Seventh grade boy allegedly raped during gym class

The Logo says "Molding Global Leaders". I thought we were molding American leaders. What is up with using Global? Sounds like Kissinger again.

The name of the school is barack obama Global Prep Academy. Now I will explain the name.

The address of the school is 1700 W. 46th St. Los Angeles 90062. The school is in the very heart of the hood. It is an all black school. It is a charter school whose students are there because they cannot go to public school. They are violent, disruptive, with criminal records, and, because there is no place else to put them, special needs children who are disruptive to public school classes. They sometimes give these school extra special fancy names so they don't graduate from schools called "The barack obama Continuation school" which would advertise the fact that the school is an exception to normal public school. It raises self esteem. The name is supposed to convey a sense of pride but it doesn't work.

The school has a history of violence among the students.
Los Angeles Unified Barack Obama Global Preparatory Academy Has Twelve Year Old ARRESTED for School Fight?bigotry?
Barack Obama Global Preparation Academy - Jefferson Park - Los Angeles, CA
The Logo says "Molding Global Leaders". I thought we were molding American leaders. What is up with using Global? Sounds like Kissinger again.

The name of the school is barack obama Global Prep Academy. Now I will explain the name.

The address of the school is 1700 W. 46th St. Los Angeles 90062. The school is in the very heart of the hood. It is an all black school. It is a charter school whose students are there because they cannot go to public school. They are violent, disruptive, with criminal records, and, because there is no place else to put them, special needs children who are disruptive to public school classes. They sometimes give these school extra special fancy names so they don't graduate from schools called "The barack obama Continuation school" which would advertise the fact that the school is an exception to normal public school. It raises self esteem. The name is supposed to convey a sense of pride but it doesn't work.

The school has a history of violence among the students.
Los Angeles Unified Barack Obama Global Preparatory Academy Has Twelve Year Old ARRESTED for School Fight?bigotry?
Barack Obama Global Preparation Academy - Jefferson Park - Los Angeles, CA

Well if this school gets kids out of the regular schools that are disruptive, isn't this a good thing?
Rule 1: Never have things named after you when you are still Alive
Rule 2: Especially if you are a polarizing personality.

Like the USS George Bush? :eusa_eh:

It's different. Bush is white.

So, why do you always bring up race? Seems like a very weak stance. Race has no effect on my liking or disliking Obama, policy has a huge effect on my liking and disliking Obama.

I am sorry that you are small minded and ignorant and that someone's skin color matters to you.
The Logo says "Molding Global Leaders". I thought we were molding American leaders. What is up with using Global? Sounds like Kissinger again.

The name of the school is barack obama Global Prep Academy. Now I will explain the name.

The address of the school is 1700 W. 46th St. Los Angeles 90062. The school is in the very heart of the hood. It is an all black school. It is a charter school whose students are there because they cannot go to public school. They are violent, disruptive, with criminal records, and, because there is no place else to put them, special needs children who are disruptive to public school classes. They sometimes give these school extra special fancy names so they don't graduate from schools called "The barack obama Continuation school" which would advertise the fact that the school is an exception to normal public school. It raises self esteem. The name is supposed to convey a sense of pride but it doesn't work.

The school has a history of violence among the students.
Los Angeles Unified Barack Obama Global Preparatory Academy Has Twelve Year Old ARRESTED for School Fight?bigotry?
Barack Obama Global Preparation Academy - Jefferson Park - Los Angeles, CA

Well if this school gets kids out of the regular schools that are disruptive, isn't this a good thing?

Tough call High, and I really have no answer, but sending "bad" kids to a school full of "bad" kids, would that create a terrible learning environment?

I just seems these are I give up schools.
The name of the school is barack obama Global Prep Academy. Now I will explain the name.

The address of the school is 1700 W. 46th St. Los Angeles 90062. The school is in the very heart of the hood. It is an all black school. It is a charter school whose students are there because they cannot go to public school. They are violent, disruptive, with criminal records, and, because there is no place else to put them, special needs children who are disruptive to public school classes. They sometimes give these school extra special fancy names so they don't graduate from schools called "The barack obama Continuation school" which would advertise the fact that the school is an exception to normal public school. It raises self esteem. The name is supposed to convey a sense of pride but it doesn't work.

The school has a history of violence among the students.
Los Angeles Unified Barack Obama Global Preparatory Academy Has Twelve Year Old ARRESTED for School Fight?bigotry?
Barack Obama Global Preparation Academy - Jefferson Park - Los Angeles, CA

Well if this school gets kids out of the regular schools that are disruptive, isn't this a good thing?

Tough call High, and I really have no answer, but sending "bad" kids to a school full of "bad" kids, would that create a terrible learning environment?

I just seems these are I give up schools.

They kind of are and I know what you mean, but if we put these kids in regular schools they will be mixed in with the kids who are not in trouble and thats not good either.
Well if this school gets kids out of the regular schools that are disruptive, isn't this a good thing?

Tough call High, and I really have no answer, but sending "bad" kids to a school full of "bad" kids, would that create a terrible learning environment?

I just seems these are I give up schools.

They kind of are and I know what you mean, but if we put these kids in regular schools they will be mixed in with the kids who are not in trouble and thats not good either.

I know, I wish there was a solution but it's a tough issue. I want to see kids succeed, I also know it has to come from them, not anyone else.
The Logo says "Molding Global Leaders". I thought we were molding American leaders. What is up with using Global? Sounds like Kissinger again.

The name of the school is barack obama Global Prep Academy. Now I will explain the name.

The address of the school is 1700 W. 46th St. Los Angeles 90062. The school is in the very heart of the hood. It is an all black school. It is a charter school whose students are there because they cannot go to public school. They are violent, disruptive, with criminal records, and, because there is no place else to put them, special needs children who are disruptive to public school classes. They sometimes give these school extra special fancy names so they don't graduate from schools called "The barack obama Continuation school" which would advertise the fact that the school is an exception to normal public school. It raises self esteem. The name is supposed to convey a sense of pride but it doesn't work.

The school has a history of violence among the students.
Los Angeles Unified Barack Obama Global Preparatory Academy Has Twelve Year Old ARRESTED for School Fight?bigotry?
Barack Obama Global Preparation Academy - Jefferson Park - Los Angeles, CA

Well if this school gets kids out of the regular schools that are disruptive, isn't this a good thing?

It is until the boys start raping other boys. Then it's not such a good thing. Disruptive and violent children should be removed from public school but to put them all together as if they were in just another public school is a rejection of reality. Those schools need more supervision. Then even having such supervision that treats them differently by requiring more supervision opens up another whole can of worms.
The name of the school is barack obama Global Prep Academy. Now I will explain the name.

The address of the school is 1700 W. 46th St. Los Angeles 90062. The school is in the very heart of the hood. It is an all black school. It is a charter school whose students are there because they cannot go to public school. They are violent, disruptive, with criminal records, and, because there is no place else to put them, special needs children who are disruptive to public school classes. They sometimes give these school extra special fancy names so they don't graduate from schools called "The barack obama Continuation school" which would advertise the fact that the school is an exception to normal public school. It raises self esteem. The name is supposed to convey a sense of pride but it doesn't work.

The school has a history of violence among the students.
Los Angeles Unified Barack Obama Global Preparatory Academy Has Twelve Year Old ARRESTED for School Fight?bigotry?
Barack Obama Global Preparation Academy - Jefferson Park - Los Angeles, CA

Well if this school gets kids out of the regular schools that are disruptive, isn't this a good thing?

It is until the boys start raping other boys. Then it's not such a good thing. Disruptive and violent children should be removed from public school but to put them all together as if they were in just another public school is a rejection of reality. Those schools need more supervision. Then even having such supervision that treats them differently by requiring more supervision opens up another whole can of worms.

Oh I agree, they need more security there for sure.
Kid raped at school? Any priests teach there?

The rape of children by public school teachers FAR eclipses those done by priests at the height of priest molestations. California had to close down an entire school because transferring molesters around the school system resulted in the majority of teachers at Miramonte Elementary being child molesters.

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