Seventy Two killed resisting gun confiscation in Boston

You are so full of shit. The hunting weapons of that time, the rifled Pennsylvania Rifle, was actually superior to the Brown Bess, the standard musket of the British Army.

And nobody is confiscating weapons today. Although there are certain people that we would all be safer were their guns confiscated. And you are certainly one of them.
Modern American Progressives would be OK with British soldiers stationed in Post Office, checking through our mail, because King King George knows how to keep his people safe

Well, you are correct in that if you are stockpiling weapons in order to stage an armed insurrection against your government, you will probably suffer some severe consequences.

What do you expect?

Do you really expect a government to facilitate insurection because "it's legal" or "it's the right thing to do" ????

Grow up.

If you want to rebel against your government then you are going to have to have the courage of your convictions. You are going to have to face possible death, imprisionment, public distain, etc ...

This juvenile notion that there should be no risk of consequence is silly wishful thinking.
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You are so full of shit. The hunting weapons of that time, the rifled Pennsylvania Rifle, was actually superior to the Brown Bess, the standard musket of the British Army.

And nobody is confiscating weapons today. Although there are certain people that we would all be safer were their guns confiscated. And you are certainly one of them.

Registration leads to Confiscation. We aren't far from it. So glad to see you would enjoy taking away your fellow citizens constitutional rights. Shows us all right where you sit...Just another statist lap dog.
You are so full of shit. The hunting weapons of that time, the rifled Pennsylvania Rifle, was actually superior to the Brown Bess, the standard musket of the British Army.

Not exactly. While a rifled musket was much more accurate, the smoothbore was MUCH faster to reload. For an infantry musket (designed to be fired in mass volleys), rate of fire was everything.
You are so full of shit. The hunting weapons of that time, the rifled Pennsylvania Rifle, was actually superior to the Brown Bess, the standard musket of the British Army.

And nobody is confiscating weapons today. Although there are certain people that we would all be safer were their guns confiscated. And you are certainly one of them.

Actually most deer hunting rifles of today are in many ways superior to rifles designed for tactical use. In any case the weapons in question were also muskets; not the Pennsylvania Rifles.
You are so full of shit. The hunting weapons of that time, the rifled Pennsylvania Rifle, was actually superior to the Brown Bess, the standard musket of the British Army.

And nobody is confiscating weapons today. Although there are certain people that we would all be safer were their guns confiscated. And you are certainly one of them.

Registration leads to Confiscation. We aren't far from it. So glad to see you would enjoy taking away your fellow citizens constitutional rights. Shows us all right where you sit...Just another statist lap dog.

"We" who?
Can I ask where you live?
Because, here in FL, there's not even a hint of registration
Well, you are correct in that if you are stockpiling weapons in order to stage an armed insurrection against your government, you will probably suffer some severe consequences.

Do you think the government has a legal right to assume the reason a person has arms/ammo?
You are so full of shit. The hunting weapons of that time, the rifled Pennsylvania Rifle, was actually superior to the Brown Bess, the standard musket of the British Army.

And nobody is confiscating weapons today. Although there are certain people that we would all be safer were their guns confiscated. And you are certainly one of them.

Registration leads to Confiscation. We aren't far from it. So glad to see you would enjoy taking away your fellow citizens constitutional rights. Shows us all right where you sit...Just another statist lap dog.

"We" who?
Can I ask where you live?
Because, here in FL, there's not even a hint of registration
North Carolina. I don't mean just in my state I mean in the whole country...if its even in 1 state its illegal and on the way to confiscation.
Registration leads to Confiscation. We aren't far from it. So glad to see you would enjoy taking away your fellow citizens constitutional rights. Shows us all right where you sit...Just another statist lap dog.

"We" who?
Can I ask where you live?
Because, here in FL, there's not even a hint of registration
North Carolina. I don't mean just in my state I mean in the whole country...if its even in 1 state its illegal and on the way to confiscation.

I saw that after I asked.
Wouldn't it be up to the state, though? Given the wide range of gun laws across the country, I'd say the precedent exists.
Already have a precedent. Its called the 2nd amendment. ANYTHING that goes against that is illegal. I plan on buying some guns come income tax time and I have no intention of registering them...its none of the governments business what I have...I will move out of state or buy them in a different state if need be...I know every year right around that time there is a gun show here...
Already have a precedent. Its called the 2nd amendment. ANYTHING that goes against that is illegal. I plan on buying some guns come income tax time and I have no intention of registering them...its none of the governments business what I have...I will move out of state or buy them in a different state if need be...I know every year right around that time there is a gun show here...

Wow, dude.
I was just browsing NC gun laws.

A "purchase permit"???
It wouldn't surprise me if the state does away with that law...we got a Republican governor and the republicans have majority in the entire legislature.

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