
Liberals are afraid to let their children make up their own minds. They need the comforting effects of like-mindedness and conformation of group mentality. All minds must think alike. It is for the good of the people.

Liberalism is a mental disorder! Get over it!

That's the radical right. They all goosestep in line to the far right behind their propaganda masters from fox, beck, and limbaugh. They do as they are told or get called a lib/socialist/communist/marxist if any dare step out of line and think for themselves.

Brainwashing children is a GOP staple. Here are a few wonderful examples from the teabaggers




They even made teabagger coloring books to brainwash little kids with their american-hating extremist propaganda.


They get to color in their dear leaders like Glenn Beck, Michelle Bachmann, and Herman Cain


Tea Party Coloring Book Gets a Sequel - GalleyCat
What's funny about you mentioning Rush and Fox is that I know more Republicans every day who say that FNC does not represent Republicans as a whole, that they disagree with the overall message, and have turned off the channel in favor of more sensible media.

And yet, Liberals still hang on to MSNBC like it's made of Ambrosia.
What's funny about you mentioning Rush and Fox is that I know more Republicans every day who say that FNC does not represent Republicans as a whole, that they disagree with the overall message, and have turned off the channel in favor of more sensible media.

And yet, Liberals still hang on to MSNBC like it's made of Ambrosia.

I've never seen such a thing ever, quite the opposite with the right wingers clinging onto their fox news like it's the greatest thing on earth.

This is why may love to parrot the "fox is #1 so that means they are the best!" nonsense. All this does is confirm that right wing people go to fox, and only fox, where people of other party affiliation go to numerous sources, and come up with their own conclusions.

This is also why there is no one on the left even in the same dimension with people such as Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, etc,..that bark orders and their sheep eagerly obey. Left leaning people lead their own lives and think for themselves, they do need someone telling them what to do and how to think.
We say Fox is number 1 because it sends lunatic l8berals into a tail spin. At least thats why I love to mention it.

Fox is #1 because they are the best at herding the sheep. Like I already mentioned, people from other party affiliations get their news from numerous sources, then come up with their own conclusions, where the right wing sheep go to fox and only fox because they don't want to hear the facts, just the right wing propaganda they want to hear.
Liberals are afraid to let their children make up their own minds. They need the comforting effects of like-mindedness and conformation of group mentality. All minds must think alike. It is for the good of the people.

Liberalism is a mental disorder! Get over it!

That's the radical right. They all goosestep in line to the far right behind their propaganda masters from fox, beck, and limbaugh. They do as they are told or get called a lib/socialist/communist/marxist if any dare step out of line and think for themselves.

Brainwashing children is a GOP staple. Here are a few wonderful examples from the teabaggers




They even made teabagger coloring books to brainwash little kids with their american-hating extremist propaganda.


They get to color in their dear leaders like Glenn Beck, Michelle Bachmann, and Herman Cain


Tea Party Coloring Book Gets a Sequel - GalleyCat

Both sides seem to do it, but I still prefer left leaning over right on social issues and family values.

"..there is no one on the left even in the same dimension with people such as Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, etc,.."

Chris Matthews? Al Sharpton? Keith Olbermann? Rachel Maddow? Lawrence O'Donnell?
anyone that gets their news from any media and doesn't double check it is just asking for trouble.

"..there is no one on the left even in the same dimension with people such as Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, etc,.."

Chris Matthews? Al Sharpton? Keith Olbermann? Rachel Maddow? Lawrence O'Donnell?

Olbermann hasn't been on the air in a while, and the rest are TV pundits, not radio.

"..there is no one on the left even in the same dimension with people such as Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, etc,.."

Chris Matthews? Al Sharpton? Keith Olbermann? Rachel Maddow? Lawrence O'Donnell?

Olbermann hasn't been on the air in a while, and the rest are TV pundits, not radio.

Hate to be splitting hairs, but the ones I mentioned are also pundits, whether on TV or on radio.

You just resent the fact that besides you and another 7 people nobody listens to them.
anyone that gets their news from any media and doesn't double check it is just asking for trouble.

Which is why a lot of people have turned away from FNC. They don't fact check so much and thus get themselves in trouble.

Also things like news networks are on the decline anyway. Fox might boast about its strong numbers, but most people go to other places. Hell, I use reddit for my news nowadays.
anyone that gets their news from any media and doesn't double check it is just asking for trouble.

Which is why a lot of people have turned away from FNC. They don't fact check so much and thus get themselves in trouble.

Also things like news networks are on the decline anyway. Fox might boast about its strong numbers, but most people go to other places. Hell, I use reddit for my news nowadays.

I love the way you only mentioned Fox.

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