Servian President Vucic: “If Moscow empire loses, it will cease to exist in its current form.” So What are the downsides?!?


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
100%....demilitarized. 👍 He need not sell it to us. Moscow´s Balkan 🇷🇺 poodles will fallow Moscow empire in the hell, they know it...


100%....demilitarized. 👍 He need not sell it to us. Moscow´s Balkan 🇷🇺 poodles will fallow Moscow empire in the hell, they know it...
View attachment 963891
View attachment 963890

Yoar video sounds eerily like what Azov and their toadies were doing to ethnic Russians in the Donbas.

It is no wonder the folks in the Donbas voted to secede & then begged the State Duma to accept them into Russia.

The only mystery is why Putin waited so long to accede to the request, and tolerated Macron's gaslighting about the Minsk agreements.


. . . you can lie to yerself litwin, but you can't lie to us.

(from a previous post; )
If the Europeans that were a party to the Minsk accords, had lived up to, and forced Kyiv to live up to their end? There would have been no war.

However, they wanted to force the eastern separatists up against a wall, and force Russia's hand, they have admitted as much about the Minsk accords. They have also admitted that they don't think much about the rights of the folks in the east or in Crimea either.

Both Merkel and Macron admitted, they were only using Minsk as a stalling tactic, to prepare for war. . . SO? If they knew they were getting ready for it? It was only a matter of crossing the red lines and provoking Russia, wasn't it?

". . Putin then took issue with Zelensky’s apparent refusal to negotiate with pro-Kremlin Ukrainian separatists, which infuriated the French president and prompted him to exclaim in audible frustration: “I don’t know where your lawyer learned law!”

Macron and Putin negotiated about Ukraine a while ago​

(This phone call is between Putin and Macron, four days before the invasion, taken from the above linked documentary.)

This is, IMO, is an eye opener. I think we learn more about Putin and Macron in this short exchange than years of B.S. propaganda from ours or their media. . .

How did it get out? I can't even begin to speculate. I believe it was copied/ripped from that documentary linked above.

. . . so. . . we'll post it here, b/c y'all know, regardless of biases, I'm all about keeping folks informed."
Russia will never be demilitarized. They are paying a steep price though which is why Russia wants to talk peace.

An agreement should be reached, but what will Russia be willing to give back to Ukraine?
Russia will never be demilitarized. They are paying a steep price though which is why Russia wants to talk peace.

An agreement should be reached, but what will Russia be willing to give back to Ukraine?
Actually, Russia's economy grew faster than most.

IMO, I think they are getting a lot of pressure from India and China to end this debacle.
Actually, Russia's economy grew faster than most.
Yes, this is true.

IMO, I think they are getting a lot of pressure from India and China to end this debacle.
No. This is wishful thinking. Right now - more pressure from the West - more dependent is Russia on India and China. And India and China do love situation when Russia depends on them, at least because it help to solve their own problems (including modernization of their nuclear arsenals).
Right now - more pressure from the West

Yes. . . strange things are going on, much deeper than just the war it seems?

Justice for Scott Ritter (and his Russian sponsor who was arrested by the FSB)!​

Two friends harassed by two spook states. Or is something else going on here?​



What the heck is going on here?

". . . I have a few questions.
  1. If Zyryanov’s arrest has “nothing to do” with Ritter, why is it that the Novosibirsk businessman was arrested just hours before Ritter and Napolitano were scheduled to board a flight to Russia, causing Ritter to panic and urge Napolitano to cancel his trip to St. Petersburg? The timing is mere coincidence?
  2. Ritter uses his friendship with Zyryanov to promote his “message of peace” and encourage US-Russia rapprochement. You could even say that Zyryanov is a key part of the “Ritter brand”. Their relationship is supposed to serve as an example for Washington and Moscow. So how exactly is Zyryanov’s arrest “none of Ritter’s business”? That makes zero sense.
  3. If Ritter doesn’t want to involve himself in an “internal Russia thing”—even if this “thing” involves his “dear friend” being arrested for highly dubious reasons—maybe he shouldn’t be selling coins featuring Zyryanov’s portrait? By doing so he is making Zyryanov his “business” in the most literal sense of the word. Or no? What am I missing here?
  4. If Ritter still has the “full support” of the Russian government, is he doing everything in his power behind the scenes to secure the release of his friend, and will he use his considerable social media presence to shine a light on Zyryanov’s case, which is already facing questions in Russian media?
There are about 10,000 other questions that need to be asked. For example, how is it possible that a key player Ritter’s “waging peace” campaign was tossed into prison by the FSB just hours before Ritter was slated to begin a very expensive 40-day tour of Russia?

What does this mean?

I 100% condemn the seizure of Scott Ritter’s passport. As readers of the blog know, your correspondent is not keen on passports or other forms of cattle tags.

It’s true that I very strongly disagree with Scott Ritter’s assessment of the Not-War in Ukraine, but that is totally irrelevant. He should be allowed to travel freely and say whatever he wants. Is the State Department really so frightened by Ritter’s weekly prediction that the Russian military is about to liberate Odessa? If so, that is sad.

And it is sad that two friends are being kept apart by rival spook states. Or maybe something else is going on here? . . . "

Scott Ritter : On My Way to Russia I Met Big Brother.​

Streamed live on Jun 4, 2024

Anti-War Activist Passport Confiscated & Pulled Off Plane By State Dept. - Scott Ritter​

Jun 5, 2024
The quote attributed to the Serbian leader is fake. Russia cannot possibly lose a war of attrition to exhaust Ukraine's will to fight. Putin has been so soft on Ukraine. I would have taken Kharkiv without thinking about how many civilians could be killed. This is the first war in modern history that has been fought without killing thousands of civilians. We have not heard about war orphans or many children killed in Ukraine because Putin saved 30,000 of them.

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The Shah of Iran?
This guy doesn't belong to this list. The US and UK governments wanted him to stay, to the extent of organizing a coup against his prime minister. But the guy eventually failed.
Yes. . . strange things are going on, much deeper than just the war it seems?

Justice for Scott Ritter (and his Russian sponsor who was arrested by the FSB)!​

Two friends harassed by two spook states. Or is something else going on here?​



What the heck is going on here?​

". . . I have a few questions.
  1. If Zyryanov’s arrest has “nothing to do” with Ritter, why is it that the Novosibirsk businessman was arrested just hours before Ritter and Napolitano were scheduled to board a flight to Russia, causing Ritter to panic and urge Napolitano to cancel his trip to St. Petersburg? The timing is mere coincidence?
  2. Ritter uses his friendship with Zyryanov to promote his “message of peace” and encourage US-Russia rapprochement. You could even say that Zyryanov is a key part of the “Ritter brand”. Their relationship is supposed to serve as an example for Washington and Moscow. So how exactly is Zyryanov’s arrest “none of Ritter’s business”? That makes zero sense.
  3. If Ritter doesn’t want to involve himself in an “internal Russia thing”—even if this “thing” involves his “dear friend” being arrested for highly dubious reasons—maybe he shouldn’t be selling coins featuring Zyryanov’s portrait? By doing so he is making Zyryanov his “business” in the most literal sense of the word. Or no? What am I missing here?
  4. If Ritter still has the “full support” of the Russian government, is he doing everything in his power behind the scenes to secure the release of his friend, and will he use his considerable social media presence to shine a light on Zyryanov’s case, which is already facing questions in Russian media?
There are about 10,000 other questions that need to be asked. For example, how is it possible that a key player Ritter’s “waging peace” campaign was tossed into prison by the FSB just hours before Ritter was slated to begin a very expensive 40-day tour of Russia?

What does this mean?

I 100% condemn the seizure of Scott Ritter’s passport. As readers of the blog know, your correspondent is not keen on passports or other forms of cattle tags.

It’s true that I very strongly disagree with Scott Ritter’s assessment of the Not-War in Ukraine, but that is totally irrelevant. He should be allowed to travel freely and say whatever he wants. Is the State Department really so frightened by Ritter’s weekly prediction that the Russian military is about to liberate Odessa? If so, that is sad.

And it is sad that two friends are being kept apart by rival spook states. Or maybe something else is going on here? . . . "

Scott Ritter : On My Way to Russia I Met Big Brother.​

Streamed live on Jun 4, 2024

Anti-War Activist Passport Confiscated & Pulled Off Plane By State Dept. - Scott Ritter​

Jun 5, 2024

Yeah, things are always much deeper than they seems to be. I've asked some friends, and I got an impression that there could be some similarity with Dick Baer's case and his failed attempt to solve Iraqi crisis his own way.
Free World´s heroes , thats why Mongol - 🇷🇺 🐷 🇸🇦 Muscovites hate them so much
Long overdue and the right move.This is a victory over Kremlin propaganda, aided and amplified by some western journalists. The Azov brigade is one brave and fearless formation, and equipping them benefits everyone but the 🇷🇺 🐷🇸🇦horde .
Yes. . . strange things are going on, much deeper than just the war it seems?

Justice for Scott Ritter (and his Russian sponsor who was arrested by the FSB)!​

Two friends harassed by two spook states. Or is something else going on here?​



What the heck is going on here?​

". . . I have a few questions.
  1. If Zyryanov’s arrest has “nothing to do” with Ritter, why is it that the Novosibirsk businessman was arrested just hours before Ritter and Napolitano were scheduled to board a flight to Russia, causing Ritter to panic and urge Napolitano to cancel his trip to St. Petersburg? The timing is mere coincidence?
  2. Ritter uses his friendship with Zyryanov to promote his “message of peace” and encourage US-Russia rapprochement. You could even say that Zyryanov is a key part of the “Ritter brand”. Their relationship is supposed to serve as an example for Washington and Moscow. So how exactly is Zyryanov’s arrest “none of Ritter’s business”? That makes zero sense.
  3. If Ritter doesn’t want to involve himself in an “internal Russia thing”—even if this “thing” involves his “dear friend” being arrested for highly dubious reasons—maybe he shouldn’t be selling coins featuring Zyryanov’s portrait? By doing so he is making Zyryanov his “business” in the most literal sense of the word. Or no? What am I missing here?
  4. If Ritter still has the “full support” of the Russian government, is he doing everything in his power behind the scenes to secure the release of his friend, and will he use his considerable social media presence to shine a light on Zyryanov’s case, which is already facing questions in Russian media?
There are about 10,000 other questions that need to be asked. For example, how is it possible that a key player Ritter’s “waging peace” campaign was tossed into prison by the FSB just hours before Ritter was slated to begin a very expensive 40-day tour of Russia?

What does this mean?

I 100% condemn the seizure of Scott Ritter’s passport. As readers of the blog know, your correspondent is not keen on passports or other forms of cattle tags.

It’s true that I very strongly disagree with Scott Ritter’s assessment of the Not-War in Ukraine, but that is totally irrelevant. He should be allowed to travel freely and say whatever he wants. Is the State Department really so frightened by Ritter’s weekly prediction that the Russian military is about to liberate Odessa? If so, that is sad.

And it is sad that two friends are being kept apart by rival spook states. Or maybe something else is going on here? . . . "

Scott Ritter : On My Way to Russia I Met Big Brother.​

Streamed live on Jun 4, 2024

Anti-War Activist Passport Confiscated & Pulled Off Plane By State Dept. - Scott Ritter​

Jun 5, 2024

isn´t Scott Ritter a convicted pedofile ?

isn´t Scott Ritter a convicted pedofile ?

Explained in second video.

He showed the details of the case to the gangs while in prison. They didn't do anything to him, as all the gangs usually do.

They knew it was a set-up by the Deep State as well.
Free World´s heroes , thats why Mongol - 🇷🇺 🐷 🇸🇦 Muscovites hate them so much
Long overdue and the right move.This is a victory over Kremlin propaganda, aided and amplified by some western journalists. The Azov brigade is one brave and fearless formation, and equipping them benefits everyone but the 🇷🇺 🐷🇸🇦horde .

ah. . . yoar a Nazi.

Well, this certainly explains much.

Explained in second video.

He showed the details of the case to the gangs while in prison. They didn't do anything to him, as all the gangs usually do.

They knew it was a set-up by the Deep State as well.
its not me, the deep state seduced her !!
-Scott Ritter

just dont stop, tell me more 🇷🇺Muscovite fairy-tales 👍
ah. . . yoar a Nazi.

Well, this certainly explains much.

Technically, we can't be sure that he, personally, is a nazi. He just doing his job by copy-pasting NAFO's pictures and twits.
The problem is that NAFO is government-sponsored organisation and, therefore, "his" point of view is more or less EU-official.
much like Tito , Finland, Jews and all other who have fought Moscow 🇷🇺 barbaric imperialism ?
Really? Do you want to say, that you are "fighting" Moscow barbaric imperialism? I thought that you are just copy-pasting stupid pictures. I'm sure, you can do more by actually going to the trenches.
"fighting" Moscow barbaric imperialism?
me ? 60 states fight your Mongol 🇷🇺 🇸🇦 horde

Chinese academic Deng Xize : "No more Mongol-Muscovy style empire: Thoughts on the war in Ukraine, The global reaction to the war in Ukraine in fact shows that such empires will no longer be tolerated."

The Mongol-Muscovy style empire could be defined as a dominating, rapacious empire upheld by violence, especially unruly violence, and exhibiting three prominent characteristics.

any comment on this ?

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