Shall Americans die for NATO?

The same thing could be said about Vietnam.

Everyone, including Eisenhower, told Johnson that we had to do all we could to help Vietnam even though it was a lost cause.

Sure we lost, but it wasn't like we didn't try.

Our good word is worth that much.
Depends on whether you think protecting Democracy is a a noble cause. Or whether you think Ukraine has a Democracy worth protecting.

They don't have anything worth protecting. They are corrupt, and neo-nazism in the government is actually a problem over there. Hunter Biden is in bed with Ukraine, and I'm sure his dad, Joe is helping Ukraine out for that reason.

By the way, you have no right to call me a coward. I have said it in the OP and I will say it again, if the U.S. Gets into a full scale conflict with Russia, I will enlist and serve as it would be my duty to do so. I am young and in very good health. I am not afraid of the Russians, I am afraid for America if Biden is stupid enough to make the moves I think he is going to make. I'm realistic, not scared.
I'm too old to enlist but would certainly go if drafted and the cause was noble.

Oh, so you won't actually be going and risking your own life. Shocking......

But you'll throw out the coward accusation at anyone who has a problem with you risking other people's kids lives from the safety of your home. Talk about irony.
The days of isolation and neutrality are long past. For a nation to survive we must stay involved in what is going on in the world and gather allies and support those allies and back up the agreements we have with them economic or military.
So yes we will get into any conflict NATO or any of our allies are involved in. One thing I haven't heard in the Media is what is the U.N. doing about these situations around the globe? Settling conflicts is what the U.N. was formed to do. With all countries involved holding nuclear weapons WW3 is something the world population cannot afford.
It is a no win situation for the US and Biden. If we fail to uphold our NATO agreements then NATO is meaningless and are not even a paper tiger any longer.

Also, we cannot afford a war right now and it is a war we would not fight to win as we do not really care enough about it to go all in.

Our country is in the state where the POTUS will be attacked no matter which way he goes, he is either a coward or a warmonger, there will be no middle ground.

All I can say is "well played Putin"
Except Ukraine isn't a NATO member. Let the Europeans take care of their own problems for once. They've let Putin put a boot on their throats by buying gas from him.
It is a no win situation for the US and Biden. If we fail to uphold our NATO agreements then NATO is meaningless and are not even a paper tiger any longer.

Also, we cannot afford a war right now and it is a war we would not fight to win as we do not really care enough about it to go all in.

Our country is in the state where the POTUS will be attacked no matter which way he goes, he is either a coward or a warmonger, there will be no middle ground.

All I can say is "well played Putin"

Biden needs to do what Trump tried to undo. Impose the same harsh sanctions on Russia, that Obama did, crushing their economy.

We are NATO. We set it up. All of the partners have abided by it since. For those that don’t know the recent history. We agreed to let the Baltic States become members, which violated the agreement between NATO and Russia. But only because of Russias actions in Georgia.

Putin is not an honest broker. He is a murderer, plain and simple, and is punching above his weight class. Biden should send all of the weaponry requested by Ukraine, and make it clear to Putin, that the weapons will stop, and the sanctions will end, just as soon as he ends the occupation of Crimea, and pulls back from the border.
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They don't have anything worth protecting. They are corrupt, and neo-nazism in the government is actually a problem over there. Hunter Biden is in bed with Ukraine, and I'm sure his dad, Joe is helping Ukraine out for that reason.
So you and I disagree that Democracy is worth protecting, even an imperfect one. That's really rather separate from you shitting yourself and disparaging American troops.
By the way, you have no right to call me a coward. I have said it in the OP and I will say it again, if the U.S. Gets into a full scale conflict with Russia, I will enlist and serve as it would be my duty to do so. I am young and in very good health. I am not afraid of the Russians, I am afraid for America if Biden is stupid enough to make the moves I think he is going to make. I'm realistic, not scared.
You certainly sounded like coward in your opening post.
It's a simple question. Do you believe Americans should die for NATO? I don't think so.

With tension between Russia and the Ukraine now seemingly at an all time High, our president seems to think that de-escalation isn't a good idea. Instead, he tells Russia that he will send troops if Russia invades! Way to go on broadcasting your plans, Joe. Anyway...

Litwin is all to happy to have Americans die for his Polish schemes. Foreign members on here just don't get it. Keep posting your little graphs on how bad the Russian economy is, it won't matter. Russia is armed to the teeth, with the worlds best tanks, attack helicopters, planes, vehicles, and have a highly trained, insanely tough army. Ever watch a Russian training exercise? These men are brutal, and are highly skilled in hand to hand combat. They train them 10x better than the SJW's over here, who care more about the fact that Emma has two moms, then hand to hand combat training. Their tanks are powerful, well armored and have an astounding array of weaponry. They also have a large amount of Nuclear warheads that they just can't wait to use.

Anyone who believes that if the U.S. enters this conflict, the two possibilities that exist won't happen, is naive and blind.

1. This turns into a World War III. America joins into a conflict, and calls on her allies to help once we realize we've gotten in too deep. England, France, Australia, Germany, etc, all join the fight, and beat Russia, only after hundreds of thousands of deaths, if not in the millions.

2. Our "allies abandon us, as punishment for the United States existence. Globalists have long hated America for her freedom and opportunity. America stands in the way of ever having a one world government, so a war with Russia to deplete America of her men and resources would only benefit the globalists, and communists.

A war with Russia is NOT something that we want. To send Americans to die for an easy Russian land-grab of a corrupt nation is foolish. Let it be known that if a full scale conflict with Russia happens, I will enlist and do my patriotic duty to defend my Nation against the Muscovites. But I'm telling you, it is nothing we want or need.

Americans won't be dying for NATO, or for Ukraine and kickbacks to Joe.

No, Americans will go die for Boeing, for Raytheon, for ATK, and Halliburton.

The proud tradition of American lives for corporate profits can resume now that the usurper has been driven from office.

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