Seven More Banks Failed in the Past Two Weeks.


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
Bank Name ........City State .....CERT # Acquiring Institution Closing Date Updated Date
Community First Bank ... Chicago IL 57948 ... Northbrook Bank & Trust February 4, 2011 February 4, 2011
North Georgia Bank ......... Watkinsville GA 35242 ... BankSouth February 4, 2011 February 4, 2011
American Trust Bank........ Roswell GA 57432 ... Renasant Bank February 4, 2011 February 4, 2011
First Community Bank....... Taos NM 12261 ... U.S. Bank, National Association January 28, 2011 February 2, 2011
FirsTier Bank ... .... .......... Louisville CO 57646 ... No Acquirer January 28, 2011 February 2, 2011
Evergreen State Bank ........ Stoughton WI 5328 ... McFarland State Bank January 28, 2011 February 2, 2011
The First State Bank ........ Camargo OK 2303 ... Bank 7 January 28, 2011 February 2, 2011
Regardless of all of the false numbers put out by our corrupt government, banks are failing all over the place. This is a result of not putting people back to work.

This could easily be done by a massive building project to upgrade infrastructure all across America. Instead, the Obama administration is sitting on its hands and doing almost nothing to create jobs. We have to change this policy.
Regardless of all of the false numbers put out by our corrupt government, banks are failing all over the place. This is a result of not putting people back to work.

This could easily be done by a massive building project to upgrade infrastructure all across America. Instead, the Obama administration is sitting on its hands and doing almost nothing to create jobs. We have to change this policy.

Deers in headlites don't move.
Regardless of all of the false numbers put out by our corrupt government, banks are failing all over the place. This is a result of not putting people back to work.

This could easily be done by a massive building project to upgrade infrastructure all across America. Instead, the Obama administration is sitting on its hands and doing almost nothing to create jobs. We have to change this policy.

Deers in headlites don't move.

Aaaah, but a resolute leader would have a plan and he would be working on it.

Consider Japan, where massive expenditure of money to create employment for the masses has resulted in the Yen skyrocketing in value. While the United States has sat on our hands and allowed our infrastructure to fall apart and in the process seen the dollar continue to fall in value. Spending brings growth and that growth brings value to the currency of the country that is creating the growth. Cause and effect, pure and simple.

Eisenhower understood it. He ordered a massive highway building project that benefited the US for five decades. Time to think like Ike.
Neubarth, Obama urinated away his political capital on UHC and gimmicks such as cash for clunkers and home buyers tax credits. The Ds can't win in 2012 if they dump Obama and the GOP is not going to back your kind of plan. A vote for the intellectually and morally bankrupt majors is truly a wasted vote for more corruption and crony capitalism.

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