Shame on the Electors!


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2014
Shame on those 227 Electors that voted for Crooked Hillary yesterday.

Crooked Hillary, a corrupt lying and incompetent asshole that got filthy rich selling government influence when she was Secretary of State.

A mean vindictive hateful bitch that catered to the most despicable special interest groups in the country.

A Libtard that would have continued with the destructive agenda of this Obama piece of shit.

A jackass married to a known sexual predator who said he loathed the military who she defended.

A despicable bitch that praised the BLM terrorists.

A dumbass with no regards for national security.

Shame on the Electors that voted for her:

I repeat here, the election wasn't hacked up it was f...ked up by Hillary. She had everything going her way and she still f...ked it up. That alone is her biggest accomplishment.
She lost right? OK, good, thought maybe something changed. Moving on .....
Shame on those 227 Electors that voted for Crooked Hillary yesterday.

Crooked Hillary, a corrupt lying and incompetent asshole that got filthy rich selling government influence when she was Secretary of State.

A mean vindictive hateful bitch that catered to the most despicable special interest groups in the country.

A Libtard that would have continued with the destructive agenda of this Obama piece of shit.

A jackass married to a known sexual predator who said he loathed the military who she defended.

A despicable bitch that praised the BLM terrorists.

A dumbass with no regards for national security.

Shame on the Electors that voted for her:


Dear Flash
I think it is a good thing that objectors to either what Trump or Clinton
stand for can express their dissent civilly by voting in such large numbers.

All Americans who have become increasingly more vocal and active in politics
deserve credit, because that's a start. We can't learn as much by not getting involved.
If we are ever going to move toward self-govt, an actively engaged citizenry is key.
And from there we become more educated and experienced in all levels of democratic process.

Thanks for sharing your opinion.
We all need to take responsibility for our votes
and our voices, where we invest our resources,
and we can work with leaders on all sides to make changes
we want to se e happen. All depends on us as a nation.
I see the academia challenged are out in force. Trump's win is a win for Russia in delegitimizing the western culture. The electoral college played right into that hand of Putin.
Crooked Hillary is a real loser.

Results yesterday:

Trump - 304 of 306 expected

Hillary - 227 of 232 expected

Colin Powell - 3

Ron Paul - 1

John Kasich - 1

Bernie Sanders - 1

Faith Spotted Eagle - 1

...and there were more for Commie Bernie but they got tossed out.
Who is Hillary?

I suspect that soon she will be a Federal prison inmate.

You will be wrong. As usual.

We will see if Trump lives up to his campaign promise to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate her corruption and security violations. After all that asshole Obama won't be around to protect the bitch any more.

If there is justice then she will be locked up.

There isn't anything to prosecute.
Shame on those 227 Electors that voted for Crooked Hillary yesterday.

Crooked Hillary, a corrupt lying and incompetent asshole that got filthy rich selling government influence when she was Secretary of State.

A mean vindictive hateful bitch that catered to the most despicable special interest groups in the country.

A Libtard that would have continued with the destructive agenda of this Obama piece of shit.

A jackass married to a known sexual predator who said he loathed the military who she defended.

A despicable bitch that praised the BLM terrorists.

A dumbass with no regards for national security.

Shame on the Electors that voted for her:


Im cool with it, especally after the wasted effort to flip them in her favor. Just like Hillarys recount it was a massive fail. Matter of fact, she had more "faithless" electors then the Donald. Hillary is done. She is out and has no chance to ever come back. That she is gone is enough to me.

There isn't anything to prosecute.

Comey said there was. Only he said that she didn't have any "intent" or some lame horseshit like that so therefore he wasn't going to do anything. Every criminal in the world would love to be let off the hook because they didn't have any criminal "intent", wouldn't they? It was nice for Crooked Hillary to have a sugar daddy in the White House, wasn't it?

Anyway with that asshole Obama out of the way hopefully Trump will appoint somebody that will actually pursue justice. That will be refreshing for a change, won't it? We can become a nation of laws again where the rich and powerful don't get a pass on criminal activity because of the elite status.

Im cool with it, especally after the wasted effort to flip them in her favor. Just like Hillarys recount it was a massive fail. Matter of fact, she had more "faithless" electors then the Donald. Hillary is done. She is out and has no chance to ever come back. That she is gone is enough to me.

Hopefully The Donald will find a way to throw the bitch in jail with Obama gone.

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