Shame: GOP Advocates Putting Embassy Personnel At Risk Over Politics

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Shame: GOP Advocates Putting Embassy Personnel At Risk Over Politics

Our-Lady-of-The Carolinas, Senator Lindsey Graham, along with some colleagues has advocated harming Embassy Personnel in a political move to pacify a few elderly and rabid Cuban Americans in Florida

Nitwit Twittering:
Lindsey Graham @GrahamBlog Follow
I will do all in my power to block the use of funds to open an embassy in Cuba. Normalizing relations with Cuba is bad idea at a bad time.

9:26 AM - 17 Dec 2014
As with Benghazi, anything that goes wrong as a result of this will be blamed on Obama.

Tell me again who is the president and as such responsible for the State Department? Lindsay Graham?

How does not opening an embassy put anyone at risk?

This gets my vote for dumbfuck post of the day.. oh, wait, it's Dante.
Shame: GOP Advocates Putting Embassy Personnel At Risk Over Politics

Our-Lady-of-The Carolinas, Senator Lindsey Graham, along with some colleagues has advocated harming Embassy Personnel in a political move to pacify a few elderly and rabid Cuban Americans in Florida

Nitwit Twittering:
Lindsey Graham @GrahamBlog Follow
I will do all in my power to block the use of funds to open an embassy in Cuba. Normalizing relations with Cuba is bad idea at a bad time.

9:26 AM - 17 Dec 2014


Partisan hack gunna hack... :thup:
How does not opening an embassy put anyone at risk?

This gets my vote for dumbfuck post of the day.. oh, wait, it's Dante.

US Ambassador to Libya was where when he was killed? The President will send Diplomatic personnel to Cuba and Republicans will try to keep political battles going by holding money Diplomatic service people need for security

Stop defending politicians who, for purely political reasons put America's heroes at risk
How does not opening an embassy put anyone at risk?

This gets my vote for dumbfuck post of the day.. oh, wait, it's Dante.

This.....and I'm using this word lightly--"reasoning" is equivalent to this:

Martha: We should put a car seat in the van so our son Timmy can be safe when I take him to soccer practice.

Fred: Soccer? Oh no, bad idea. I don't get along with some of those people. They're commies. No car seat.

Martha: Fred, Timmy is going to play soccer. It's good for him to exercise and make new friends. He is really looking forward to it.

Fred: Well I don't want to play soccer. I control the bank account. I'm going to do everything I can to defund you from buying a car seat to use to take him there.

Martha: You really are going to put our son's life at risk by trying to stop us from having a car seat? You've got to be kidding me! What will happen if we get into an accident and he gets hurt because he I couldn't secure him properly?!?

Fred: How does not driving him to soccer put anyone at risk?
Tell me again who is the president and as such responsible for the State Department? Lindsay Graham?


Security to Special Needs in Room 666!

"I will do all in my power to block the use of funds..."

You forgot to quote your own post in it's entirety.. so here goes...

..."to open an embassy in Cuba. Normalizing relations with Cuba is bad idea at a bad time."

This puts nobody at risk you idiot. Are you hitting the crackpipe already?
Of course they will if they think its a bad idea.

The Dems would do the same if the shoe were on the other foot.

Personally I think normalizing relations with Cuba is a win, win.

The Cubans are probably sick to shit of the communist life style especially those who have lived in Cuba when Cuba was a great place to vacation and had loads of things to offer.
Shame: GOP Advocates Putting Embassy Personnel At Risk Over Politics

Our-Lady-of-The Carolinas, Senator Lindsey Graham, along with some colleagues has advocated harming Embassy Personnel in a political move to pacify a few elderly and rabid Cuban Americans in Florida

Nitwit Twittering:
Lindsey Graham @GrahamBlog Follow
I will do all in my power to block the use of funds to open an embassy in Cuba. Normalizing relations with Cuba is bad idea at a bad time.

9:26 AM - 17 Dec 2014
Normalizing relations with Cuba would be bad for the GOP.

This so simple I'm amazed anyone wouldn't understand.

The GOP does not want to allow anything good to happen under Obama.

The GOP does want bad things to happen under Obama.
I'm surprised Lindsey doesn't see Cuba as an opportunity to grab some land and give it to Canada ...
Tell me again who is the president and as such responsible for the State Department? Lindsay Graham?


Security to Special Needs in Room 666!

"I will do all in my power to block the use of funds..."

You forgot to quote your own post in it's entirety.. so here goes...

..."to open an embassy in Cuba. Normalizing relations with Cuba is bad idea at a bad time."

This puts nobody at risk you idiot. Are you hitting the crackpipe already?

Yeah right - 'at this time' has been the dooshy line for how many decades? It's time. It was time long ago
i really am curious how anyone can spin this as a bad thing - rationally i mean. i know there is a lot of knee-jerk reactions to it, but i want a sound argument for continuing a decades old failed policy.
Graham doesn't think it's a good time to invite Russia's allies to cozy up to America. In Cuba, or in America. It is a bad idea because we can't afford to redistribute any more of our paychecks to shore up foreign countries, like the extremely needy communist Cuba. And their communist regime is brutal on it's subjects. And missiles 90 miles away from Florida has never been a good idea.
Only a delirious Democrat can turn that into Republicans putting Americans at risk, and then amp it up to include our "heroes" as you post along, even though it was the Democrats that put our heroes at risk in Benghazi. And you want to do it again, because you know just how crucial it is to stick an embassy in Anti-American CUBA. All of a sudden.

So, Dante, why do you think Americans need security in Cuba, our new BFF's? If you think they will be in danger, why subject our heroes to such danger in the first place? You bastard! Why do you want to kill our heroes????
See how stupid your op is and how easily anyone can make a case if they use enough bias? You want to fund Cuba's missile attack system so they can hurry up and aim them at us again. Why do Democrats hate Florida so much???
i really am curious how anyone can spin this as a bad thing - rationally i mean. i know there is a lot of knee-jerk reactions to it, but i want a sound argument for continuing a decades old failed policy.

Castro is a commie, the old Mcarthy crowd is still alive ...

that's about it ...


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