Shame on Democrats for conspiring with Russia to rig the election for Hillary

Shame on stupid freaking possibly psychotic left wingers for refusing to accept reality and living in a fantasy that the election was "rigged".

They use words like 'rigged' or 'interference' to imply that Russia had some kind of control over the election results.

Fact is that they are angry that the truth is exposed. Admitting it was an insider leaking info to Assange looks bad for them.

People were divided long before the truth about Hillary and the DNC were exposed. It's not likely that the facts changed many minds. Libs stood by her no matter how many scandals came to light. Trump supporters were mostly voting against Hillary and her quest for one world government and open borders, which is why they were able to forgive his arrogant attitude.

It was about choosing our constitution over one world order. For many, the choice was simple.

And it wasn't a left/right election like we usually see. Many of my Dem friends were voting Trump and some of my Repub friends were voting for Hillary. Only my extreme leftwing friends went with Hillary. The Repubs I know who voted for Hillary are wishy washy and don't follow politics a lot. I am surprised how many get a feel for politics by watching late night talk shows.

As far as Russia is concerned, they had it pretty good under Obama. Hillary was also willing to play ball with them. I don't know why they'd give that up and want the right to take the lead with foreign policy. That never bodes well for our enemies.
You libs will regret opening up this can of worms, by all means lets investigate Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer, lets get all their dirty dealings out in public. With GOP control of congress and the White House you bozo's have lost your minds picking this fight.

Seriously, have you ever read the U.S. Constitution? Do you believe in it? Or do you just "selectively" agree with it when it suits your agenda?
I'll answer for these lying cowardly bastards,,,Only when it suits their agenda

You mean the lying bastards who won the WH, the senate, house and the SCOTUS ?

Those lying bastards.

Why should they give a flying fig about what you think ?

You lost.

Suck on it.
yeah the ones who won the popular vote
You libs will regret opening up this can of worms, by all means lets investigate Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer, lets get all their dirty dealings out in public. With GOP control of congress and the White House you bozo's have lost your minds picking this fight.

Seriously, have you ever read the U.S. Constitution? Do you believe in it? Or do you just "selectively" agree with it when it suits your agenda?
I'll answer for these lying cowardly bastards,,,Only when it suits their agenda

You mean the lying bastards who won the WH, the senate, house and the SCOTUS ?

Those lying bastards.

Why should they give a flying fig about what you think ?

You lost.

Suck on it.
yeah the ones who won the popular vote

You can all suck on it together.

Conservative SCOTUS.


Oh: and you won the popular vote in all those senate races you were supposed to win....but didn't ?

And you won the popular vote in the individual house races....but the GOP still has a majority ?

Who knew ?
You libs will regret opening up this can of worms, by all means lets investigate Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer, lets get all their dirty dealings out in public. With GOP control of congress and the White House you bozo's have lost your minds picking this fight.

Seriously, have you ever read the U.S. Constitution? Do you believe in it? Or do you just "selectively" agree with it when it suits your agenda?

You're one of the last people on this freaking planet that should even mention the Constitution. But since you have, feel free to expand on your thought.
The republican party has become a criminal party that works for Putin.

Fucking bastards should be deported to Russia.

If speaking to an ambassador is criminal, what do you call Obama and Hitlery selling off 20% of our uranium mines as soon as Obama was reelected. And the millions of dollars that magically showed up in the Clinton Foundation. And the $500,000 Bill got for a Russia speech..... There are the culprits that should be deported. Instead you tried to hand them what's left of out country. You should join the bastards......
You libs will regret opening up this can of worms, by all means lets investigate Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer, lets get all their dirty dealings out in public. With GOP control of congress and the White House you bozo's have lost your minds picking this fight.

Seriously, have you ever read the U.S. Constitution? Do you believe in it? Or do you just "selectively" agree with it when it suits your agenda?
I'll answer for these lying cowardly bastards,,,Only when it suits their agenda

You mean the lying bastards who won the WH, the senate, house and the SCOTUS ?

Those lying bastards.

Why should they give a flying fig about what you think ?

You lost.

Suck on it.
yeah the ones who won the popular vote

You can all suck on it together.

Conservative SCOTUS.


Oh: and you won the popular vote in all those senate races you were supposed to win....but didn't ?

And you won the popular vote in the individual house races....but the GOP still has a majority ?

Who knew ?

Must be replying to one of the idiots I have on ignore, that failed High School Civics.
You libs will regret opening up this can of worms, by all means lets investigate Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer, lets get all their dirty dealings out in public. With GOP control of congress and the White House you bozo's have lost your minds picking this fight.

Seriously, have you ever read the U.S. Constitution? Do you believe in it? Or do you just "selectively" agree with it when it suits your agenda?

Liberals are a threat to this great nation and must be obliterated.

Dear BluesLegend
It is not illegal to have a political religion as the liberals do
and follow and fund it themselves.
What is unconstitutional is "establishing or prohibiting" such
beliefs **through govt** where everyone is expected to
pay extra and be under these beliefs (even if that violates
people's Constitutional rights and practices).

It's not the beliefs that are unlawful per se,
but imposing those beliefs through govt.

(Now, if liberals BELIEVE in ramming things through govt as a way to
establishing what they believe in, if the act of legislating their beliefs is
part of their beliefs, sure, maybe THAT belief and practice could be
challenged or changed.)

Thanks for posting!
Yours truly, Emily
You libs will regret opening up this can of worms, by all means lets investigate Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer, lets get all their dirty dealings out in public. With GOP control of congress and the White House you bozo's have lost your minds picking this fight.

Seriously, have you ever read the U.S. Constitution? Do you believe in it? Or do you just "selectively" agree with it when it suits your agenda?
I'll answer for these lying cowardly bastards,,,Only when it suits their agenda

You mean the lying bastards who won the WH, the senate, house and the SCOTUS ?

Those lying bastards.

Why should they give a flying fig about what you think ?

You lost.

Suck on it.
yeah the ones who won the popular vote

You mean the meaningless popular vote. Kind of like playing baseball to score touchdowns. LMAO
Seriously, have you ever read the U.S. Constitution? Do you believe in it? Or do you just "selectively" agree with it when it suits your agenda?
I'll answer for these lying cowardly bastards,,,Only when it suits their agenda

You mean the lying bastards who won the WH, the senate, house and the SCOTUS ?

Those lying bastards.

Why should they give a flying fig about what you think ?

You lost.

Suck on it.
yeah the ones who won the popular vote

You can all suck on it together.

Conservative SCOTUS.


Oh: and you won the popular vote in all those senate races you were supposed to win....but didn't ?

And you won the popular vote in the individual house races....but the GOP still has a majority ?

Who knew ?

Must be replying to one of the idiots I have on ignore, that failed High School Civics.

Only real pussies use ignore.
No, the Democrats are simply going to get beat at their own game. See, when dishonest people declare Russian conspiracy because the wind blows, at some point someone is going to play the same game. It's an easy game to play, because the Democrats created from thin air. Even a Republican can play pretend.

Difference is, I wouldn't be surprised in the least bit if they discover REAL information to discredit the Democrats. I believe this because the Democrat party has become so weak and disturbed that losing has become an expected result.
I'll answer for these lying cowardly bastards,,,Only when it suits their agenda

You mean the lying bastards who won the WH, the senate, house and the SCOTUS ?

Those lying bastards.

Why should they give a flying fig about what you think ?

You lost.

Suck on it.
yeah the ones who won the popular vote

You can all suck on it together.

Conservative SCOTUS.


Oh: and you won the popular vote in all those senate races you were supposed to win....but didn't ?

And you won the popular vote in the individual house races....but the GOP still has a majority ?

Who knew ?

Must be replying to one of the idiots I have on ignore, that failed High School Civics.

Only real pussies use ignore.

your opinion.

I have a low tolerance for partisan parrots
I'm watching Rachel Maddow connect all the Trump-Russia dots. Wow...
Is she using a crayon?


Seriously tho,
they are bringing up all the democrats that had contact with the Russians to try to get it thru your heads that just because someone had contact with a foreign power, does not mean they are in bed with them.

That's why we must have thorough investigations to clear all this up. Right?

You need probable cause of wrong doing to base and investigation on, at this point you have nothing but speculation and assumptions.
Seriously, have you ever read the U.S. Constitution? Do you believe in it? Or do you just "selectively" agree with it when it suits your agenda?
I'll answer for these lying cowardly bastards,,,Only when it suits their agenda

You mean the lying bastards who won the WH, the senate, house and the SCOTUS ?

Those lying bastards.

Why should they give a flying fig about what you think ?

You lost.

Suck on it.
yeah the ones who won the popular vote

You can all suck on it together.

Conservative SCOTUS.


Oh: and you won the popular vote in all those senate races you were supposed to win....but didn't ?

And you won the popular vote in the individual house races....but the GOP still has a majority ?

Who knew ?

Must be replying to one of the idiots I have on ignore, that failed High School Civics.
ignore always were a coward for 15 years
I'm watching Rachel Maddow connect all the Trump-Russia dots. Wow...
Is she using a crayon?


Seriously tho,
they are bringing up all the democrats that had contact with the Russians to try to get it thru your heads that just because someone had contact with a foreign power, does not mean they are in bed with them.

That's why we must have thorough investigations to clear all this up. Right?

You want to find out if the democrats are as much in bed with the Russians as you claim the republicans are?

Absolutely! I want to know the details of everyone who colluded with Russia to rig the last presidential election!

How did they rig the election? What exactly is it that you think they did? Make sure you post your hard evidence too. Thanks.
I'll answer for these lying cowardly bastards,,,Only when it suits their agenda

You mean the lying bastards who won the WH, the senate, house and the SCOTUS ?

Those lying bastards.

Why should they give a flying fig about what you think ?

You lost.

Suck on it.
yeah the ones who won the popular vote

You can all suck on it together.

Conservative SCOTUS.


Oh: and you won the popular vote in all those senate races you were supposed to win....but didn't ?

And you won the popular vote in the individual house races....but the GOP still has a majority ?

Who knew ?

Must be replying to one of the idiots I have on ignore, that failed High School Civics.

Only real pussies use ignore.
and believe me for 15 years he always was a pussy
I'm watching Rachel Maddow connect all the Trump-Russia dots. Wow...
Is she using a crayon?


Seriously tho,
they are bringing up all the democrats that had contact with the Russians to try to get it thru your heads that just because someone had contact with a foreign power, does not mean they are in bed with them.

That's why we must have thorough investigations to clear all this up. Right?

You want to find out if the democrats are as much in bed with the Russians as you claim the republicans are?

Absolutely! I want to know the details of everyone who colluded with Russia to rig the last presidential election!

The FBI said that would be NO Americans. Maybe you should be asking Putin for an investigation, so far our government says they are completely responsible.
I'm watching Rachel Maddow connect all the Trump-Russia dots. Wow...
Is she using a crayon?


Seriously tho,
they are bringing up all the democrats that had contact with the Russians to try to get it thru your heads that just because someone had contact with a foreign power, does not mean they are in bed with them.

That's why we must have thorough investigations to clear all this up. Right?

You want to find out if the democrats are as much in bed with the Russians as you claim the republicans are?

Absolutely! I want to know the details of everyone who colluded with Russia to rig the last presidential election!

How did they rig the election? What exactly is it that you think they did? Make sure you post your hard evidence too. Thanks.

It had to be rigged in the universe of the left wingers.

After all, god (HIllary) was supposed to win.
No, the Democrats are simply going to get beat at their own game. See, when dishonest people declare Russian conspiracy because the wind blows, at some point someone is going to play the same game. It's an easy game to play, because the Democrats created from thin air. Even a Republican can play pretend.

Difference is, I wouldn't be surprised in the least bit if they discover REAL information to discredit the Democrats. I believe this because the Democrat party has become so weak and disturbed that losing has become an expected result.

We know for a fact that Ted Kennedy asked for Russian help to try to defeat Reagan.
You mean the lying bastards who won the WH, the senate, house and the SCOTUS ?

Those lying bastards.

Why should they give a flying fig about what you think ?

You lost.

Suck on it.
yeah the ones who won the popular vote

You can all suck on it together.

Conservative SCOTUS.


Oh: and you won the popular vote in all those senate races you were supposed to win....but didn't ?

And you won the popular vote in the individual house races....but the GOP still has a majority ?

Who knew ?

Must be replying to one of the idiots I have on ignore, that failed High School Civics.

Only real pussies use ignore.

your opinion.

I have a low tolerance for partisan parrots

Yeah, but they can be fun to screw with.

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