Shame: GOP Advocates Putting Embassy Personnel At Risk Over Politics

Shame: GOP Advocates Putting Embassy Personnel At Risk Over Politics

Our-Lady-of-The Carolinas, Senator Lindsey Graham, along with some colleagues has advocated harming Embassy Personnel in a political move to pacify a few elderly and rabid Cuban Americans in Florida

Nitwit Twittering:
Lindsey Graham @GrahamBlog Follow
I will do all in my power to block the use of funds to open an embassy in Cuba. Normalizing relations with Cuba is bad idea at a bad time.

9:26 AM - 17 Dec 2014

If this new deal with Cuba is so wonderous why would you ever worry about the safety of the Embassy staff?

As compared to countries that America has made kissy face with before. You know. Like Libya?

Everything worked out so swell there by embracing a new path with Libya after overthrowing Gaddafi after all.


Have you seen how the Embassy in Tripoli is doing? Jihadists are having pool parties.


Islamists party down at the US Embassy in Tripoli!! Oh yay! Obama's foreign policy is amazing!

Shame: GOP Advocates Putting Embassy Personnel At Risk Over Politics

Our-Lady-of-The Carolinas, Senator Lindsey Graham, along with some colleagues has advocated harming Embassy Personnel in a political move to pacify a few elderly and rabid Cuban Americans in Florida

Nitwit Twittering:
Lindsey Graham @GrahamBlog Follow
I will do all in my power to block the use of funds to open an embassy in Cuba. Normalizing relations with Cuba is bad idea at a bad time.

9:26 AM - 17 Dec 2014

RePugs refused to vote for money that would have added security upgrades to the U.S. Mission in Benghazi. Why shoud this surprise anyone?
There is no upside to financially backing a regime like Castro. Obama was lying to the Cuban's here to get their votes and He said, "I can sum up what Cuba needs to do to normalize relations with America in one word. Liberty!" It's like the red line that was written in disappearing ink.
This move had to wait until Obama's immigration plan was financed. Cuban's will be pouring into this country, and the one percent will be basking on the Cuban beaches.
a freakin' bunch of Cubans spark another Benghazi spitting contest ...


I guess you didn't know our Embassy staff all over the world is targeted. Even in London and Paris.

get with it td

I was being a smart ass. Of course you are targeted. Wasn't there another hiccup in Libya after our western leaders thought it would be cool to overthrow Gaddafi?

I think it was called Benghazi. :) Yuppers. That was before the jihadists started having pool parties at the US embassy in Tripoli.

And if I'm not mistaken the US State Department endangered personnel stationed in that country. Yuppers.

That's the one.
Shame: GOP Advocates Putting Embassy Personnel At Risk Over Politics

Our-Lady-of-The Carolinas, Senator Lindsey Graham, along with some colleagues has advocated harming Embassy Personnel in a political move to pacify a few elderly and rabid Cuban Americans in Florida

Nitwit Twittering:
Lindsey Graham @GrahamBlog Follow
I will do all in my power to block the use of funds to open an embassy in Cuba. Normalizing relations with Cuba is bad idea at a bad time.

9:26 AM - 17 Dec 2014

RePugs refused to vote for money that would have added security upgrades to the U.S. Mission in Benghazi. Why shoud this surprise anyone?

You were paying militias to guard the consulate in Benghazi. The money was there.
That was one of the more pathetic analogies I've ever heard...just saying...

Translation: You really hate it when the failing of an argument you liked is demonstrated at fatally flawed.

No, I love an analogy that brings clarity to a discussion. You're analogy didn't do that. I'm sorry but it didn't...

Please forgive my lack of clarity. Perhaps this will help.

Official Rosetta Stone - Language Learning - Learn a Language
That was one of the more pathetic analogies I've ever heard...just saying...

Translation: You really hate it when the failing of an argument you liked is demonstrated at fatally flawed.

No, I love an analogy that brings clarity to a discussion. You're analogy didn't do that. I'm sorry but it didn't...

Please forgive my lack of clarity. Perhaps this will help.

Official Rosetta Stone - Language Learning - Learn a Language

Ah, not for nothing, Swim but it didn't seem to do much for you...just saying...

I guess you didn't know our Embassy staff all over the world is targeted. Even in London and Paris.

get with it td

I was being a smart ass. Of course you are targeted. Wasn't there another hiccup in Libya after our western leaders thought it would be cool to overthrow Gaddafi?

I think it was called Benghazi. :) Yuppers. That was before the jihadists started having pool parties at the US embassy in Tripoli.

And if I'm not mistaken the US State Department endangered personnel stationed in that country. Yuppers.

That's the one.

Yup and you'll notice after the second Libyan hiccup they pulled our people out of Libya which is what they should have done the first time.

All it takes is four dead men and State catches a clue. Of course no one was fired and no heads rolled after Benghazi but what does one expect from the most tranparant administration in history.

Clinton should be proud of her State Department. After all, "What difference does it make."
i really am curious how anyone can spin this as a bad thing - rationally i mean. i know there is a lot of knee-jerk reactions to it, but i want a sound argument for continuing a decades old failed policy.

Castro is a commie, the old Mcarthy crowd is still alive ...

that's about it ...

And yet they want to maintain this failed, anachronistic policy.

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