Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl >>> NOT GUILTY.

Hmmm... Ok.

I hear you saying that, but I see no evidence sustaining what your saying.

Now, even as a stupid person, I can't help but conclude that the reason that ya didn't offer any evidence is that ya have none.

Now, be honest, how do you feel about THAT?

There was an extensive article published on the Bergdahl case in 2012, including all the accusations he deserted. the information was out there.

Look, here it is, everything we know now.

Bowe Bergdahl America s Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings Rolling Stone

The Constitution does not require him to fight in an Unconstitutional war.

I am sorry about Chris Kyle's death , but he was no hero serving in an UNlawful war.

Ergo, suck my rod.


Let's tighten that red helmet kid.....

Say NO to stupidity.

Stop your neocrazy bullshit.

I wish you would walk in where I hang out, and say the stupid shit your spewing right now. Hint, you wouldn't walk out and you wouldn't go home that night. You would be in intensive care, you stupid, looney, lefty, asshole. You support a deserter, you don't deserve to wipe a soldiers ass. Just think these people sacrifice and die, so you can say stupid shit.
It's not blood lust. It's justice. He deserted his unit in a war zone. If they don't shoot his sorry ass, others will think they might be able to get away with it.

Yes, that would be horrible. I mean, how can we fight wars for Oil if people refuse to fight them?

Law and order every time, right Joe?

Bowe should be shot.

It's not blood lust. It's justice. He deserted his unit in a war zone. If they don't shoot his sorry ass, others will think they might be able to get away with it.

Yes, that would be horrible. I mean, how can we fight wars for Oil if people refuse to fight them?
Everyone! STAND CLEAR!! This person is leaking industrial strength stupidity! I repeat. STAND CLEAR! Hazmat team is on the way.
Hmmm... Ok.

I hear you saying that, but I see no evidence sustaining what your saying.

Now, even as a stupid person, I can't help but conclude that the reason that ya didn't offer any evidence is that ya have none.

Now, be honest, how do you feel about THAT?

There was an extensive article published on the Bergdahl case in 2012, including all the accusations he deserted. the information was out there.

Look, here it is, everything we know now.

Bowe Bergdahl America s Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings Rolling Stone
Rolling Stone? The same rag that ran the fake and already discredited rape story?

RFLMAO !!!!!!!!!!
Nope,we shoot him.

Why? I mean other than he's someone Obama likes, and therefore must be the Devil.

I look at this way- We took Bergdahl into the army because the kind of recruits the Army did Want weren't signing up. Not six years into this mess with no end in sight. So they took a guy with some serious mental problems, someone who washed out of Coast Guard Basic Training, signed him up, hopped him up on drugs, and put him into an absurd situation where we were settling tribal disputes.

And then he snapped and wandered off. I blame his NCO's, but if you read the Rolling Stone article, there was apparently no adult supervision in that platoon.

You know what, when a war ends, you stop fighting it. You stop punishing people for not going along iwth the whole thing. You pardon the draft dodgers. And then you move the fuck on and hope you learned something.

We always seem to have a hard time with that last one.
Yes he will... Just because the standard is the USMJ doesn't mean he will not receive a fair hearing.

The only problem you have is your perverse understanding of 'fair' means.

I have a perfectly okay understanding of fair.

Fair is not putting someone on trial because you've been publicly embarrassed by him. which is pretty much what the Army is doing right now.
What about Zimmerman and Wilson? Oh, I see law abiding citizens bad. Deserters good! Go to hell.
Rolling Stone? The same rag that ran the fake and already discredited rape story?


If you want to say, "Hey, they got one story wrong", no medium would be safe. Not Fox News, not talk radio.
Got it wrong? More like they write fiction. And they are trying to let the BS stand! At least other media, including the New York Times, apologies and issues a retraction when they screw the pooch.
Bergdahl should already have been tried in absentia, convicted (it is open and shut), and simply had a Daisy Cutter dropped on his head. Problem solved.

You claim Bergdahl was in a "pointless war"? He was in Afghanistan. Remember Bin Laden and 9/11?

You are a terrorist sympathizer and traitor.
Got it wrong? More like they write fiction. And they are trying to let the BS stand! At least other media, including the New York Times, apologies and issues a retraction when they screw the pooch.

NO, the UVA rape story they retracted as soon as it was clear it couldn't be substantiated.

But don't let that stop you.

So Rolling stone got it wrong three years ago about Bergdahl when they told THE EXACT SAME STORY the Army is telling now?

You claim Bergdahl was in a "pointless war"? He was in Afghanistan. Remember Bin Laden and 9/11?

You are a terrorist sympathizer and traitor.

What we were doing in Afghanistan in 2009 had nothing to do with Bin Laden, who was living in Pakistan at the time.

What we were doing in Afghanistan in 2009 was trying to salvage a war Bush lost a long time ago.

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