What did they (Trump Inc) know about Flynn's collaboration with Putin, and WHEN did they know it" ......, similar to the Watergate scandal, and we all know what happened after that

and those are the basic questions begging an answer, the roles Flynn, Bannon and Trump played need addressing as well

fasten those seatbelts!


The loons think they have a'll be another wiener for them
Yep. They should start printing or making available the Trump-Impeachment Coin by next year.

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