‘Sex work is not a bad term,’ says book for high schoolers

What a great reason to encourage minors to go into it......dont be all you can be ,,,be a hoe for

which is chewing up minors at an incredible pace,,,,,,,,....but nothing to see here .......

1.You might think it began when you elected the President who taught children to ask about oral sex.....a Democrat.

2. Actually, it began much earlier. It took hold in the 1960s, and was due to the explosion of the post-war generation:

“Rathenau called [this] ‘the vertical invasion of the barbarians.’” Jose Ortega y Gasset, “The Revolt of the Masses,” p. 53.

The baby boomers were a generation so large that they formed their own culture. The generation from 1922-1947 numbered 43.6 million, while that of 1946-1964 had 79 million.

3. We call it postmodernism, and it is the central thesis of Leftist Democrat thought: there is no right or wrong, no eternal truth, and we fight anything or anyone that suggests restricting one’s satisfaction. That means morality.

“But the belief that autonomous individuals had the right to make subjective judgment about what was right for them in pursuit of their unchallengeable entitlement to happiness destroyed that understanding. Progressives interpreted liberty as license, thus destroying the moral rules that make freedom a virtue."
Melanie Phillips

Perhaps you recall these sort of headlines:

Obama's 'Postmodernism', Humanism and History - SAGE ...

https://journals.sagepub.com › pdf › pfie.2009.7.3.349

by MA Peters · 2009 — The term 'postmodernism' has recently been used to describe President Barack Obama, and not by just one commentator. Jonah Goldberg in a recent USA Today ...

Obama's Postmodern Vision - National Review

https://www.nationalreview.com › 2012/01 › obamas-p...

Jan 11, 2012 — In a word, Obama is a postmodernist. That is a trendy word for someone who leaves academia believing that there are not really absolute facts, ...

Ben Shapiro - If Obama is the first postmodern president

https://m.facebook.com › posts › if-obama-is-the-first-p...

Apr 29, 2016 — If Obama is the first postmodern president, welcome to the first postmodern presidential primary:

4. Without morality, "me" becomes the only thing that matters.
“Many younger Americans also seem to have personal identities forged by what the New York Times columnist David Brooks refers to as the “culture of selfism,” meaning, “a culture that puts tremendous emphasis on self, self-care, and self-display.” Rather than viewing morality as living up to external standards like honesty, courage, and patriotism, Brooks writes, “Traditional morality has been replaced by self-indignation, being heard, telling your story and then, of course, condemning the bad people that make you feel judged or sad.”
“An American Divorce,” Welch.
What a great reason to encourage minors to go into it......dont be all you can be ,,,be a hoe for

which is chewing up minors at an incredible pace,,,,,,,,....but nothing to see here .......

The Worlds Oldest Profession
Been around ever since there have been women

Less demeaning than being a Conservative TV personality

It's bad enough that education is no longer the mission of government schooling, but consider what they have decided even beyond teaching drag queen costuming....

‘Sex work is not a bad term,’ says book for high schoolers

Prostitution – nbd.

A new woke book that compares sex work to upstanding jobs like store clerk and architect — “Seeing Gender: an Illustrated Guide to Identity and Expression” — is accessible to NYC teens and some parents aren’t happy about it.

The 208-page tome is available to public high schoolers as part of city Department of Education’s woke “mosaic” curriculum, which Bill de Blasio introduced during his final months as mayor in 2021 in a bid to make educational materials more “diverse.”

“Over time, sex work has shifted from something common and even celebrated to something highly stigmatized,” author Iris Gottlieb writes in a section of the book called “‘Sex Work’ Is Not a Bad Term,” trumpeting prostitution as “one of the oldest jobs in history.”

“One important thing to note is that sex work is work. It’s a job like being a store clerk, an architect, or a freelance writer. We all, unfortunately, have to do work to make a living,” the book reads.

“Seeing Gender: an Illustrated Guide to Identity and Expression is available for free on the students' Sora app.' Sora app.“Seeing Gender: an Illustrated Guide to Identity and Expression” is available for free on the students’ Sora app.
Big Apple public high school students can access the book....

“Prostitution is not equivalent to other forms of work,” said the Manhattan Democrat and mother of four public school kids.

“Politicians will have their photos taken after they don an apron and flip pancakes at a charity event, even though they are not short-order cooks,” she said. “But they won’t get on their knees to [sexually service] clients.” To say sex work is typical “is a lie, and everyone know it.”

Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino, who has made weeding smut out of schools statewide a key part of his campaign, also said the “Seeing Gender” has no place on a DOE-sanctioned app."

Vote Democrat????

Good luck getting rid of public education. Probably wasting your time, to try, rather than trying to change it.
Good luck getting rid of public education. Probably wasting your time, to try, rather than trying to change it.
View attachment 659790

Are you pleased as what American public education has become?




www.oecd.org › pisa

PISA is the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment. PISA measures 15-year-olds' ability to use their reading, mathematics and science ...

Some of our lesser educated have no marketable skills……they must resort to cut and paste to survive.

Learning Prostitution might be a valuable skill
Prostitutes can’t survive on cut an paste
Good luck getting rid of public education. Probably wasting your time, to try, rather than trying to change it.
View attachment 659790

And as we are discussing which side of the issue each of us occupies, let me remind of a discussion between Thoreau and Emerson, when Thoreau was imprisioned over the principle of taxation....

the question Henry David Thoreau supposedly asked his friend Ralph Waldo Emerson in July 1846 when Thoreau was jailed overnight in Concord, Massachusetts for refusing to pay the local “poll tax,” as a protest against slavery and/or the Mexican-American War.

According to the oft-told story, Emerson visited Thoreau in jail and asked why he was there.

Thoreau purportedly responded: “Why are you not here?”


Why are you not complaining about this:

DUplicate thread.

DUplicate thread.

Perhaps it's worth reading twice.
And as we are discussing which side of the issue each of us occupies, let me remind of a discussion between Thoreau and Emerson, when Thoreau was imprisioned over the principle of taxation....

the question Henry David Thoreau supposedly asked his friend Ralph Waldo Emerson in July 1846 when Thoreau was jailed overnight in Concord, Massachusetts for refusing to pay the local “poll tax,” as a protest against slavery and/or the Mexican-American War.

According to the oft-told story, Emerson visited Thoreau in jail and asked why he was there.

Thoreau purportedly responded: “Why are you not here?”

View attachment 659804

Why are you not complaining about this:

View attachment 659806
Good response. Lack of passion, on my part, as presently having no kids in the system, possibly. Note to you: I changed that last word from probably to possibly before hitting post reply.
Bandwagon fallacy isn't an argument.

if we had an edumacation system worth a fuck, you already would have known that.
Get real. It will not be abolished, and you know it if after your supposed education, you still lived and observed the real world, continuing to learn.
Get real. It will not be abolished, and you know it if after your supposed education, you still lived and observed the real world, continuing to learn.
Maybe not abolished by the bureaucratic monopolists, though if enough parents wise up and refuse to send their kids to those indoctrination camps, they could well wither on the vine.

My best education came after being paroled from gubmint schools....For instance, I learned far more about the English language by studying Spanish on my own, than I ever did in classes that were allegedly teaching the subject....Ditto economics.

P.S....none of that obviates the fact that the bandwagon argument is fallacious reasoning...Something else that had to be learned outside the confines of the intellectual gulag.
Maybe not abolished by the bureaucratic monopolists, though if enough parents wise up and refuse to send their kids to those indoctrination camps, they could well wither on the vine.

My best education came after being paroled from gubmint schools....For instance, I learned far more about the English language by studying Spanish on my own, than I ever did in classes that were allegedly teaching the subject....Ditto economics.

P.S....none of that obviates the fact that the bandwagon argument is fallacious reasoning...Something else that had to be learned outside the confines of the intellectual gulag.
Glad you got it figured out. Let us know when you are on the ballot.
Some of our lesser educated have no marketable skills……they must resort to cut and paste to survive.
And that's somehow supposed to be evidence of the success of gubmint schooling?

Do you ever put so much as a slight pause between your alleged brain tapping out a stream of consciousness and the "post reply" button?
And that's somehow supposed to be evidence of the success of gubmint schooling?

Do you ever put so much as a slight pause between your alleged brain tapping out a stream of consciousness and the "post reply" button?

What better use for those among us who have no better skills than cut and paste?
Teach them a skill like Prostitution
What better use for those among us who have no better skills than cut and paste?
Teach them a skill like Prostitution
Ah, your proposal, a serious attempt to add value to discussion of whether to just dump public education in general, rather than just trolling the OP's thread? Hopefully you can seriously relate to topic of thread, recommendations to flesh out, so to speak, as I'm pretty sure OP, other posters (and I) lack the background to fully appreciate. Possibly an adjunct course offering in the industrial arts job training area? Just a suggestion without trying to get my ass in trouble.

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