Shame on the Electors!

Shame on those 227 Electors that voted for Crooked Hillary yesterday.

Crooked Hillary, a corrupt lying and incompetent asshole that got filthy rich selling government influence when she was Secretary of State.

A mean vindictive hateful bitch that catered to the most despicable special interest groups in the country.

A Libtard that would have continued with the destructive agenda of this Obama piece of shit.

A jackass married to a known sexual predator who said he loathed the military who she defended.

A despicable bitch that praised the BLM terrorists.

A dumbass with no regards for national security.

Shame on the Electors that voted for her:

In a perfect world, all of the electors should have voted for Kasich.

He is the only one qualified for the job.

Both Hillary and Donald had electors who did not vote for them.

But Hillary had more electors who did not vote for her who were Democrat than Donald had who did not vote for him who were GOP.

So a few of the electors does have a conscience.

Im cool with it, especally after the wasted effort to flip them in her favor. Just like Hillarys recount it was a massive fail. Matter of fact, she had more "faithless" electors then the Donald. Hillary is done. She is out and has no chance to ever come back. That she is gone is enough to me.

Hopefully The Donald will find a way to throw the bitch in jail with Obama gone.
BHO will most likely pardon Hillary before Jan 20.
Who is Hillary?

I suspect that soon she will be a Federal prison inmate.

You will be wrong. As usual.

We will see if Trump lives up to his campaign promise to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate her corruption and security violations. After all that asshole Obama won't be around to protect the bitch any more.

If there is justice then she will be locked up.

There isn't anything to prosecute.
Just a criminal named Hillary
(Kasich) He is the only one qualified for the job.

Actually 60 million Trump voters and 60 million Crooked Hillary voters disagreed with you.

Kasich did poorly in the primaries so not very many people felt he was qualified enough to even be the Republican nominee.

BHO will most likely pardon Hillary before Jan 20.

If he does that will be an injustice. Being rich and powerful should not shield you from being prosecuted for criminal activity.

Of course Obama is not exactly known for ever doing the right thing, is he?
Shame on those 227 Electors that voted for Crooked Hillary yesterday.

Crooked Hillary, a corrupt lying and incompetent asshole that got filthy rich selling government influence when she was Secretary of State.

A mean vindictive hateful bitch that catered to the most despicable special interest groups in the country.

A Libtard that would have continued with the destructive agenda of this Obama piece of shit.

A jackass married to a known sexual predator who said he loathed the military who she defended.

A despicable bitch that praised the BLM terrorists.

A dumbass with no regards for national security.

Shame on the Electors that voted for her:

In a perfect world, all of the electors should have voted for Kasich.

He is the only one qualified for the job.

Both Hillary and Donald had electors who did not vote for them.

But Hillary had more electors who did not vote for her who were Democrat than Donald had who did not vote for him who were GOP.

So a few of the electors does have a conscience.
In the real world however voters said trump by a landslide and kasich left very fking early cause he sucks!

In the real world however voters said trump by a landslide and kasich left very fking early cause he sucks!

Kasich, as a Representative, supported Slick Willy' infamous assault weapons ban. That by itself made him unqualified to be President.
Crooked Hillary is a real loser.

Results yesterday:

Trump - 304 of 306 expected

Hillary - 227 of 232 expected

Colin Powell - 3

Ron Paul - 1

John Kasich - 1

Bernie Sanders - 1

Faith Spotted Eagle - 1

...and there were more for Commie Bernie but they got tossed out.
227 is not a total loser.

That still shows half the country is represented by leadership other than Trump.

Maybe 400:150 would have meant no chance.

Frankly I think the 5 votes for Colin Powell, Ron Paul, and Faith Spotted Eagle speak volumes also. Just those few represents advanced ideas that deserve media and public attention.

Good job on behalf of those voters who used this opportunity to make a bold statement.

This doesn't "delegimitize" America but shows our colors in full force. From the largest dominant voting blocks to the smallest minorities that are barely a blip on the radar. This electoral map still captured that range. Wow!

Even Jill Stein, Gary Johnson and Even McMillan who didn't get any Electoral Votes still got more public exposure nationally because of media activism and outreach over Internet media.

So this whole process is reaching new heights down to the grassroots levels, thanks to Sanders and Stein and others outside the mainstream majority.

Interesting to see how this progression develops from here, with independent activism and media influencing participation in government on greater and greater levels. Where will it go from here? There's no limit to what people can challenge and change, we just have to agree on what reforms to change things to, and work out those solutions in advance that all sides agree address problems effectively. Still have more evolving to do, before we can grow to that point, of actually working and interacting together as the norm not the exception, instead of just competing for control as the overriding focus. If anything "delegitimizes" American culture, it's that trend of "bullying by exclusion and coercion," which contradicts American ideals of inclusion and strength from diversity. Refusing or failing to collaborate on unifying solutions is where we undercut ourselves. Abusing govt, corporate party politics, media is our own doing, and can't be blamed on Russia or hacking if that merely exposes corruption that already exists!
Shame on those 227 Electors that voted for Crooked Hillary yesterday.

Crooked Hillary, a corrupt lying and incompetent asshole that got filthy rich selling government influence when she was Secretary of State.

A mean vindictive hateful bitch that catered to the most despicable special interest groups in the country.

A Libtard that would have continued with the destructive agenda of this Obama piece of shit.

A jackass married to a known sexual predator who said he loathed the military who she defended.

A despicable bitch that praised the BLM terrorists.

A dumbass with no regards for national security.

Shame on the Electors that voted for her:

In a perfect world, all of the electors should have voted for Kasich.

He is the only one qualified for the job.

Both Hillary and Donald had electors who did not vote for them.

But Hillary had more electors who did not vote for her who were Democrat than Donald had who did not vote for him who were GOP.

So a few of the electors does have a conscience.
Kasich is a fucktard LWNJ...:lol:
Shame on those 227 Electors that voted for Crooked Hillary yesterday.

Crooked Hillary, a corrupt lying and incompetent asshole that got filthy rich selling government influence when she was Secretary of State.

A mean vindictive hateful bitch that catered to the most despicable special interest groups in the country.

A Libtard that would have continued with the destructive agenda of this Obama piece of shit.

A jackass married to a known sexual predator who said he loathed the military who she defended.

A despicable bitch that praised the BLM terrorists.

A dumbass with no regards for national security.

Shame on the Electors that voted for her:

Some people are just gullible

There isn't anything to prosecute.

Comey said there was. Only he said that she didn't have any "intent" or some lame horseshit like that so therefore he wasn't going to do anything. Every criminal in the world would love to be let off the hook because they didn't have any criminal "intent", wouldn't they? It was nice for Crooked Hillary to have a sugar daddy in the White House, wasn't it?

Anyway with that asshole Obama out of the way hopefully Trump will appoint somebody that will actually pursue justice. That will be refreshing for a change, won't it? We can become a nation of laws again where the rich and powerful don't get a pass on criminal activity because of the elite status.

How are you going to convict Clinton for doing the exact same thing as her predecessors?

Trump, who promotes grabbing women by the pussy, strong arming his way into female dressing rooms, as well as being the poster boy for all capitalist racketeers is going to push for convictions of the elite? Are you an idiot?

How are you going to convict Clinton for doing the exact same thing as her predecessors?

Trump, who promotes grabbing women by the pussy, strong arming his way into female dressing rooms, as well as being the poster boy for all capitalist racketeers is going to push for convictions of the elite? Are you an idiot?

I didn't vote for Trump so I don't have to defend him. The only comment I would make he was a choirboy compared to Crooked Hillary's husband, whose was a sexual predator that she defended. Speaking of defending sexual predators she defended a scumbag that raped a 12 year old girl and she laughed about it. If you really don't like sexual predators then you shouldn't like the Clintons, unless you are a hypocritical partisan asshole.

I think the Moon Bat excuse that Crooked Hillary didn't do anything that anybody else didn't do is about as lame as it gets. Not only is it wrong because she was much worse than anybody else but the school yard excuse of "Johnny also did it" is really lame.

Now that we will get those Obama appointed assholes out of the government we can get the Justice Department to properly investigate Crooked Hillary's crimes and she can spend her remaining years in a Federal Women's Correctional Facility, where she belongs.

There isn't anything to prosecute.

Comey said there was. Only he said that she didn't have any "intent" or some lame horseshit like that so therefore he wasn't going to do anything. Every criminal in the world would love to be let off the hook because they didn't have any criminal "intent", wouldn't they? It was nice for Crooked Hillary to have a sugar daddy in the White House, wasn't it?

Anyway with that asshole Obama out of the way hopefully Trump will appoint somebody that will actually pursue justice. That will be refreshing for a change, won't it? We can become a nation of laws again where the rich and powerful don't get a pass on criminal activity because of the elite status.

How are you going to convict Clinton for doing the exact same thing as her predecessors?

Trump, who promotes grabbing women by the pussy, strong arming his way into female dressing rooms, as well as being the poster boy for all capitalist racketeers is going to push for convictions of the elite? Are you an idiot?
Other people before Clinton got reprimanded or removed from their positions due to NEGLIGENCE that breached policy and compromised national security.

So yes many people are advocating that Clinton face the same that HAS Been meted out to other people in the past, over smaller breaches than hers, or breaches in policy that were made on the side of national defense and not to undermine or threaten it.

As for Trump, if people press charges for harassment, yes those should be dealt with according to laws. If they don't pursue that legally, you can't expect to try cases in the media.

To compare with what Clinton did, you'd have to show negligence that compromises national security.

Proof of NEGLIGENCE was established early on in Clinton's case, but no action was taken. Not only does this compromise national security, but faith in govt ethics and integrity.

If Trump doesn't pursue it, maybe the American public should create our own independent grand jury system to facilitate a voluntary process of rebuke and correction. And use the Clinton case as an example to test out this process for redressing grievances.

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