Sexual Harassment In Canadian Military As Well City TV Reporter Shauna Hunt

David Jeffrey Spetch

Senior Member
Nov 17, 2014
Sexual Harassment In Canadian Military As Well City TV Reporter Shauna Hunt

Before you guys proceed with this sexual harassment issue you would be wise to keep the following information in mind.

First, many Canadian couples are formed in the work place. Second, many women didn't easily circome to their husbands in Canadian history which is what made those husbands continue to want to be with their future wives even more which lead to the lady circoming to his charms and many got married and had lots of children.

That is likely never to happen when people are being threatened for sexual harassment for every single thing!

Another thing, sex was criminalized in Canadian Military was it not? Then homosexuality was made an issue in the military because heterosexuals were not only being deprived of having sex with were becoming outraged that homosexuals were getting away with it and by the tim eit reached the media it was made out to be discrimination against heterosexuality meanwhuile homosexuals have been getting away with having sex in the Military the whole time (The same for of discrimination against heterosexuality goes on in Canadian Jails) but heterosexuals deserved to be charged for sexual harassment for what, telling someone I like you?!! Just because you work together. Who's pea brained dim witted ignorant idea is this?

Promote homosexuality while threatening heterosexuals with sexual harsaamanet for every single thing.

I hope the government goes into this with their thinking caps on for a change!

I am sure also that there are some jerks everywhere who go way out of their way to be an ass and perhaps even scaring female counterparts but lets not do this incorrectly. Lets make sure we are looking out for everyone! Even those jerks are putting their life on the line and if their reputation is foul around the ladies, don;t have them work along side ladies.


Now on to the city tv reporter which is also relevant to government miliatry sexual harassment interest.

The guys in the video with the city TV. reporter Shauna Hunt telling her that they want to have sex with her does not warrant that they do not deserve to be employed in Canada for it and is not sexual harassment. They have very poor taste, in my opinion, in how they make their sexual advances but if it didn't work for them from time to time they likely wouldn't be doing it. Some women don't like it, some do. It just so happens that this reporter didn't like it and she also mentioned that it already happened ten times to her that day before she even got to this guy and took her anger for it all out on him. Suddenly the media is going to try and dictate how adults conduct their actions to make men feel that coming on to a woman is going to get you fired inside and outside the workplace! Absurd!

You want to punish men for telling women that would like to make love, have sex with or choose the "F' work to describe the action really?!!

Your workplace gets to dictate to you what you do outside of the work place during the time of your own private life. The guy wasn't on the job at the time was he?!!

I want to "F" you is sexual harassment how? It is not sexual harassment!

If a person says something that profound and gets shot down then proceeds to keep doing it then that can be considered sexual harassment! The reporter deliberately asked him to repeat it as well. So he obliged and perhaps was thinking that he might get lucky.

This was outside the work place, this guy was not at work on the job at location representing Hydro One was he?

Bias radical government trying to make heterosexuals feel ashamed for coming on to other the opposite sex while attempting to dictate etiquette as well on peoples own private time. Next thing you know, the Ontario Government is going to deny that Ontario is part owner of Hydro One!

They went way too far with this guy, I think that him being displayed for the public to see on the news was fair enough!

As for the reporter Shauna Hunt, good to see her stand up for how she as an individual wants to be treated but she is working for a station that encourages far worse upon individuals within society as clearly pointed out within the very composition that follows which was released today.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

*Reporter Claims To Be Offended, Meanwhile Her Station Defecates On The Public.*

You want to talk about offensive, then lets talk about something genuinely offensive.

Here city tv along with the Ontario government is pushing advertisements on the public to try and gain the public's sympathy for homosexuals so that these homosexuals can continue to legally degrade, humiliate, traumatize heterosexuals while robbing heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual while dictating to society that being heterosexual includes having sex with homosexuals with surgically mutilated genitals (those born with the same sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with) otherwise the heterosexual is a homophobe. Now that's offensive, outrageous, disgusting, filthy and way beyond unacceptable as well a mockery made out of society by a bunch of liars and deceivers and this activity needs to be criminalized globally for the well being and sanity of current and future generations!

Being a heterosexual male does not include sticking your penis inside a surgically mutilated penis! Being a heterosexual female does not include inserting a surgically mutilated vagina into your vagina! That homosexual activists, as well City TV is propagating that homosexuals deserve any sort of sympathy to continue to degrade, humiliate, traumatize heterosexuals while robbing heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual is well beyond offensive, disgusting and filthy! They are doing exactly that by promoting as legal and in any way shape or form acceptable, the tranny, transsexual, trans gender which are people who refuse to accept themselves for what they are and expect that heterosexuals should be the ones to have to suffer the consequences for it!

Some citizen on the street telling a reporter He'd like to "f" her is no where near as offensive (if considered offensive at all) as these filthy homosexual low life's getting away with robbing heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual!

Wake up you bunch of blubbering idiots at City TV and quit making big deals out of petty rhetoric and start doing something positive on real issues for a change! You guys have no business whining being insulted while you are pushing such filth upon society!

I saw that reporter and given the opportunity I'd likely be happy to let her have sex with me myself ;) I find her to be somewhat attractive. That doesn't mean I am going to try, just a thought based upon impulse from being a single heterosexual male seeing a blond attractive female.

Sure these guys could have been a little more considerate choosing their words and did come off a little punkish but hardly grounds for someone not deserving to be employed just because they were identified and their occupation was found out to be hydro 1. That is such radical bias of a homosexual activist government to try and make heterosexuals suffer for being heterosexual while propagating low life scum bag homosexual filthy garbage propaganda on the public. What's next, having guys charged with sexual harassment for complimenting a woman on her figure or asking a woman on a date or even to marry him, or telling a woman gee I'd sure like to make love to you! Oh wait a minute, I think heterosexuals are already being degraded in this way legally as well! It is extremely ridiculous!


Do we hand the mentally defective a drill and a free pass to go around drilling peoples brains to make them mentally defective? Because we do not allow this, the person who is mentally defective is being discriminated against according to the homosexual activist warped pathetic insane mentality. (I'll get to that in just a sec)

Do we hand the physically handicapped an axe and a free pass to go around hacking off other peoples limbs so that they too then are physically defective? Because we do not allow this, the person who is physically defective is being discriminated against according to the homosexual activist warped pathetic insane mentality. (I'll get to that in just a sec)

So here we have the sexually defective aka homosexuals (if it were up to homosexuals to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective) and homosexual activists deceiving society with false claims of discrimination as well every twisted lie and deception that they can possibly fathom the issue which shamefully enough has lead for now to giving homosexuals the tools (wrongfully allowing homosexuals to pretend to be the opposite sex which leads to heterosexuals becoming victims) to degrade, traumatize, humiliate heterosexuals by robbing us of our heterosexuality with these sick filthy disgusting low life scum bag homosexual deceptions. They are quite clearly claiming that not allowing homosexuals to make guinea pigs out of heterosexuals with these sick filthy disguising homosexual deceptions thus degrade, humiliate, traumatize heterosexuals to the level of the sexually defective is discriminating homosexuals right to equality. That is the insane mentality of the homosexual activist, use every lie and deceptions to treat the public like a bunch into stupid idiots into supporting their lies and deceptions! They not only use every lie and deception on the foundation of this issue to do with their bias agenda, but they have used lies and deceptions as the foundation of their every issue to do with their bias agenda. Go ahead and look me up to find these activists are already exposed and have been hiding the information from the public for years with discrimination so they could continue to make a bunch of idiots out of the general public!.

While they have been doing this they have dictated that being heterosexual includes having sex with homosexuals (those born with the same sex genital that the heterosexual is born with) all the while put commercials on television to try and get you to have sympathy for these sick filthy disgusting homosexuals by attempting to promote the lie that tranny, transsexual and trans gender is promoting equality. Robbing heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual they low life scum bag homosexual activists call equality and much of the public is brainwashed by such filthy disgusting lies! This really makes my blood boil!

And stop letting them fool you into thinking that everything that they stand for is about homosexual johnny just wants to be with homosexual Jimmy and just wants to be left alone because homosexual Timmy is going around deceiving thus discriminating heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual!

What needs to be done to free our innocent little children as well as society as a while from this homosexual insanity is simply undo everything homosexual activists have done (legislation corrupted etc.) over the past few decades and start from scratch only this time make it so all procedures, surgeries and altercations must be made illegal for being used to make a person appear the opposite sex that they are born, as well discrimination against heterosexuality needs to be criminalized for the well being and sanity of current and future generations. Which quite obviously means that tranny, trans gender and transsexual needs to be criminalized. Homosexuals wanting to have sex with other homosexuals or even bi sexuals are one thing, but homosexuals that discriminate heterosexuals with homosexual deceptions is unacceptable for it is quite obviously robbing heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexuals. Anyone pretending to be the opposite sex encourages homosexuals to think that it is ok to do it as well which again leads to more heterosexual victims which is why pretending to be the opposite sex needs to be criminalized for everyone. This type of homosexual behaviour being forced upon innocent little children in the school system or upon citizens through government is unacceptable.

Employees of City TV contribute in making a laughing stock out of the public yet expect to be taken serious when their employees get offended by public comments. What a dumb joke!


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

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