Shameful: Obama Has Spent 44 Million On Travel, More Than Any Other President

Obama's expensive travel to Hawaii and other resorts wouldn't be an issue if he was doing his job.

Yes it would. You and the rest of your racist buddies would complain about everything he does, no matter what.
Actually it should be the Obama's. This is appalling to say the least. This non-natural born Citizen president with a proven 100% forged birth certificate and selective service registration application is wasting our taxpaying dollar on failed trips all over this nation and globe. It is a travesty.

Obama's Have Spent $44 Million On Tax Payer Travel | Wealthy

The Obamas have spent over 44 million dollars in taxpayer money on travel and vacations. Some are even calling him the “most well-trvaeled, expensive” president in our nation’s history. As Americans head off for the long holiday weekend, let’s take a look back at some of the president’s holiday spending.

Our president vacations a lot — we’re talking $44,351,777.12 worth of “a lot,” with most expenses charged to the American taxpayer.

As of March 2014, Obama has spent more time traveling internationally than any other president, taking 31 trips since assuming office in 2009. The 119 days spent overseas have cost taxpayers millions of dollars.

How can you possibly complain of this? :cuckoo:

Our Dear Leader is out among his subjects preaching to them how they should live their lives and bow down to his wishes. :eek:

Is that not what he swore to do? :eusa_whistle:

[Don't answer that!] :evil:
The Republican shut down of the government cost taxpayers $25 billion dollars.
Obama's expensive travel to Hawaii and other resorts wouldn't be an issue if he was doing his job.

He is. There are a group of people who would claim he was doing a bad job if he personally cured cancer. I suspect you are in that group.
Budget analyst Winslow Wheeler—who calls the F-35 "the jet that ate the Pentagon"—argues that the total life-cycle cost of the program, including funds to operate and support the jet, could total a stunning $1.5 trillion or higher, which is more than the annual GDP of Spain.

This is what happens when the Pentagon gets virtually unlimited sums to build the world's most amazing toys. The Russians and Chinese must be happy to let us go broke building Cold War-style monstrosities, while they bone up on cyberwar and become experts at economic espionage.

The F-35 Shows Why the Pentagon Deserves a Smaller Budget - US News
Obama's expensive travel to Hawaii and other resorts wouldn't be an issue if he was doing his job.

he IS doing his job, snookums.

you're just a hate-filled obama deranged nutbar

get over it. :cuckoo:
Shameful: Obama Has Spent 44 Million On Travel, More Than Any Other President is an outright lie.

Close the thread, let's move on.
One of the President's primary jobs is foreign policy. When a President travels overseas, that is not a "vacation" you stupid, stupid, stupid fucks.

I'd bet, MOST of that money = is his and mabella's galavanting all over the country for speech after speech, still campaigning after six years, fundraisers, golf outings...three week HAWAII vacations....................wheeeeeeeeeeeeee for six years
so you might want to take back that last line or look in a mirror when saying that...
Wow! $44M would buy a back up system for the IRS Email!
the most shameful in spending in what his followers said was, (almost the great depression) and most hateful couple to ever grace the white house

travels all over the country telling graduates, don't listen to those naysayers you don't need to fear your government and to get in your families faces

you betcha
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The thread's a lie, anyway... wackos

you need to stop reading BS chain emails. :cuckoo:

Our inbox has been inundated with questions about two separate chain e-mails about President Barack Obama's use of Air Force One in 2010, and about the number of people who accompanied him on a trip to England in 2009. But the suggestion that Obama is traveling more often on the presidential plane, and traveling with larger entourages on international trips than past presidents, is badly mistaken.

The Traveling President

but it's not like it's about race or anything.

Thanks for posting the FACTS but it doesn't matter. RWs still believe he spent $200Million an hour and that the dogs have their own airplane.

They'll just keep repeating this lie and


Its fact.
now it's how much is a president suppose to spend? whoa head spinning turn around eh?

with Bush, they wailed when he went to his OWN HOME... bitched so much about his playing golf, he gave it up
hey, ludnuts, wrongwhiner etc

you know you are in a minority of the small rabid group who still approves of Obama?

man, what devotion
No problem with the POTUS taking a VK it just kinda sucks when Michelle and the kids head for Spain and China at taxpayer expense. No POTUS on those flights.

The economy is in the toilet and one would think that the first family would cool it on those long expensive vacations. Not so. After all its somebody elses money.

Obama's a bargain compared to bush. I always thought bush should have taken the greyhound to tejas for vacation. His worshippers could have lined the highways all the way from D.C. to crawdad.
Actually it should be the Obama's. This is appalling to say the least. This non-natural born Citizen president with a proven 100% forged birth certificate and selective service registration application is wasting our taxpaying dollar on failed trips all over this nation and globe. It is a travesty.

Obama's Have Spent $44 Million On Tax Payer Travel | Wealthy

The Obamas have spent over 44 million dollars in taxpayer money on travel and vacations. Some are even calling him the “most well-trvaeled, expensive” president in our nation’s history. As Americans head off for the long holiday weekend, let’s take a look back at some of the president’s holiday spending.

Our president vacations a lot — we’re talking $44,351,777.12 worth of “a lot,” with most expenses charged to the American taxpayer.

As of March 2014, Obama has spent more time traveling internationally than any other president, taking 31 trips since assuming office in 2009. The 119 days spent overseas have cost taxpayers millions of dollars.

I don't believe anything from the right that is said about President Obama. I do believe this from June 2012, just 2 years ago.

How the Bush Family Spent Millions of Your Tax Dollars Today

George the 1st is having a birthday Tuesday and someone thought it would be neat for him to visit a big boat. USS George H.W. Bush would be off the coast of Kennebunkport Sunday morning. So rising early and always wanting to be a witness to fiscally responsible conservatives, Mr. PB and I headed down to the beach. Sure enough there was an aircraft carrier on the horizon.

Bush and his wife, Barbara, along with their son, former President George W. Bush, and his wife, Laura, will fly to the carrier on Sunday morning, accompanied by other family members and security.

Four helicopters flew up and down the surrounding beaches making sure the coast was clear, probably waiting for the Bushes to finish breakfast before at least one landed at Walker's Point to pick them up and fly them out to the ship. They probably spent about an hour aboard before flying home. Security as always was tight employing local (my tax dollars) as well as federal (our tax dollars) officers. Six hours later helicopters are still buzzing overhead costing money.

USS George H.W. Bush cost 6.2 BILLION dollars? George the lesser awarded the contract to Northrop Grumman on January 26, 2001 as one of his first orders of business after his appointment to office. And why is it off the coast of Maine when "we are a nation at war?" I mean shouldn't it be somewhere like the Strait of Hormuz? Isn't Iran a dire threat of smoking guns and mushroom clouds?

So the next time you see John Bonehead crying his crocodile tears over the state of our economy, or any of the other hypocritical bloviaters screaming about Democratic spending on infrastructure or programs that benefit the poor it is my hope that you will remember how the Bush family spent their Sunday morning. Oh to be the idle rich playing with their boats and whirlybirds on the taxpayers dime. When it comes to Republicans wasting our money.... "Mission Accomplished."

How the Bush Family Spent Millions of Your Tax Dollars Today

Never saw this mentioned by the haters. It's because you people couldn't care less about taxpayer dollars, right?? Unless they are in reference to our current president. True or not.
I thought it was cute where Steve cut off his citation of his 'source'.

As of March 2014, Obama has spent more time traveling internationally than any other president, taking 31 trips since assuming office in 2009. The 119 days spent overseas have cost taxpayers millions of dollars.

But when you look at the full quote, things don't look quite so dire [bold added for emphasis]:

As of March 2014, Obama has spent more time traveling internationally than any other president, taking 31 trips since assuming office in 2009. The 119 days spent overseas have cost taxpayers millions of dollars.

At the same point in their respective presidencies, George W. Bush had spent 116 days on 28 trips, Bill Clinton had spent 113 days on 27 trips and Ronald Reagan had spent 73 days on just 14 trips.

Wow. 3 whole days more than Bush. And 6 more than Clinton. Over 6 years.

No wonder Steve is soiling himself with hysteric outrage.

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