Shame I Can't Vote For the Man...

The T

George S. Patton Party
May 24, 2009
...even though he's in my State...

Kudos to Representative West...'T' Seal Of Approval...

[ame=]Allen West - "Just Getting Started" - YouTube[/ame]

Go get 'em Colonel!
Colonel West is a great patriot.



He is a Statesman...and we need more like him.

TEA Party as well...

How is he a "statesman"?
statesman [ˈsteɪtsmən]
n pl -men
1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a political leader whose wisdom, integrity, etc., win great respect
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a person active and influential in the formulation of high government policy, such as a cabinet member
3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a politician
he's a hack who retired instead of getting tossed.

you're welcome to his sorry ass. :lol:

Your avatar is ugly.

like my non response response? Im taking liberal stupid classes. Hope it works!

'Dull' is never to be taken seriously...or even given any quarter.

Last week I made a post about Obama's terrible treatment of our economy. A poster (can't remember who) responded with name calling and attack- in his ranting diatribe he made the claim that he had to clean up the housing market caused by Bush- when I asked the poster what his job was he responded with even more smack talk. So in sarcastic jest i asked if he were a janitor. Del gave me negative rep for this with a snarky and disrespectful taunt attached.. I negative repped him back called him an asshole and reminded him the poster had made a personal attack prior to my question...well was this ever a mistake. This caused several PM's from del (I think he has a crush). We played smack talk put downs...I won of course- but man was that ever a weird interaction. I realized he likes/needs attention- poor guy :(
Last edited:
Your avatar is ugly.

like my non response response? Im taking liberal stupid classes. Hope it works!

'Dull' is never to be taken seriously...or even given any quarter.

Last week I made a post about Obama's terrible treatment of our economy. A poster (can't remember who) responded with name calling and attack- in his ranting diatribe he made the claim that he had to clean up the housing market caused by Bush- when I asked the poster what his job was he responded with even more smack talk. So in sarcastic jest i asked if he were a janitor. Del gave me negative rep for this with a snarky and disrespectful taunt attached.. I negative repped him back called him an asshole and reminded him the poster had made a personal attack prior to my question...well was this ever a mistake. This caused several PM's from del (I think he has a crush). We played smack talk put downs...I won of course- but man was that ever a weird interaction. I realized he likes/needs attention- poor guy :(

And boop says im an asshole lol

Maybe Dell and I are distantly related :eek:
'Dull' is never to be taken seriously...or even given any quarter.

Last week I made a post about Obama's terrible treatment of our economy. A poster (can't remember who) responded with name calling and attack- in his ranting diatribe he made the claim that he had to clean up the housing market caused by Bush- when I asked the poster what his job was he responded with even more smack talk. So in sarcastic jest i asked if he were a janitor. Del gave me negative rep for this with a snarky and disrespectful taunt attached.. I negative repped him back called him an asshole and reminded him the poster had made a personal attack prior to my question...well was this ever a mistake. This caused several PM's from del (I think he has a crush). We played smack talk put downs...I won of course- but man was that ever a weird interaction. I realized he likes/needs attention- poor guy :(

And boop says im an asshole lol

Maybe Dell and I are distantly related :eek:

maybe monkeys will fly out of my butt, too.

oh, and clevergirl is delusional, although i do admire her use of irony. :thup:
Your avatar is ugly.

like my non response response? Im taking liberal stupid classes. Hope it works!

'Dull' is never to be taken seriously...or even given any quarter.

Last week I made a post about Obama's terrible treatment of our economy. A poster (can't remember who) responded with name calling and attack- in his ranting diatribe he made the claim that he had to clean up the housing market caused by Bush- when I asked the poster what his job was he responded with even more smack talk. So in sarcastic jest i asked if he were a janitor. Del gave me negative rep for this with a snarky and disrespectful taunt attached.. I negative repped him back called him an asshole and reminded him the poster had made a personal attack prior to my question...well was this ever a mistake. This caused several PM's from del (I think he has a crush). We played smack talk put downs...I won of course- but man was that ever a weird interaction. I realized he likes/needs attention- poor guy :(

To summarize: Waaaaaaaaaaa!
'Dull' is never to be taken seriously...or even given any quarter.

Last week I made a post about Obama's terrible treatment of our economy. A poster (can't remember who) responded with name calling and attack- in his ranting diatribe he made the claim that he had to clean up the housing market caused by Bush- when I asked the poster what his job was he responded with even more smack talk. So in sarcastic jest i asked if he were a janitor. Del gave me negative rep for this with a snarky and disrespectful taunt attached.. I negative repped him back called him an asshole and reminded him the poster had made a personal attack prior to my question...well was this ever a mistake. This caused several PM's from del (I think he has a crush). We played smack talk put downs...I won of course- but man was that ever a weird interaction. I realized he likes/needs attention- poor guy :(

To summarize: Waaaaaaaaaaa!

she *won*

i'm crushed, of course
'Dull' is never to be taken seriously...or even given any quarter.

Last week I made a post about Obama's terrible treatment of our economy. A poster (can't remember who) responded with name calling and attack- in his ranting diatribe he made the claim that he had to clean up the housing market caused by Bush- when I asked the poster what his job was he responded with even more smack talk. So in sarcastic jest i asked if he were a janitor. Del gave me negative rep for this with a snarky and disrespectful taunt attached.. I negative repped him back called him an asshole and reminded him the poster had made a personal attack prior to my question...well was this ever a mistake. This caused several PM's from del (I think he has a crush). We played smack talk put downs...I won of course- but man was that ever a weird interaction. I realized he likes/needs attention- poor guy :(

And boop says im an asshole lol

Maybe Dell and I are distantly related :eek:

No he's not an asshole, he likes assholes. bada bing!

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