Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided

The DNA never lies....the author is correct. Stop enabling these poor deluded people with mental issues. They need professional help
They seem to be getting it but you don’t seem to like what the professionals are saying.

What the professionals are saying?

Okay, let's say you had a friend that decided he was a Cocker Spaniel. He or she would eat from dog bowls on the floor, go outside to urinate, bark at the door when the bell rang. Would you really need a professional to tell you this person is not normal and needs help, or would you just conclude that God Fd up again and put a dog in a mans body?
What if a trans-gendered person does not decide to alter their body, but simply to live, dress, and act as a member of the other sex? Should this person be forced or bullied or assaulted into acting as a member of his/her birth sex?

Somehow, I can't imagine a biological male, dressed in female clothing, being left alone without bother in a public restroom. Usually, female people do not bully like this (in college I used to go to a predominantly "gay" dance club in D.C., and we "real girls" didn't do anything to the "girls for the evening" who joined us in the loo, and who usually looked better than we did). But I strongly suspect that the people upset that some transgender folks choose to alter their bodies would bully and assault these same folks if they didn't.

Didn't you just get done saying this was personal and only involved the trans person? And now all of a sudden it's MY problem and I'm supposed to take up the slack for HIS decision? I think not.

What I said was that matters of sexual identity, surgery, anything to do with the body, such be left up to the individual, and that there is a strong likelihood that forcing transgendered people to use restrooms according to their birth gender would lead to bullying and assault due to the amount of insane bullies and hoodlums who seem to think that they are somehow entitled to be "enforcers" of some social code.

All of us are being asked to think that other people's problems are now OUR problems and that we should take up the slack for them. Look at all the people who claim that they have some sort of "belief" and, for that reason, everyone else must stop what they are doing and take up the slack for THEIR decisions, when they are under no threat of physical aggression and their "beliefs" involve other people as well as themselves.
I want a liberal to tell me why, if gender is only a social construct, does it take hormone injections to change it?
Yeah except one little problem Lysteria. Drs are professionally prohibited from amputating healthy organs & lying to their manifestly mentally ill patients while they do.

Do you realize that mentally delusional adults don't have legal power to consent? Don't worry, lawyers will be explaining that to your cult's "doctors" in the near future.
I want a liberal to tell me why, if gender is only a social construct, does it take hormone injections to change it?
I'm not sure whether I am a "liberal," since there is no universally-accepted definition of this term, but biological sex and gender are two different things. Biological sex refers to physical organs. Gender refers to expectations of how a person "should" act and dress, or shouldn't. This is made up and somehow becomes absolutely rigid, even though human behavior is not anywhere near this rigid.
Not all transgendered people elect to undergo reassignment surgery, but if it is something they want, since their self-identity is not in alignment with their biological sex, what's it to anyone else? How would any stranger even know?
^^ So what you just admitted is that doctors are amputating healthy organs of confused or frustrated people in order to cure rigid social stereotypes EXTERNAL to the patient.

What The Fuck?

Meanwhile these crash test dummies are busy adopting extreme images of stereotypes in the opposite gender. How tragically ironic. And, malpractice. These patients belong on the couch. Not the gurney.
I'm not sure whether I am a "liberal," since there is no universally-accepted definition of this term, but biological sex and gender are two different things. Biological sex refers to physical organs. Gender refers to expectations of how a person "should" act and dress, or shouldn't. This is made up and somehow becomes absolutely rigid, even though human behavior is not anywhere near this rigid.
Not all transgendered people elect to undergo reassignment surgery, but if it is something they want, since their self-identity is not in alignment with their biological sex, what's it to anyone else? How would any stranger even know?

It's because you're “liberal”, in other words, because you are mentally- and morally-defective.

Male or female is a matter of hard, objective, biological fact. There is nothing meaningful about a claimed “gender identity” that is contrary to one's biological reality. Someone who is biologically male, but claims to be, in any way, female, is simply delusional, at best.
Yeah except one little problem Lysteria. Drs are professionally prohibited from amputating healthy organs & lying to their manifestly mentally ill patients while they do.

Do you realize that mentally delusional adults don't have legal power to consent? Don't worry, lawyers will be explaining that to your cult's "doctors" in the near future.
They increase and reduce healthy breast tissue, remove body fat and alter healthy noses. What is the difference here? As long as it is an adult why do you care?
^^ So what you just admitted is that doctors are amputating healthy organs of confused or frustrated people in order to cure rigid social stereotypes EXTERNAL to the patient.

What The Fuck?

Meanwhile these crash test dummies are busy adopting extreme images of stereotypes in the opposite gender. How tragically ironic. And, malpractice. These patients belong on the couch. Not the gurney.
A lot of them have gotten and continue to get years of therapy.
They increase and reduce healthy breast tissue, remove body fat and alter healthy noses. What is the difference here? As long as it is an adult why do you care?
Because sex change isn't possible. Read the OP. Telling the patient it is so you can permanently mangle their urinary tract and render it susceptible to chronic disease, and render the patient permanently sterile, and render the patient sexually numb, for life, is manifest malpractice. Augmenting a breast isn't telling the patient that she will become a man or a kangaroo as a result. See the difference? It's medical deception and wanton mutilation for profit. These MDs belong in jail.
Yeah except one little problem Lysteria. Drs are professionally prohibited from amputating healthy organs & lying to their manifestly mentally ill patients while they do.

Do you realize that mentally delusional adults don't have legal power to consent? Don't worry, lawyers will be explaining that to your cult's "doctors" in the near future.

I am NOT a member of any cult, although you obviously are, judging from all of your posts. There is no reason to think that being transgendered is to be "manifestly mentally ill". Go take it up with the AMA and the rest of the medical professionals. What's your beef, anyway? What would stopping people from being transgendered, or being LGTB do for your cult?
I am NOT a member of any cult, although you obviously are, judging from all of your posts. There is no reason to think that being transgendered is to be "manifestly mentally ill". Go take it up with the AMA and the rest of the medical professionals. What's your beef, anyway? What would stopping people from being transgendered, or being LGTB do for your cult?

Yeah, other than the desire to hire a quack MD to butcher your naughty parts, leaving yourself no more the opposite sex than if you drew the parts on your body with a marking pen. All so you will be left a butchered eunuch halfling, a sterlized male (or female), a joke, a shambles of a human being, susceptible to urinary tract infections for life and sexually numb. Other than those things, there's "no reason to think that being transgendered is to be "manifestly mentally ill".

If that doesn't fit manifest mental illness Miss Lysteria, nothing does. How many menstrual periods will "Jazz" the boy freak have? How many babies? How will he feel when he ovulates? Oh, that's right, he'll never be female. His parents belong in jail as do the doctors treating him with hormones that are not approved by the FDA for such use in children.
I am NOT a member of any cult, although you obviously are, judging from all of your posts. There is no reason to think that being transgendered is to be "manifestly mentally ill". Go take it up with the AMA and the rest of the medical professionals. What's your beef, anyway? What would stopping people from being transgendered, or being LGTB do for your cult?

Yeah, other than the desire to hire a quack MD to butcher your naughty parts, leaving yourself no more the opposite sex than if you drew the parts on your body with a marking pen. All so you will be left a butchered eunuch halfling, a sterlized male (or female), a joke, a shambles of a human being, susceptible to urinary tract infections for life and sexually numb. Other than those things, there's "no reason to think that being transgendered is to be "manifestly mentally ill".

If that doesn't fit manifest mental illness Miss Lysteria, nothing does. How many menstrual periods will "Jazz" the boy freak have? How many babies? How will he feel when he ovulates? Oh, that's right, he'll never be female. His parents belong in jail as do the doctors treating him with hormones that are not approved by the FDA for such use in children.
You seem to have an obsession. This is personal.
Why not let people live their own lives?

What happen to personal freedom? Oh'yess, that no longer matters when it is something you disagree with.

If it isn't guns, bibles or teaching our young men to kill = it is unacceptable to you.

Who's preventing them from living their own lives? What, you think WE went looking for THEM, because we had a desperate need to involve this crap in OUR lives? The problem here is that increasing numbers of people in our society think that "living their own lives" must include other people participating in the script for their little life movies, whether those other people are interested in making the cameo appearance or not.

As for the disdain apparent in your little "if it's not XYZ, it's unacceptable to you" comment, so what if it is? Why not let people live their own lives? What happened to personal freedom? Oh, yes, that no longer matters when it's something YOU disagree with.
You seem to have an obsession. This is personal.

That is what is called ^^ an evasion of the points I made. Are you afraid to address them?
You didn't make any, as usual. Leave this matter to the medical people who actually know something about the discordance between their biological sex and a person's mental perception of gender, not the ignorant jerks who lead your bizarre cult. Go shake your tambourine. BTW: sex-reassignment surgery is not usual. You are obsessed and I am not going to waste time on your cult crap. Go do some reading, sing hymns, shout and wave your hands. Move to Guyana. It's not your decision, anyhow, and has nothing to do with you or your "preachers." Leave these people alone.
It is criminal that the left exploits these poor, tormented people. Their actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Contrary to the claims of activists, sex isn’t “assigned” at birth—and that’s why it can’t be “reassigned.” As I explain in my book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, sex is a bodily reality that can be recognized well before birth with ultrasound imaging. The sex of an organism is defined and identified by the way in which it (he or she) is organized for sexual reproduction.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided
I know people who have had sex change surgery and are very fine with their lives now. I believe you are just jealous that you never got a sex change.

They have a very high suicide rate, so maybe you better keep a close watch on your "people."

Instead of addressing their issues, they live in this make believe world where you can be any gender you want by taking some pills and getting mutilated. When they go all the way and find out they really can't be a woman, they become depressed as their bubble just got popped.

A man can't have surgery and enjoy sex like a woman. When you have that kind of surgery, you can't have sex for the rest of your life. When they finally realize they will never have real sex again, they off themselves.

If a man puts on a dress, that does not make him a woman no more than putting typing paper in his ass makes him a typewriter. The most humane thing society can do is get these people some help instead of pandering to them.

I suspect, more to the point, is that they tend to be very troubled people with rather screwed-up lives, and think that "transitioning" will solve all their problems. And then, when it's over, they discover that they are still themselves, their lives are still their lives, and most of their problems stayed right where they were, with some new ones added for company.

This is far from the only surgical procedure that engenders such a large amount of unrealistic expectations. Cosmetic surgery, bariatric surgery, pretty much anything that makes a really large change in your body. When I had gastric bypass surgery, my doctor insisted that I get counseling before and after AND join a support group to address my expectations versus the realities of what changes the surgery could and could not effect. Unfortunately, even if someone who is "transitioning" DOES get counseling and support, I'm not at all sure it's as grounded in reality as it should be. I was appalled to meet a MtF transgender a couple years back who genuinely believed that he/she was now fully a female, anatomically and genetically, as well as superficially. I don't know if the surgical team actually let him/her walk out the door with that misconception, or if they explained the medical situation thoroughly and he/she just let wishful thinking drown it out.
They increase and reduce healthy breast tissue, remove body fat and alter healthy noses. What is the difference here? As long as it is an adult why do you care?
Because sex change isn't possible. Read the OP. Telling the patient it is so you can permanently mangle their urinary tract and render it susceptible to chronic disease, and render the patient permanently sterile, and render the patient sexually numb, for life, is manifest malpractice. Augmenting a breast isn't telling the patient that she will become a man or a kangaroo as a result. See the difference? It's medical deception and wanton mutilation for profit. These MDs belong in jail.
Why does it matter to you?

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