Sessions Says No To Waterboarding And Muslim Ban


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
I have not watched the confirmation hearing of Sessions. I asked in another topic if Sessions had been asked about waterboarding. But the discussions on this forum about Sessions are more focused on whether or not he has any connection to the beliefs of the far right wing Christian terrorist organization known as the KKK.

So I looked up the answer myself:

He said that waterboarding is “absolutely” illegal and that he did not support barring Muslims from the United States.
No workaround on waterboarding

Mr. Sessions, who has supported the use of waterboarding as an interrogation tactic, said that current law makes it “absolutely improper and illegal.” That’s important because it suggests that Mr. Sessions sees no workaround that would allow Mr. Trump to reinstate such tactics. Mr. Sessions has previously said he supported the Justice Department legal analysis that authorized harsh interrogation in C.I.A. prisons, and has said that waterboarding works. By saying that the law against waterboarding is clear, Mr. Sessions makes it much harder, if not impossible, for Mr. Trump to bring it back.
No support for Muslim ban

In response to a question about whether he supported a temporary ban on Muslim immigration, as Mr. Trump has suggested, Mr. Sessions said he did not. “I have no belief and do not support the idea that Muslims as a religious groups should be denied admission to the United States,” he said. But he noted that Mr. Trump has since clarified that the restriction should be on immigration from countries that support terrorism. He said religious views — where, for example, they include justification for violence against Americans — should be considered as part of the visa progress.

Would you support a law that says, ‘You can’t come to America because you’re a Muslim’? asked Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina.

“No,” Mr. Sessions replied.

Sanity. Lets see how it actually plays out. I do not think that Trump ever had any plans on following through with either of those talking points - they were to charge specific voters.

Sanity. Lets see how it actually plays out. I do not think that Trump ever had any plans on following through with either of those talking points - they were to charge specific voters.
If Trump didn't mean anything he said, then what exactly did people vote for?

Oh, yeah. "Change".

Where have I heard that before?
I think that is a mistake. It think we should water board Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying to get them to tell us that they are lying about Russian Hackers.

Sanity. Lets see how it actually plays out. I do not think that Trump ever had any plans on following through with either of those talking points - they were to charge specific voters.
If Trump didn't mean anything he said, then what exactly did people vote for?

Oh, yeah. "Change".

Where have I heard that before?
They voted for their team - like they usually do.
Torture does work. But it takes a long time to work.

Waterboarding is not a good idea. Too dangerous.
I have not watched the confirmation hearing of Sessions. I asked in another topic if Sessions had been asked about waterboarding. But the discussions on this forum about Sessions are more focused on whether or not he has any connection to the beliefs of the far right wing Christian terrorist organization known as the KKK.

So I looked up the answer myself:

He said that waterboarding is “absolutely” illegal and that he did not support barring Muslims from the United States.'re welcome. :)

I have not watched the confirmation hearing. Did they ask Sessions about waterboarding?

Yes they did, and yes he condemned it.
Yet the OP and Democrats are still whining. Go figure?
Your idol has nominated someone who will not authorize waterboarding or sanction a ban on Muslims.

Ruminate on that a while, rube, and ask yourself exactly what it was you voted for.

Sanity. Lets see how it actually plays out. I do not think that Trump ever had any plans on following through with either of those talking points - they were to charge specific voters.
If Trump didn't mean anything he said, then what exactly did people vote for?

Oh, yeah. "Change".

Where have I heard that before?

It would be foolish of anyone to hold any candidate to any promises they make.

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