Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided

It is criminal that the left exploits these poor, tormented people. Their actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Contrary to the claims of activists, sex isn’t “assigned” at birth—and that’s why it can’t be “reassigned.” As I explain in my book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, sex is a bodily reality that can be recognized well before birth with ultrasound imaging. The sex of an organism is defined and identified by the way in which it (he or she) is organized for sexual reproduction.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided
you worry about the strangest things. LOL
AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH science! But only when it helps their argument.
RIght wing phony hypocrites.

It is criminal that the left exploits these poor, tormented people. Their actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Contrary to the claims of activists, sex isn’t “assigned” at birth—and that’s why it can’t be “reassigned.” As I explain in my book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, sex is a bodily reality that can be recognized well before birth with ultrasound imaging. The sex of an organism is defined and identified by the way in which it (he or she) is organized for sexual reproduction.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided
So he's:

1) Not a pyshcologist
2) not a doctor
3) not a surgeon

So.... fuck him and his ignorant superstitions..?
AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH science! But only when it helps their argument.
RIght wing phony hypocrites.

It is criminal that the left exploits these poor, tormented people. Their actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Contrary to the claims of activists, sex isn’t “assigned” at birth—and that’s why it can’t be “reassigned.” As I explain in my book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, sex is a bodily reality that can be recognized well before birth with ultrasound imaging. The sex of an organism is defined and identified by the way in which it (he or she) is organized for sexual reproduction.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided
So he's:

1) Not a pyshcologist
2) not a doctor
3) not a surgeon

So.... fuck him and his ignorant superstitions..?

Do you guys know what science is? Because it’s science that tells us our gender
AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Science , once again. Now you want to quote and use science, and again only when it suits you.

AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH science! But only when it helps their argument.
RIght wing phony hypocrites.

It is criminal that the left exploits these poor, tormented people. Their actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Contrary to the claims of activists, sex isn’t “assigned” at birth—and that’s why it can’t be “reassigned.” As I explain in my book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, sex is a bodily reality that can be recognized well before birth with ultrasound imaging. The sex of an organism is defined and identified by the way in which it (he or she) is organized for sexual reproduction.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided
So he's:

1) Not a pyshcologist
2) not a doctor
3) not a surgeon

So.... fuck him and his ignorant superstitions..?

Do you guys know what science is? Because it’s science that tells us our gender
It is criminal that the left exploits these poor, tormented people. Their actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Contrary to the claims of activists, sex isn’t “assigned” at birth—and that’s why it can’t be “reassigned.” As I explain in my book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, sex is a bodily reality that can be recognized well before birth with ultrasound imaging. The sex of an organism is defined and identified by the way in which it (he or she) is organized for sexual reproduction.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided
I’ve never met a person so proud of knowing so little.

Of course you have kid, every time you look in the mirror. You guys love you some Science, right up until you don't. A woman is a woman and a man is a man. Yes, it's just that simple.
AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Science , once again. Now you want to quote and use science, and again only when it suits you.

AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH science! But only when it helps their argument.
RIght wing phony hypocrites.

It is criminal that the left exploits these poor, tormented people. Their actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Contrary to the claims of activists, sex isn’t “assigned” at birth—and that’s why it can’t be “reassigned.” As I explain in my book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, sex is a bodily reality that can be recognized well before birth with ultrasound imaging. The sex of an organism is defined and identified by the way in which it (he or she) is organized for sexual reproduction.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided
So he's:

1) Not a pyshcologist
2) not a doctor
3) not a surgeon

So.... fuck him and his ignorant superstitions..?

Do you guys know what science is? Because it’s science that tells us our gender

Conservatives don’t have issues with science

You just don’t know what science is.

Consensus isn’t scisnce
It is criminal that the left exploits these poor, tormented people. Their actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Contrary to the claims of activists, sex isn’t “assigned” at birth—and that’s why it can’t be “reassigned.” As I explain in my book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, sex is a bodily reality that can be recognized well before birth with ultrasound imaging. The sex of an organism is defined and identified by the way in which it (he or she) is organized for sexual reproduction.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided
I’ve never met a person so proud of knowing so little.

Of course you have kid, every time you look in the mirror. You guys love you some Science, right up until you don't. A woman is a woman and a man is a man. Yes, it's just that simple.

Let’s be honest here. They don’t love science. If they actually did they would be conservatives
Conservatives don’t have issues with science

You just don’t know what science is.

Consensus isn’t scisnce

When a LIbEral speaks of “science”, that word is rarely used to mean what sane people understand it to mean.
It is criminal that the left exploits these poor, tormented people. Their actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Contrary to the claims of activists, sex isn’t “assigned” at birth—and that’s why it can’t be “reassigned.” As I explain in my book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, sex is a bodily reality that can be recognized well before birth with ultrasound imaging. The sex of an organism is defined and identified by the way in which it (he or she) is organized for sexual reproduction.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided
So he's:

1) Not a pyshcologist
2) not a doctor
3) not a surgeon

So.... fuck him and his ignorant superstitions..?

"Dr. Paul McHugh, the University Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, explains:

Transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men. All (including Bruce Jenner) become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they “identify.”"

Well, HE'S a doctor. AND a psychiatrist.

Only a leftist could proclaim to be a champion of "Science!" in one breath and refer to basic biology as "superstition" in the next. Anyone with a brain would have it explode from that level of cognitive dissonance.
It is criminal that the left exploits these poor, tormented people. Their actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Contrary to the claims of activists, sex isn’t “assigned” at birth—and that’s why it can’t be “reassigned.” As I explain in my book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, sex is a bodily reality that can be recognized well before birth with ultrasound imaging. The sex of an organism is defined and identified by the way in which it (he or she) is organized for sexual reproduction.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided
So he's:

1) Not a pyshcologist
2) not a doctor
3) not a surgeon

So.... fuck him and his ignorant superstitions..?

Superstitions like men are men and women are women
The human psychology is a complex thing. You might want to strongly consider the fact that you know less than nothing about any of this.

Yes, but sex isn't psychological. It's biological. It's no more subject to how you "feelz" about it than the fact that we take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. It just IS.
"Dr. Paul McHugh, the University Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, explains:

Transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men. All (including Bruce Jenner) become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they “identify.”"

Well, HE'S a doctor. AND a psychiatrist.

Only a leftist could proclaim to be a champion of "Science!" in one breath and refer to basic biology as "superstition" in the next. Anyone with a brain would have it explode from that level of cognitive dissonance.

Didn't you hear? The LGBT cult proclaimed him a "bigot, homophobe/hater" and pressured the crap out of Johns Hopkins to shrink back from his frank and honest professional assessment of the insanity.

These thugs are trying to remake reality. Why? Because people in deep, warped, late stage denial would rather remake the world than look inside at what went wrong.
Apparently he knows the difference between a male and a female. He's 100% correct.
You might want to consider the idea that your uneducated, uninformed opinion on this topic is worth less than nothing.

"Based on a thorough review of the clinical evidence available at this time, there is not enough evidence to determine whether gender reassignment surgery improves health outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries with gender dysphoria. There were conflicting (inconsistent) study results—of the best designed studies, some reported benefits while others reported harms. The quality and strength of evidence were low due to the mostly observational study designs with no comparison groups, potential confounding and small sample sizes. Many studies that reported positive outcomes were exploratory type studies (case-series and case-control) with no confirmatory follow-up.

After careful assessment, we identified six studies that could provide useful information. Of these, the four best designed and conducted studies that assessed quality of life before and after surgery using validated (albeit non-specific) psychometric studies did not demonstrate clinically significant changes or differences in psychometric test results after GRS [gender reassignment surgery]." - Centers for Medicare and Medicaid

Is their opinion also "uneducated, uninformed, and worth less than nothing"?
It is tragic. I can’t imagine living a life in such denial of basic truths of life.

what is tragic is that people like you care about what other people do.

but I guess that's what self-righteous bigots do.
It is criminal that the left exploits these poor, tormented people. Their actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Contrary to the claims of activists, sex isn’t “assigned” at birth—and that’s why it can’t be “reassigned.” As I explain in my book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, sex is a bodily reality that can be recognized well before birth with ultrasound imaging. The sex of an organism is defined and identified by the way in which it (he or she) is organized for sexual reproduction.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided

The people most involved are the ones to decide this. i.e. the person, his/her family, and medical staff.

If they weren't flooding the courts with attempts to force everyone else to pretend along with their delusion, that might be true.
What if a trans-gendered person does not decide to alter their body, but simply to live, dress, and act as a member of the other sex? Should this person be forced or bullied or assaulted into acting as a member of his/her birth sex?

Somehow, I can't imagine a biological male, dressed in female clothing, being left alone without bother in a public restroom. Usually, female people do not bully like this (in college I used to go to a predominantly "gay" dance club in D.C., and we "real girls" didn't do anything to the "girls for the evening" who joined us in the loo, and who usually looked better than we did). But I strongly suspect that the people upset that some transgender folks choose to alter their bodies would bully and assault these same folks if they didn't.

Didn't you just get done saying this was personal and only involved the trans person? And now all of a sudden it's MY problem and I'm supposed to take up the slack for HIS decision? I think not.
So according to the left, a person can basically choose to be whateverthehell they decide, facts be damned.

lol, you leftists are so fucking retarded.

DELAWARE K-12 SCHOOLS: Students May Choose Their Race and Gender, and Keep It Secret From Parents - DANGEROUS

Newsflash, morons.

You CAN NOT choose your sex.

You CAN NOT change your sex.

You CAN NOT choose your race.

You CAN NOT change your race.

You CAN NOT choose your ethnicity.

You CAN NOT change your ethnicity.

And you stupid idiots claim to be the party of science?

bahahaha smdh
Why not let people live their own lives?

What happen to personal freedom? Oh'yess, that no longer matters when it is something you disagree with.

If it isn't guns, bibles or teaching our young men to kill = it is unacceptable to you.
What if a trans-gendered person does not decide to alter their body, but simply to live, dress, and act as a member of the other sex?

Urban Dictionary: Crossdresser
A man who dresses in womens clothes is a male to female (MtF) crossdresser, a woman who dresses as a man is a female to male (FtM) crossdresser. Crossdresser is often synonymous with the term transvestite and both only refer to the clothes a person is wearing without making any comment on which gender the person ...
It is criminal that the left exploits these poor, tormented people. Their actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Contrary to the claims of activists, sex isn’t “assigned” at birth—and that’s why it can’t be “reassigned.” As I explain in my book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, sex is a bodily reality that can be recognized well before birth with ultrasound imaging. The sex of an organism is defined and identified by the way in which it (he or she) is organized for sexual reproduction.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided
I know people who have had sex change surgery and are very fine with their lives now. I believe you are just jealous that you never got a sex change.

They have a very high suicide rate, so maybe you better keep a close watch on your "people."

Instead of addressing their issues, they live in this make believe world where you can be any gender you want by taking some pills and getting mutilated. When they go all the way and find out they really can't be a woman, they become depressed as their bubble just got popped.

A man can't have surgery and enjoy sex like a woman. When you have that kind of surgery, you can't have sex for the rest of your life. When they finally realize they will never have real sex again, they off themselves.

If a man puts on a dress, that does not make him a woman no more than putting typing paper in his ass makes him a typewriter. The most humane thing society can do is get these people some help instead of pandering to them.

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