Sessions has difficulty with Nazi-Border Agent comparison

This does not compare.

To this.

And it never will.

yeah, it does

it also compares with japanese interment camps

how anyone can support this and call themselves a human being, let alone an american is beyond me.
No it doesn't not even close the only people who would think that are totally blind partisans the Japanese interment camps happened under the liberal legend FDR yet strangley we see no calls remove statues of him and monmuments dedicated to him.

the only people who would excuse trump's policy are either stupid or evil.

you don't seem evil
This does not compare.

To this.

And it never will.

yeah, it does

it also compares with japanese interment camps

how anyone can support this and call themselves a human being, let alone an american is beyond me.
No it doesn't not even close the only people who would think that are totally blind partisans the Japanese interment camps happened under the liberal legend FDR yet strangley we see no calls remove statues of him and monmuments dedicated to him.

the only people who would excuse trump's policy are either stupid or evil.

you don't seem evil
The only people who would compare this to the Nazis and the Holocaust are blind partisans and very stupid you seem to be both. There is no comparsion between these two everyone who is honest knows this I will let other's continue to enabled your partisan idiocy if they wish I have no need to continue to do so.
On the bright side, the left wing loons have gone so far over the top with outlandish accusations the public just tunes out.

Trump has them unhinged. None of their attacks have worked, the Russians, Stormy, the economy is going great, NK on track towards peach, none of the left's doom and gloom predictions have come true so now they are fabricating this outlandish nonsense and the liberal media is publishing it as fact. Both Dem and the liberal media's credibility has bottomed.

It's like every day is Christmas. Trump drives them up the wall. I love it. When he can push their buttons so hard they become die hard supporters of MS 13, that's nothing short of a freaking miracle.

This does not compare.

To this.

And it never will.

yeah, it does

it also compares with japanese interment camps

how anyone can support this and call themselves a human being, let alone an american is beyond me.
No it doesn't not even close the only people who would think that are totally blind partisans the Japanese interment camps happened under the liberal legend FDR yet strangley we see no calls remove statues of him and monmuments dedicated to him.

the only people who would excuse trump's policy are either stupid or evil.

you don't seem evil

These illegals only had to go to a port of entry to claim asylum. No arrests. No problems.
The Nuzis lied to Jewish kids to get them away from their parents. The border agents are doing the same....probably a Bible verse in Two Corinthians to support that....the Lying Regime....
For once you got something right little Jimmy liberals trying to compare the detention of illegal aliens to Nazi concentration camps and the Holocaust is very funny alomg with sad and pathetic and shows no understanding of history. I won't ask you to strain what you call your brain to explain how the two are comparable as you can't I will just wait for your next funny rating as that is pretty much the only response your capable of.

Well you can always do something about ignorance but stupid is forever.
Not sure about the entire Nazi thing…

But I am sure about this; official behavior that used to be only found in the darkest corners of the globe—using kids as bargaining chips—is now being practiced in America. And some here have no problem with it.

Screen Shot 2018-06-20 at 7.12.30 AM.png
This does not compare.

To this.

And it never will.

yeah, it does

it also compares with japanese interment camps

how anyone can support this and call themselves a human being, let alone an american is beyond me.
No it doesn't not even close the only people who would think that are totally blind partisans the Japanese interment camps happened under the liberal legend FDR yet strangley we see no calls remove statues of him and monmuments dedicated to him.

the only people who would excuse trump's policy are either stupid or evil.

you don't seem evil

These illegals only had to go to a port of entry to claim asylum. No arrests. No problems.

Yup the so called refugees went through quite a few countries to get the US. They could have asked for asylum in any of them.

But no. They just had to hit our border and claim asylum. Hope the lot of the get kicked the hell out of our country. We have enough freeloaders to pay for. We don't need any more.
From the link...

In October 1938, before the Nazis had developed the plan for the Holocaust, the German government expelled roughly 17,000 Jews with Polish citizenship living in Germany. At this point, the Nazis hadn’t yet figured out what they wanted to do to their Jewish population and were exploring mass expulsions as an option.

In some cases, this policy involved breaking up families. Gestapo officers would round up the men and expel them while leaving Jewish women and children in Germany. The intent was to force the women and children to “self-deport” back to Poland, to attempt to find their male family members, sparing the Nazis the expense and effort of formally deporting them.

By Sessions’s own standard — it’s only like the Nazis if it’s literally something the Nazis did — then he’s made the case for comparing current US policy to the Third Reich’s. The family separation policy, much like the expulsion of Jewish men, is an attempt to inflict so much pain on a particular population (Central American migrants) that they won’t risk trying to live in the United States anymore.
"Even uneducated immigrants are necessary to do jobs our citizens won’t poultry processing (ugh)-meat packing (gross) bathroom cleaning-pizza &takeout delivering-fruit& vegetable picking-dish washing. To treat otherwise law-abiding &hard working immigrants as criminals is criminal" - Sessions
Hypocrite lefties have trouble with historical reality. One day they are denying that the Holocaust ever happened and the next day they are using photos of Nazi concentration camp victims to disrespect their own Country. No surprises here
The Nuzis lied to Jewish kids to get them away from their parents. The border agents are doing the same....probably a Bible verse in Two Corinthians to support that....the Lying Regime....

That's nonsense. The Nazis murdered Jews including their children. The reason to do so was a form of biological Darwinism. They saw in Jews a superior race - and themselves as Aryans - a superior race too. They thought only Aryans are able to rule the world and only Jews are able to do the same. So Heinrich Himmler tried to exterminate all Jews - also very little children and babies.
Hypocrite hate filled lefties seem to have trouble with historical reality. One day they are denying that the Holocaust ever happened and the next day they are using photos of Nazi concentration camps to disrespect their own Country.

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