Shamed Trump-Hating Media Turns On Brennan For False Rhetoric About More Mueller Indictments Coming


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Former CIA Director John Brennan is not a fan of President Trump. Just glance at his Twitter page. Trump is "treasonous" and "not fit," according to the former intelligence official.

It's highly unusual for a CIA director to be so vocally opposed to a sitting president, yet Brennan has frequently taken his vitriol against Trump to cable news. For months, Brennan has suggested he had information that made him believe the Robert Mueller investigation would result in more indictments for Trump associates."

Brennan, like all the other Trump-Hating Snowflakes, was only voicing his HOPE....Brennan was WRONG!

"Mueller released his report to Attorney General William Barr on Friday, with a note that there'd be no new indictments."

"With that announcement, Brennan is now facing a reckoning for his misleading rhetoric, including from media figures like ABC correspondent Terry Moran. According to Moran, Brennan has "a lot to answer for."

The Fake News, Propaganda-Pushing, Hillary-Covering, exposed Coup attempt-facilitating, Trump-hating media has been COMPLICIT this entire time, but now they are turning on the conspirators, blaming them for 'conning the media', villainizing them as they attempt to play the 'poor duped victim' card.


ABC's Terry Moran: John Brennan 'Has A Lot to Answer For'

The media HAS to do this. They were complicit and now they have to deflect and throw their co-conspirators under the bus.
It's a sham, dewd.

Those scumbags LOVE Brennan and will fight for him to the end.

Believe it.

And, OBTW..... Brennan DOES belong in Prison.

And something else........

All this shit started under the Lying Cocksucker In Chief. Believe that one too. The CIA doesn't investigate and run an intelligence operation on a rival Candidate for President of The United States without the current president's (the Lying Cocksucker in Chief) permission. No Way, No How

Same with the FBI and the DoJ.

the Lying Cocksucker HAD to know.

Will he/she/it be investigated?

That needs to happen and the POS better have an excuse

"Since May 2017, 533,074 web articles have been published about Russia and Trump/Mueller."

2. Astonishing stat
The Reign of Terror always eats its own in the end.

Just ask Robespierre.
"Former CIA Director John Brennan is not a fan of President Trump. Just glance at his Twitter page. Trump is "treasonous" and "not fit," according to the former intelligence official.

It's highly unusual for a CIA director to be so vocally opposed to a sitting president, yet Brennan has frequently taken his vitriol against Trump to cable news. For months, Brennan has suggested he had information that made him believe the Robert Mueller investigation would result in more indictments for Trump associates."

Brennan, like all the other Trump-Hating Snowflakes, was only voicing his HOPE....Brennan was WRONG!

"Mueller released his report to Attorney General William Barr on Friday, with a note that there'd be no new indictments."

"With that announcement, Brennan is now facing a reckoning for his misleading rhetoric, including from media figures like ABC correspondent Terry Moran. According to Moran, Brennan has "a lot to answer for."

The Fake News, Propaganda-Pushing, Hillary-Covering, exposed Coup attempt-facilitating, Trump-hating media has been COMPLICIT this entire time, but now they are turning on the conspirators, blaming them for 'conning the media', villainizing them as they attempt to play the 'poor duped victim' card.


ABC's Terry Moran: John Brennan 'Has A Lot to Answer For'

America seems to have a criminal press against conservatives, that's all, and in concert they strained at a gnat to swallow a camel. :(
It's a sham, dewd.

Those scumbags LOVE Brennan and will fight for him to the end.

Believe it.

And, OBTW..... Brennan DOES belong in Prison.

And something else........

All this shit started under the Lying Cocksucker In Chief. Believe that one too. The CIA doesn't investigate and run an intelligence operation on a rival Candidate for President of The United States without the current president's (the Lying Cocksucker in Chief) permission. No Way, No How

Same with the FBI and the DoJ.

the Lying Cocksucker HAD to know.

Will he/she/it be investigated?

That needs to happen and the POS better have an excuse

Nope. All this was done to protect half black jesus. Had it been only Hillary they would have let her fall.
Since Barr already said there would be no more indictments Brennan is full of shit and anyone who watched the news knows it.
There are few, if any, actual journalists anymore. If they'd been doing their jobs and their homework they would have been looking for actual proof to substantiate the things they were being told and regurgitating as if it were manna.

There was plenty of time to ask themselves what this would all look like if it turned out there was no actual provable collusion. They were so blinded by their own pursuit of headlines, ratings and their own confirmation bias that it doesn't seem to me that they even accounted for this rather large possibility.

These whiny little fucks have nobody but themselves to blame for becoming televised versions of the National Enquirer. They very literally did it to themselves.
1. CNN Accuses Don Jr. Of Wikileaks Collusion
2. ABC Tanks Stock Market With Fake Flynn News
3. The Mooch Is NOT Under Investigation
4. Bloomberg’s Dirty Deutsche Bank Scoop
5. Sessions Exonerated
6. Russians Aren’t Just Hacking The Election — They’re Hacking Our Power Grid (Obama knew in 2014)
7. Republicans Funded The Dossier! (GOP no connection to Dossier)
8. CNN Gets Comey Prediction Wildly Wrong......

The Media’s Russia ‘Bombshells’ Look Even Worse Now That Mueller Found No Collusion
"Former CIA Director John Brennan is not a fan of President Trump. Just glance at his Twitter page. Trump is "treasonous" and "not fit," according to the former intelligence official.

It's highly unusual for a CIA director to be so vocally opposed to a sitting president, yet Brennan has frequently taken his vitriol against Trump to cable news. For months, Brennan has suggested he had information that made him believe the Robert Mueller investigation would result in more indictments for Trump associates."

Brennan, like all the other Trump-Hating Snowflakes, was only voicing his HOPE....Brennan was WRONG!

"Mueller released his report to Attorney General William Barr on Friday, with a note that there'd be no new indictments."

"With that announcement, Brennan is now facing a reckoning for his misleading rhetoric, including from media figures like ABC correspondent Terry Moran. According to Moran, Brennan has "a lot to answer for."

The Fake News, Propaganda-Pushing, Hillary-Covering, exposed Coup attempt-facilitating, Trump-hating media has been COMPLICIT this entire time, but now they are turning on the conspirators, blaming them for 'conning the media', villainizing them as they attempt to play the 'poor duped victim' card.


ABC's Terry Moran: John Brennan 'Has A Lot to Answer For'

If they ever investigate that piece of crap.....we will find out what a criminal he is.

He is owned by THE UN.

The Reason they wanted Trump out, is because they wanted to get Agenda 21 started, and Trump wrecked that all to Hell!

Agenda 21 is almost identical to The Green New Deal. Read about it, and tell me they are not trying to push this shit, every single day.

What Is Agenda 21? After Watching This, You May Not Want to Know

Agenda 21/Sustainable Development - American Policy Center

What Exactly Is Agenda 21?
It's a sham, dewd.

Those scumbags LOVE Brennan and will fight for him to the end.

Believe it.

And, OBTW..... Brennan DOES belong in Prison.

And something else........

All this shit started under the Lying Cocksucker In Chief. Believe that one too. The CIA doesn't investigate and run an intelligence operation on a rival Candidate for President of The United States without the current president's (the Lying Cocksucker in Chief) permission. No Way, No How

Same with the FBI and the DoJ.

the Lying Cocksucker HAD to know.

Will he/she/it be investigated?

That needs to happen and the POS better have an excuse
I didn't know the CIA conducted business inside the US.
I didn't know the CIA conducted business inside the US.

You might need to sit down and pay attention
I was of the impression spying against American Citizens was illegal. hmmmmmmm

You're putting me on, I know.

But I think Brennan ends up doing some Prison time over this. Seriously.

I don't think Trump, Barr and Giuliani are gonna let this slide.

When the Horowitz IG report comes out, I think the big guns get rolled out. I predict dozens of indictments.

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