Sesame Street Receives 1 Million Stimulus Grant: Creates 1.47 New Jobs


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
Fabulous job there folks with those stimulus monies. 787 billion? I was gonna post another little blurb, a five minute video of today's San Francisco Columbus Day riots wherein the author remarks that "'Our stocks of napalm are running low" but this one came along and is so much more apropos to this election. With the release today of a number of over the weekend poll results a lot of the Lib Twitter poster are suddenly tweeting about taking a gun and going Mitt Romney hunting or ramming their cars into the first car they see with a Romney bumper sticker on it. Bush Derangement Syndrome has likely run its course with few if any new victims, the folks who currently congregate in and around 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in DC the exception. The good people who study diseases down at the CDC are likely to shortly acknowledge the existence of a new disease, Romney Derangement Syndrome, expected to reach pandemic levels after November 6th.

Sesame Street Received $1 Million Grant From Obama’s Stimulus Bill


Nice to see him working again.

pbs will just have to rely on commercials just like every other network.

no big deal.

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