Seven Republicans, Seven Way-Off Theories

With all due respect, I don't come here to read Mother Jones articles. It's a message board. Give some commentary.

Fluff out your "conservatives are freaking assholes" mantra.
Mother Jones? really? A hack shit site if there ever was one.

Anyway, CNN managed to get a hold of one of the big players a YEAR AGO.

Now we manage to nab him? What a fucking farce. I guess Obama just waits until he wants another photo op and a big speech then does something that should have been accomplished a year ago.

If a damn reporter can track him down then the largest and most powerful intelligence collection machine on the planet complete with illegal wiretaps and black prisons sure as hell should have been able to.

But lets applaud him anyway because, because, well he got the job done eventually.
WTF? Theories about republicans by left wing blogs? What would you expect? Spoon fed posts by low information lefties? Here's a thought, stop whining about the minority party and tell us how great the Hussein administration is doing.
Mother Jones LOL
didn't they use to be a stoner rag way back in the 70's?

sorta like Mad Magazine

so I'm going to take them now for politics?
They caught Abu because he was riding around with "Jihadists for Obama" bumper sticker

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Mother Jones? really? A hack shit site if there ever was one.

Anyway, CNN managed to get a hold of one of the big players a YEAR AGO.

Now we manage to nab him? What a fucking farce. I guess Obama just waits until he wants another photo op and a big speech then does something that should have been accomplished a year ago.

If a damn reporter can track him down then the largest and most powerful intelligence collection machine on the planet complete with illegal wiretaps and black prisons sure as hell should have been able to.

But lets applaud him anyway because, because, well he got the job done eventually.

Could be they let him go so they could track him and maybe find the others involved. Don't know of course but I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

That said, Obama has nothing to do with this, nothing. He is detached and hardly shows up for work any more. To think he is involved in these types of decision is delusion. Besides the left was just waiting for someone, anyone to get caught so they could claim a great victory for Obama. Didn't matter if it took a day or took till the end of this term if someone was ever caught, proved guilty or not, then they would have their talking point.

Catching the criminals a year later is good, not doing what was needed to prevent the crime in the first place is equally criminal.

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