Shall Americans die for NATO?

Not quite that old. I have plenty of friends and family members who serve, none of them are pushovers.

Well now I think we see how Putin wants to respond and go from there.

I wouldn't call you a coward if you suggested that we shouldn't fight on behalf of geopolitical or moral issues. I agree that Ukraine isn't a perfect democracy and accept you not wanting to send American troops to die there as a reasonable difference of opinion.

I call you coward because you intimated that we shouldn't fight because Russia was big and scary our army was made up of soft soldiers and that is specifically why I called you a coward.

Look at our army now. It's faggotified.
It's a simple question. Do you believe Americans should die for NATO? I don't think so.

With tension between Russia and the Ukraine now seemingly at an all time High, our president seems to think that de-escalation isn't a good idea. Instead, he tells Russia that he will send troops if Russia invades! Way to go on broadcasting your plans, Joe. Anyway...

Litwin is all to happy to have Americans die for his Polish schemes. Foreign members on here just don't get it. Keep posting your little graphs on how bad the Russian economy is, it won't matter. Russia is armed to the teeth, with the worlds best tanks, attack helicopters, planes, vehicles, and have a highly trained, insanely tough army. Ever watch a Russian training exercise? These men are brutal, and are highly skilled in hand to hand combat. They train them 10x better than the SJW's over here, who care more about the fact that Emma has two moms, then hand to hand combat training. Their tanks are powerful, well armored and have an astounding array of weaponry. They also have a large amount of Nuclear warheads that they just can't wait to use.

Anyone who believes that if the U.S. enters this conflict, the two possibilities that exist won't happen, is naive and blind.

1. This turns into a World War III. America joins into a conflict, and calls on her allies to help once we realize we've gotten in too deep. England, France, Australia, Germany, etc, all join the fight, and beat Russia, only after hundreds of thousands of deaths, if not in the millions.

2. Our "allies abandon us, as punishment for the United States existence. Globalists have long hated America for her freedom and opportunity. America stands in the way of ever having a one world government, so a war with Russia to deplete America of her men and resources would only benefit the globalists, and communists.

A war with Russia is NOT something that we want. To send Americans to die for an easy Russian land-grab of a corrupt nation is foolish. Let it be known that if a full scale conflict with Russia happens, I will enlist and do my patriotic duty to defend my Nation against the Muscovites. But I'm telling you, it is nothing we want or need.
Wow. You are absolutely clueless as to the capabilities of our military.

Prior to Desert Storm, the media was hyping the fact that Saddam had the third largest military in the world and was armed to the teeth with the best of Russian hardware.

How'd that work out?

We've only gotten better and tougher.

You Russia worshipers are borderline traitors.
Wow. You are absolutely clueless as to the capabilities of our military.

Prior to Desert Storm, the media was hyping the fact that Saddam had the third largest military in the world and was armed to the teeth with the best of Russian hardware.

How'd that work out?

We've only gotten better and tougher.

You Russia worshipers are borderline traitors.

I usually do not agree with you, but you do seem to be the voice of reason in this thread. If NATO says we ALL protect Ukraine, then we do, period! If we do not, NATO dissolves pretty quick. Also, without some form of resistance in Ukraine if we are required to, China then goes for Taiwan, and Iran gets gutsy in the Middle East.

War sucks, period, end of story! But for those on the Left who decry defense spending, now you know why we do, and why we must. We can no longer sit in our country between 2 oceans like we did up to WWII and believe all is well, and nobody can touch us, or our allies. All of these crazies around the world are watching, and so are our friends. If we are REQUIRED to, or NATO decides to intervene and the USA says no, we no longer have friends with an army, and the USA is then irrelevant. Within 2 years, the world would become a totally different place as China then moves on Taiwan, and they would have no fear of doing it.

As I stated before, war sucks, and let us all hope nothing like that happens. But one thing this disaster should show everyone, is we can NOT just become isolationists, thinking that if we just make nice, everyone else is going to make nice too! They aren't, which is why we need a defense department, and be ever vigilante because no matter what you think, the real prize is taking down NATO and the United States. Everything else that is happening now are just stepping stones to achieve that goal.

In closing, let me ask how screwed are we?

Well, I do not know, but I do know, however screwed that is, it would be times 2 or 3 if Trump had not resupplied the armed forces, so for that, if we are smart, we should thank him.
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Thirty trillion in debt!

How are we going to pay for yet another costly military escapade?

Just like the other ones. Create a boogeyman.......this time its china, send out the call to the network shills who will gladly whore your propaganda. Call up the fed, print trillions out of thin air. March in to another adventure.
I usually do not agree with you, but you do seem to be the voice of reason in this thread. If NATO says we ALL protect Ukraine, then we do, period! If we do not, NATO dissolves pretty quick. Also, without some form of resistance in Ukraine if we are required to, China then goes for Taiwan, and Iran gets gutsy in the Middle East.

Ukraine is not a member of NATO. Flush out your headgear.
You just keep making shit up as you go.

Good comeback.
And in less than a year, it’s gone from the greatest fighting force the world has ever known to faggotization?

It's been like this for a while now, each year getting progressively worse. I wasn't happy with the way it was, even under Trump. We should have doubled down on the training, expanded hand to hand combat training, trained more with weapons, etc. Now it's a Great Leap backward, once Biden got into office.
Wow. You are absolutely clueless as to the capabilities of our military.

Prior to Desert Storm, the media was hyping the fact that Saddam had the third largest military in the world and was armed to the teeth with the best of Russian hardware.

How'd that work out?

We've only gotten better and tougher.

You Russia worshipers are borderline traitors.

That was different. That was soldiers who had no will to fight, and were decimated out in the open desert. Russia is nationalist, extremely patriotic. They have something to fight for, and have the manpower and sheer numbers to do it.
That was different. That was soldiers who had no will to fight, and were decimated out in the open desert. Russia is nationalist, extremely patriotic. They have something to fight for, and have the manpower and sheer numbers to do it.
The Russian people will lose their taste for war and for Putin when we and our allies crush them economically.
I usually do not agree with you, but you do seem to be the voice of reason in this thread. If NATO says we ALL protect Ukraine, then we do, period! If we do not, NATO dissolves pretty quick. Also, without some form of resistance in Ukraine if we are required to, China then goes for Taiwan, and Iran gets gutsy in the Middle East.

War sucks, period, end of story! But for those on the Left who decry defense spending, now you know why we do, and why we must. We can no longer sit in our country between 2 oceans like we did up to WWII and believe all is well, and nobody can touch us, or our allies. All of these crazies around the world are watching, and so are our friends. If we are REQUIRED to, or NATO decides to intervene and the USA says no, we no longer have friends with an army, and the USA is then irrelevant. Within 2 years, the world would become a totally different place as China then moves on Taiwan, and they would have no fear of doing it.

As I stated before, war sucks, and let us all hope nothing like that happens. But one thing this disaster should show everyone, is we can NOT just become isolationists, thinking that if we just make nice, everyone else is going to make nice too! They aren't, which is why we need a defense department, and be ever vigilante because no matter what you think, the real prize is taking down NATO and the United States. Everything else that is happening now are just stepping stones to achieve that goal.

In closing, let me ask how screwed are we?

Well, I do not know, but I do know, however screwed that is, it would be times 2 or 3 if Trump had not resupplied the armed forces, so for that, if we are smart, we should thank him.

This is true.
Ukraine is not a member of NATO. Flush out your headgear.

I never said it was. All I implied was that if NATO decides it is in their best interest to intervene, then we should.

I mean seriously, do you think a NATO member wants to fight a war on their ground, or someone else's?

You seem to believe that this is some sort of offensive operation, which it is not unless ground in the Ukraine has to be retaken if the Russians attack. This is all defensive. NATO isn't going to invade Russia, lol. This isn't Desert Storm II. Oh, if Russia attacks Ukraine, NATO may take 2 or 3 mls into Russian territory to use as a bargaining chip for a cease fire, but that is about it.
I never said it was. All I implied was that if NATO decides it is in their best interest to intervene, then we should.

I mean seriously, do you think a NATO member wants to fight a war on their ground, or someone else's?
Can you name ONE NATO member who thinks its a good idea to fight Russia right next to her border? That is like sending the Royal Mounted Police to attack Ft. Lewis, Washington. No one is coming to Ukraine's defense, they are on their own.
Lol. Sorry cuck face. Told you that you would be alone out there on an island with the hot take that American soldiers are faggots and pushovers. Lol.

What are they recruiting now? Who are they trying to recruit? They are trying to recruit the Gen-Z population, My age bracket, into the military. The millennials are going to be getting too old soon and who else shall replace them but Gen-Z? Gen-Z is the faggot generation, and the U.S. military is trying to appeal to even these bits of scum to enlist.

And what happens to the officers? They are told to accept the recruits, no matter how wacky they are, and are punished if they "offend" them. Bullshit.

We need brutality. We need elite ferocity. We need precision, order and skill. Not SJWs. See those Russians marching in perfect step in their parades? The Chinese? The North Koreans? Why can't we be like that? Why can't we be as fanatically American as they are fanatically Russian, Chinese, etc.

Why can't we flex our military might? Instead of appealing to Emmas two moms, why don't we take the best of the best, and train our regular army harder, faster, farther... Failure is not an option. Defeat is out of the question. Total victory in the land, air and seas should be foremost in our minds, not CRT. In order to beat our enemies, we need to be better than our enemies at everything. If we can do that, and keep our American freedoms and morals, we can be unstoppable, and we won't have these belligerent countries testing us because they know we are in no position to do anything about it.
What are they recruiting now? Who are they trying to recruit? They are trying to recruit the Gen-Z population, My age bracket, into the military. The millennials are going to be getting too old soon and who else shall replace them but Gen-Z? Gen-Z is the faggot generation, and the U.S. military is trying to appeal to even these bits of scum to enlist.
Yep. Everyone knows the fags love the military. Can't get enough of it. Chances are you see a guy in camo today chances it a s girl and she's a fag! Lol.
And what happens to the officers? They are told to accept the recruits, no matter how wacky they are, and are punished if they "offend" them. Bullshit.
I know man. All these soft faggots in the army offend me.
We need brutality. We need elite ferocity. We need precision, order and skill. Not SJWs. See those Russians marching in perfect step in their parades? The Chinese? The North Koreans? Why can't we be like that? Why can't we be as fanatically American as they are fanatically Russian, Chinese, etc.
Exactly. We need America to be what it used to be, fanatically supportive of our government leaders.
Why can't we flex our military might? Instead of appealing to Emmas two moms, why don't we take the best of the best, and train our regular army harder, faster, farther... Failure is not an option.
Actually you should make failure an option to trick the FAGS!
Defeat is out of the question. Total victory in the land, air and seas should be foremost in our minds, not CRT.
Don't forget space. We need to dominate space too and not let fags get there first. Imagine a fag laser pointed at America. You know they want nothing more than to point their laser at America and shoot it all over this great nation, just drenching Americans in hot semen that we rub all over our bodies sensually until we're all turned into fags!
In order to beat our enemies, we need to be better than our enemies at everything. If we can do that, and keep our American freedoms and morals, we can be unstoppable, and we won't have these belligerent countries testing us because they know we are in no position to do anything about it.
Fuckin A. Nothing more moral than absolute brutality and fag hating. Just like Jesus.

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