Sex, Violence and Hate: the Top 10 Most Disgusting Attacks on Conservative Women

March is Women’s History Month, in which we acknowledge the accomplishments and contributions of women in history and in society today.

But for a select group of women – conservative women – their accomplishments and contributions are rarely celebrated but often demeaned and mocked in sexist – and crassly sexual – ways.

The Culture & Media Institute looked back at what the media had to say over the past year about some of today’s most prominent conservative women, including Michelle Malkin, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Sarah Palin and Liz Cheney, and compiled a list of the 10 worst attacks on these women who dare to speak out in favor of conservative values.

Much of the criticism was the worst sort of misogyny with a dose of violence and disgusting adolescent sex references thrown in for good measure.

List and video here:

Sex, Violence and Hate: the Top 10 Most Disgusting Attacks on Conservative Women

More vicious than the attacks on Michelle Obama? I seriously doubt it, sweetie. There are more disgusting doctored photographs, cartoons, and violent comments against her than I've ever seen in my entire lifetime. Like her or not, the disrespect and pure filth directed at the first lady is beyond political debasement. It's fucking sick. Poor, poor Michelle, Elisabeth, et al., who are television commentators! If they can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
March is Women’s History Month, in which we acknowledge the accomplishments and contributions of women in history and in society today.

But for a select group of women – conservative women – their accomplishments and contributions are rarely celebrated but often demeaned and mocked in sexist – and crassly sexual – ways.

The Culture & Media Institute looked back at what the media had to say over the past year about some of today’s most prominent conservative women, including Michelle Malkin, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Sarah Palin and Liz Cheney, and compiled a list of the 10 worst attacks on these women who dare to speak out in favor of conservative values.

Much of the criticism was the worst sort of misogyny with a dose of violence and disgusting adolescent sex references thrown in for good measure.

List and video here:

Sex, Violence and Hate: the Top 10 Most Disgusting Attacks on Conservative Women

More vicious than the attacks on Michelle Obama? I seriously doubt it, sweetie. There are more disgusting doctored photographs, cartoons, and violent comments against her than I've ever seen in my entire lifetime. Like her or not, the disrespect and pure filth directed at the first lady is beyond political debasement. It's fucking sick. Poor, poor Michelle, Elisabeth, et al., who are television commentators! If they can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Please post links to attacks on Michelle Obama by right wing (or left wing) commentators and media figures. Please show where anyone mention the size of her breasts. Or wanting to throw her down the stairs. Or called her a meat bag.
We'll be waiting.
How about when Rush called Chelsea Clinton "the White House dog"?

Did he refer to the size of her breasts? Did he talk about her getting knocked up by a sports figure? Did he say he wanted to push her down the stairs?
I'd say you're way behind the curve here.

I'll go ahead and use a "Rabbi" debate tactic here:

So it's ok to call a thirteen year old girl a dog?

You're not smart enough to use a "Rabbi" debate tactic.
I'll take your post as a "no" to my question and an acknowledgment that the OP is right and left wing commentators are unabashed sexists and demeaning of women they want to dehumanize.
Did he refer to the size of her breasts? Did he talk about her getting knocked up by a sports figure? Did he say he wanted to push her down the stairs?
I'd say you're way behind the curve here.

I'll go ahead and use a "Rabbi" debate tactic here:

So it's ok to call a thirteen year old girl a dog?

You're not smart enough to use a "Rabbi" debate tactic.
I'll take your post as a "no" to my question and an acknowledgment that the OP is right and left wing commentators are unabashed sexists and demeaning of women they want to dehumanize.

Whatever makes you happy, "Rabbi".
March is Women’s History Month, in which we acknowledge the accomplishments and contributions of women in history and in society today.

But for a select group of women – conservative women – their accomplishments and contributions are rarely celebrated but often demeaned and mocked in sexist – and crassly sexual – ways.

The Culture & Media Institute looked back at what the media had to say over the past year about some of today’s most prominent conservative women, including Michelle Malkin, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Sarah Palin and Liz Cheney, and compiled a list of the 10 worst attacks on these women who dare to speak out in favor of conservative values.

Much of the criticism was the worst sort of misogyny with a dose of violence and disgusting adolescent sex references thrown in for good measure.

List and video here:

Sex, Violence and Hate: the Top 10 Most Disgusting Attacks on Conservative Women

More vicious than the attacks on Michelle Obama? I seriously doubt it, sweetie. There are more disgusting doctored photographs, cartoons, and violent comments against her than I've ever seen in my entire lifetime. Like her or not, the disrespect and pure filth directed at the first lady is beyond political debasement. It's fucking sick. Poor, poor Michelle, Elisabeth, et al., who are television commentators! If they can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Go ahead an post links to these vicious personal attacks.

First make sure that they weren't actually made by Clinton's team.
Ka ching.

"Amazing what you get when you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park."

More vicious than the attacks on Michelle Obama? I seriously doubt it, sweetie. There are more disgusting doctored photographs, cartoons, and violent comments against her than I've ever seen in my entire lifetime. Like her or not, the disrespect and pure filth directed at the first lady is beyond political debasement. It's fucking sick. Poor, poor Michelle, Elisabeth, et al., who are television commentators! If they can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Go ahead an post links to these vicious personal attacks.

First make sure that they weren't actually made by Clinton's team.

Right wing attacks on Michelle Obama hit new low
March is Women’s History Month, in which we acknowledge the accomplishments and contributions of women in history and in society today.

But for a select group of women – conservative women – their accomplishments and contributions are rarely celebrated but often demeaned and mocked in sexist – and crassly sexual – ways.

The Culture & Media Institute looked back at what the media had to say over the past year about some of today’s most prominent conservative women, including Michelle Malkin, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Sarah Palin and Liz Cheney, and compiled a list of the 10 worst attacks on these women who dare to speak out in favor of conservative values.

Much of the criticism was the worst sort of misogyny with a dose of violence and disgusting adolescent sex references thrown in for good measure.

List and video here:

Sex, Violence and Hate: the Top 10 Most Disgusting Attacks on Conservative Women

More vicious than the attacks on Michelle Obama? I seriously doubt it, sweetie. There are more disgusting doctored photographs, cartoons, and violent comments against her than I've ever seen in my entire lifetime. Like her or not, the disrespect and pure filth directed at the first lady is beyond political debasement. It's fucking sick. Poor, poor Michelle, Elisabeth, et al., who are television commentators! If they can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.







More vicious than the attacks on Michelle Obama? I seriously doubt it, sweetie. There are more disgusting doctored photographs, cartoons, and violent comments against her than I've ever seen in my entire lifetime. Like her or not, the disrespect and pure filth directed at the first lady is beyond political debasement. It's fucking sick. Poor, poor Michelle, Elisabeth, et al., who are television commentators! If they can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Go ahead an post links to these vicious personal attacks.

First make sure that they weren't actually made by Clinton's team.

Right wing attacks on Michelle Obama hit new low

Lol. That link is garbage. An opinion piece which, even for a lefty, republican hating hack, is light on substance but heavy on vitriol.

Nice try. Now try to find something REAL.
I finally got around to reading the list and thought this one was pretty funny.

“But, Sarah Palin to the GOP, this is what I’ve got to say, she is very much like herpes, she’s not going away.”

And popping up when least expected.
And look at this picture of George and Laura. From the face he's making, you would think he's kissing a Saudi Prince.

"I remember a brief interaction I had with one Barbra Streisand long, long ago when the Paula Jones suit had just been filed. I asked Ms. Streisand what she thought of the suit. "Oh, she's just a little kurva," she replied, referring to Jones. That's a yiddish expression for "whore.""

""In the days of slavery, there were those slaves who lived on the plantation and there were those slaves that lived in the house. You got the privilege of living in the house if you served the master." He added: "Colin Powell's permitted to come into the house of the master. When Colin Powell dares to suggest something other than what the master wants to hear, he will be turned back out to pasture."

"A liberal radio show in Florida is promoting a CD of "humorous" songs by one of its featured performers. The album, which boasts a cover depicting Bush kissing Rice on the cheek, features a song called "Kiss A ****** Good Morning." The star of the show, by the way, is white. But he's anti-Bush, plugs books by Paul Begala and Molly Ivins, so he can't be a racist."

The bigotry of Belafonte -
The bigotry of Belafonte -
Did he refer to the size of her breasts? Did he talk about her getting knocked up by a sports figure? Did he say he wanted to push her down the stairs?
I'd say you're way behind the curve here.

I'll go ahead and use a "Rabbi" debate tactic here:

So it's ok to call a thirteen year old girl a dog?

No it isn't. And he didn't.

Rabbi is right

Rush did not say Chelsea was a dog......he said she was ugly as a dog

Chelsea had it easy compared to Amy Carter though
"Behar began the segment: "Sarah Palin may have been coy on the Oprah Show about a possible White House run in 2012. But new poll numbers show she`s a contender. Oy."

This evoked laughter from crew members on the set.

Behar then introduced her guest, and after saying Palin's "people are evil and nasty," the discussion immediately went to the former Governor's mentally handicapped child."

"SULLIVAN: No one is eight months pregnant, thousands of miles away from home, as she says, in a hotel room in Dallas.

BEHAR: Oh, yes.

SULLIVAN: With a special needs child. Wakes up, bolt right up in bed, has a strange sensation low in her belly and tells the "Anchorage Daily News" that her water broke and doesn`t go to the hospital. No one does that.

BEHAR: Oh that`s a very interesting point.

SULLIVAN: Let alone, then give a speech, in her own book she says she gives a speech while she`s having contractions. She tells a joke in the speech.

BEHAR: I see.

SULLIVAN: She says, big laughs, more contractions.

BEHAR: Is no one investigating this? She`s getting a pass on a lot of things.

SULLIVAN: The (UNINTELLIGIBLE) media didn`t do any investigations to the plausibility of this story. But then she gets on two airplanes back to Alaska in labor and the "Anchorage Daily News" -

BEHAR: Now how do you -

SULLIVAN: This is all in the public record, not me.

BEHAR: Yes, yes, yes.

SULLIVAN: The Anchorage Daily News asked the flight attendants, well goodness, how did you let a woman eight months pregnant, whose water has broken according to her, who is experiencing contractions according to her on the place. An Alaska Airline spokeswoman says they were not aware she was pregnant.

BEHAR: So are you saying there`s some kind of cover up?

SULLIVAN: I have no idea, Joy.

BEHAR: So you`re just putting these pieces together.

SULLIVAN: I have no idea. I`ve been trying to make -

BEHAR: Alleging to -

SULLIVAN: I`m alleging anything.

BEHAR: Conjecturing -

SULLIVAN: No, I`m not. Not even conjecturing.

BEHAR: What are you?

SULLIVAN: I am simply saying I cannot believe the story that she`s told.

BEHAR: It just doesn`t make sense to you.

SULLIVAN: Would someone please make sense of this story for me? I mean, that`s all I`m saying. I`ve read this book, I`ve gone out of my mind trying to understand the story. It does not make any sense. I believe in Judge Judy in a way. If it doesn`t make sense, it isn`t true."
Joy Behar and Andrew Sullivan Attack Sarah Palin: Is Trig Her Son? |
I'll go ahead and use a "Rabbi" debate tactic here:

So it's ok to call a thirteen year old girl a dog?

No it isn't. And he didn't.

Rabbi is right

Rush did not say Chelsea was a dog......he said she was ugly as a dog

Chelsea had it easy compared to Amy Carter though

Sorry but I saw that 1992 television show where Rush is alleged to have taken a shot at Chelsea Clinton.

He was doing Brinkley's "In and Out" list:

"In today’s New York Daily News right here… it’s the obligatory in-out list. Every time there’s a massive change somewhere, people are in, people are out. I’m now out. It says about me on here, Rush Limbaugh, loud-mouthed conservative and Bush favorite. He’s out."

(Rush commented that most of the other things on the days’ list were not funny, but that “one of them in particular” was. Rush quoted from the David Hinckley article)

“In: A cute kid in the White House. Out: Cute dog in the White House.”

Could– could we see the cute kid? Let’s take a look at– see who is the cute kid in the White House.

A picture of the “cute dog” (Millie) appeared on the screen instead of the “cute kid” (Chelsea).

Rush immediately said

No, no, no. That’s not the kid.

Then a picture of Chelsea Clinton came on the screen and Rush said

That’s– that’s the kid.

Rush apologized several times on the spot and the next day on his radio show and on the next television show.

He didn't hold up the picture as the story was related by Al Franken--who also massively distorted the content of the show--and as was then told - wrongly--again and again on every leftwing blog.

If you had seen the program AND the expression on Rush's face at the time, you knew there was no intent to compare Chelsea with a dog.
How about when Rush called Chelsea Clinton "the White House dog"?

Did he refer to the size of her breasts? Did he talk about her getting knocked up by a sports figure? Did he say he wanted to push her down the stairs?
I'd say you're way behind the curve here.

I'll go ahead and use a "Rabbi" debate tactic here:

So it's ok to call a thirteen year old girl a dog?

Was it a Republican presidential candidate that did the reno is her dad joke?
One who most all republicans on here voted for?
Last edited:
Did he refer to the size of her breasts? Did he talk about her getting knocked up by a sports figure? Did he say he wanted to push her down the stairs?
I'd say you're way behind the curve here.

I'll go ahead and use a "Rabbi" debate tactic here:

So it's ok to call a thirteen year old girl a dog?

Was it a Republican presidential candidate that did the reno is her dad joke?
One who most all republicans on here voted for?

Did he refer to the size of her breasts? Did he talk about her getting knocked up by a sports figure? Did he say he wanted to push her down the stairs?
I'd say you're way behind the curve here

Amazing. Pages and pages of ad hominems and false comparisons. The Left is really failing on this one. All they had to do was show one clip of Rush, or Sean Hannity or any other major talking head making the same kind of comments about liberal women (or any women) that liberal talking heads have made, and been documented, about conservative women.
They have failed miserable, despite I am sure hours and hours of stuff on YouTube and Google.
But what can you expect from
Democrats:The Party of Fuck You.

You want equal rights and respect for women? Fuck you.

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