Sex and the CIA: The Abrupt Fall of Gen. David Petraeus


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

On the sudden resignation of Gen. David Petraeus over an adulterous affair, political pundit David Brooks lamented that we couldn't have a more "French attitude" toward such human peccadilloes. Indeed, the CIA's third and longest serving director, Allen Dulles, was a notorious serial adulterer who reportedly had sex with the Queen of Greece in his office. So, why drum one of America's most brilliant generals out of office in the bat of an eye?

A most interesting take on the resignation by an ex-diplomat @

Granny says, "Dat's right - court-martial his sorry butt...
David Petraeus: Broadwell affair was 'colossal mistake'
12 November 2012 - Steve Boylan said the former spymaster knows he has made a "colossal mistake"
Former CIA director David Petraeus has acknowledged his extramarital affair was a "colossal mistake", his former spokesman has told ABC News. Retired Army Col Steve Boylan said Gen Petraeus' wife Holly was "not exactly pleased" by the revelation, adding that "furious would be an understatement". The former general resigned over a relationship with Paula Broadwell, his biographer and a former army officer.

It was discovered after a second woman, Jill Kelley, reported harassing emails. Mrs Kelley, 37, told the FBI that she had received anonymous emails, prompting an investigation into Mrs Broadwell, a married mother of two. In his interview with ABC News, Col Boylan said Gen Petraeus' affair with Mrs Broadwell, 40, began after the four-star general retired from the army. "This was poor judgement on his part," Col Boylan said. "It was a colossal mistake, he knows that, he's acknowledged that." He added: "They're a strong family. They'll get through this."

The relationship began about two months after Gen Petraeus, 60, took up his post as director of the CIA in September 2011, Col Boylan said. He also said it ended about four months ago. Adultery is illegal under military law, and correspondents say Gen Petraeus could face military prosecution if evidence is found to challenge his claims that the affair began after he left the army.

The former general joined the CIA in 2011 after heading international forces in Iraq and later in Afghanistan. He was the highest-profile military officer of the post-9/11 years, and was widely credited for his role in running the "surge" in Iraq and implementing a counter-insurgency strategy in Afghanistan.

Benghazi focus
If Petreaus hadn't seen subpenaed to testify before the senate, we'd never have heard of this.

The obama royal regime is systematically removing all of the top military leadership.
I'm outside the usa main stream media so I have only seen a splattering of articles. Is there evidence that he let some secret information slip or are we really running him out of town for an affair?
I'm outside the usa main stream media so I have only seen a splattering of articles. Is there evidence that he let some secret information slip or are we really running him out of town for an affair?

The FBI determined no crime was committed so this is all about stopping him from testifying. Now it's about preventing John R. Allen from testifying too.
If Petreaus hadn't seen subpenaed to testify before the senate, we'd never have heard of this.

The obama royal regime is systematically removing all of the top military leadership.


He wasn't even the focus of the investigation.

And Republicans knew about it first.

what's the problem? Even a spy likes a little strange pussy now and then. It wasn't a problem for James Bond.
If Petreaus hadn't seen subpenaed to testify before the senate, we'd never have heard of this.

The obama royal regime is systematically removing all of the top military leadership.


He wasn't even the focus of the investigation.

And Republicans knew about it first.


The purpose of the investigation was to manufacture an incident that could be used to prevent Petreaus from testifying. Otherwise, just let the investigation go on and put his ass in the witness chair.
what's the problem? Even a spy likes a little strange pussy now and then. It wasn't a problem for James Bond.

This is all about pussy, strange or otherwise? :eusa_shifty:

This is about this regime asking Petreaus if he'd rather resign or have a sudden heart attack.
Washington Post: "President Obama is considering asking Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) to serve as his next defense secretary, part of an extensive rearrangement of his national security team that will include a permanent replacement for former CIA director David H. Petraeus."
Court martial? what the fuck? what did the guy really do that was that bad?

Question: if he testified under oath that Benghazi was about the video, while knowing full well that it wasn't.....see the Broadwell speech at Denver, suggesting that the CIA had Libyan prisoners at a secret location as the source of the attacks......would that be cause for court marshall?
Court martial? what the fuck? what did the guy really do that was that bad?

Question: if he testified under oath that Benghazi was about the video, while knowing full well that it wasn't.....see the Broadwell speech at Denver, suggesting that the CIA had Libyan prisoners at a secret location as the source of the attacks......would that be cause for court marshall?

PC, I am just starting to pay attention to this issue. Is this about the above that you posted or the sexual flings?

Is there an official word on this?
Court martial? what the fuck? what did the guy really do that was that bad?

Question: if he testified under oath that Benghazi was about the video, while knowing full well that it wasn't.....see the Broadwell speech at Denver, suggesting that the CIA had Libyan prisoners at a secret location as the source of the attacks......would that be cause for court marshall?

Oh wow, I honestly don't know, but I disagree the man should lose his job because of his sex life.
Court martial? what the fuck? what did the guy really do that was that bad?

Question: if he testified under oath that Benghazi was about the video, while knowing full well that it wasn't.....see the Broadwell speech at Denver, suggesting that the CIA had Libyan prisoners at a secret location as the source of the attacks......would that be cause for court marshall?

Oh wow, I honestly don't know, but I disagree the man should lose his job because of his sex life.

Or woman HG. :eusa_angel:
Court martial? what the fuck? what did the guy really do that was that bad?

Whatever it takes to get the attention off the Benghazi Bungler. Now they've targeted John R. Allen. One by one, everyone who has any knowledge of the situation in the middle east, including Benghazi is being replaced and removed beyond their ability to testify.

How stupid is the American public? Really? They will accept this whole cloth rather than find out what really happened and what obama is actually covering up. In order to get these men to sacrifice themselves and their entire careers, it has to be something really big.

I have heard of anything like this since Henry VIII manufactured a heresy case against Katherine of Aragon so he could marry Anne Boelyn.

On the sudden resignation of Gen. David Petraeus over an adulterous affair, political pundit David Brooks lamented that we couldn't have a more "French attitude" toward such human peccadilloes. Indeed, the CIA's third and longest serving director, Allen Dulles, was a notorious serial adulterer who reportedly had sex with the Queen of Greece in his office. So, why drum one of America's most brilliant generals out of office in the bat of an eye?

A most interesting take on the resignation by an ex-diplomat @


Right Wing and conservative moralism along with Progressive moralism. I remember them all going after a blowjob of to the side of the Oval Office.

fucking Puritan streak in the USA

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