Seven unanswered questions in the Fairfax police shooting death of John Geer


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Seven unanswered questions in the Fairfax police shooting death of John Geer - The Washington Post

1) Why did Officer Adam Torres fire one shot at close range and kill John Geer?

After 16 months of silence, the Fairfax police identified a 31-year-old eight-year veteran from the West Springfield patrol station as the shooter, but would not say why he fired. Did Torres think that Geer, after between 30 and 50 minutes of discussion, was reaching for a gun when he began to lower his hands from the top of the storm door? Witnesses say Geer’s hands had only reached eye level when Torres fired. When officers feel threatened, they are trained to fire more than one time. Other officers were also on scene, with weapons aimed at Geer, but they did not fire. Was the shot intentional, or an accident? Did Geer say something that caused Torres to feel threatened?

2) When will a decision be made about whether to charge Torres with a crime?
3)What internal affairs files were the Fairfax and federal prosecutors seeking in this case?
his has apparently been a major sticking point for investigators, and several officials familiar with the case said that both Morrogh and the federal prosecutors were seeking information not on the shooter, Torres, but on one of the police witnesses. The issue reportedly is whether the witness has had prior problems with truthfulness. Fairfax prosecutors are careful not to use witnesses whose truthfulness has been challenged in court, because it allows defense attorneys to attack their testimony. Did a police witness in the Geer case offer corroborating testimony for Torres, or conflicting? This is also complicated by the legal precedent that statements given by officers in internal investigations, mandatorily, cannot be used against them in criminal cases, where they are not required to testify. Morrogh reportedly was not seeking to prosecute anyone based on the prior cases, but Fairfax County attorneys still resisted.

4) How will Fairfax County proceed in the civil lawsuit filed by Geer’s family?

One guess..Tort Reform!!

5) When will Fairfax County provide a detailed timeline of what happened that day?

After 16 months, the Fairfax police for the first time revealed not only Torres’s name, but a new claim that Geer was “displaying a firearm that he threatened to use against the police.”

**Sound Familiar? Everyone got their story straight 16 months later tho

7) Why have Fairfax police not previously stated that Geer was “displaying a firearm that he threatened to use against the police”?

Because silly, they were still working on getting their stories straight

When Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson’s full explanation of why he shot Michael Brown was made publicly available, it provided a previously missing component to the discussion of why Brown was killed. Wilson’s version of events came less than four months after the shooting, but well after the civil unrest it caused. In Fairfax, there has been no civil unrest, and, until Monday, very little information.

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