Shale gas does not bear good


VIP Member
Jul 23, 2014
Development of shale gas does not bring anything good. There are two basic and very good reasons to make this statement:
1) Despite the increase in production, the industry is heavily dependent on a constant flow of funds for drilling programs. Some experts compare the industry sector with a pyramid scheme. They believe that in the wake of the hype about shale hydrocarbon companies attracted significant investment. But all this can fail when the funds run out on new drilling. According to statistics, the average income from production in the period 2012-2014 from the companies was 59 billion. This figure was slightly higher than the period 2010-2011, but his expenses amounted to $ 136 billion. The companies closed formed "hole" by the increasing of the debt
2) Environmental implications:
- contamination of groundwater chemicals;
- destructive processes in the soil, up to seismic instability and earthquakes;
- contamination of soil from the drainage of waste water and many other related technological factors;
- air pollution by emissions not only hydrocarbons but also 369 substances (of which more than half of the toxic);
- subsidence of land at the fracture areas
Development of shale gas does not bring anything good. There are two basic and very good reasons to make this statement:
1) Despite the increase in production, the industry is heavily dependent on a constant flow of funds for drilling programs. Some experts compare the industry sector with a pyramid scheme. They believe that in the wake of the hype about shale hydrocarbon companies attracted significant investment. But all this can fail when the funds run out on new drilling. According to statistics, the average income from production in the period 2012-2014 from the companies was 59 billion. This figure was slightly higher than the period 2010-2011, but his expenses amounted to $ 136 billion. The companies closed formed "hole" by the increasing of the debt
2) Environmental implications:
- contamination of groundwater chemicals;
- destructive processes in the soil, up to seismic instability and earthquakes;
- contamination of soil from the drainage of waste water and many other related technological factors;
- air pollution by emissions not only hydrocarbons but also 369 substances (of which more than half of the toxic);
- subsidence of land at the fracture areas

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