Biden has spent 40% of his Presidency on vacation.

Biden used to travel everyday back to Delaware while in the Senate... He clearly likes to be at home among his family and friends...
It was said that he like to go into his own kitchen and cook his breakfast in his bathrobe... Seems pretty normal...

It is reasonably close to DC.. Not very expensive...

Hmm…sounds like a vacation to Conservatives
how much time has Biden spent cleaning the shit out of his underwear?
You are thinking of an unpaid position in the previous administration.

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It's hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person.” – Bill Murray

Why it is a waste of time to try to discuss things with you
Gee, a quote by Bill Murray.

Your desperation is showing.
How does that quote change the fact you lied, and then changed your story to spin your lie, Trollwinger?
Gee, a quote by Bill Murray.

Your desperation is showing.
How does that quote change the fact you lied, and then changed your story to spin your lie, Trollwinger?
Nostra doubling down on stupid
Eventually, you gotta just walk away
As usual, I hate to defend Biden just as much as hate to defend Trump, but when it comes to a President being on vacation, it's not like it's 1939. If we live in age of constant connectability and instant information. A modern President is never really on vacation. I said this back when they attacked Bush Jr. for "always" being on vacation, and I'll say anytime someone chooses to use it as a cudgel for a sitting President.
If Biden was taking his time off at Camp David, I wouldn’t care as much, it’s government owned and the infrastructure to protect him is always there. But when any president goes to stay at a private residence, especially one that belongs to someone else, the costs are staggering. A lot of things that most people would never consider. The local phone company has to install dedicated cables for the private phone system that travels with the president. Every manhole and access point for those cables has to either be welded shut or guarded 24/7 while the phone system is active. The air space anywhere near the presidents vacation home has to be closed to all traffic. The Air Force has to station alert fighters at the nearest air base and if there isn’t one nearby, fly CAPs. All utility access have to be secured or guarded. All manholes on any possible route for the motorcade to the vacation house have to be welded shut and surveillance mounted on all the potential routes. As we recently saw in Utah, anyone who might be a threat to the president has to be detained or put under observation. Just a weekend visit is mind-staggeringly complex and expensive. At least if a president goes to his own property, the facilities can be reused and is a little more cost effective.
I am talking about Joseph Robinette Biden the pant shitting brain dead puppet that was installed.
I will not mention your fantasies.
Such a sorry individual being preferred to lead the nation by over seven-million Americans is quite the judgment on the Loser.
If Biden was taking his time off at Camp David, I wouldn’t care as much, it’s government owned and the infrastructure to protect him is always there. But when any president goes to stay at a private residence, especially one that belongs to someone else, the costs are staggering. A lot of things that most people would never consider. The local phone company has to install dedicated cables for the private phone system that travels with the president. Every manhole and access point for those cables has to either be welded shut or guarded 24/7 while the phone system is active. The air space anywhere near the presidents vacation home has to be closed to all traffic. The Air Force has to station alert fighters at the nearest air base and if there isn’t one nearby, fly CAPs. All utility access have to be secured or guarded. All manholes on any possible route for the motorcade to the vacation house have to be welded shut and surveillance mounted on all the potential routes. As we recently saw in Utah, anyone who might be a threat to the president has to be detained or put under observation. Just a weekend visit is mind-staggeringly complex and expensive. At least if a president goes to his own property, the facilities can be reused and is a little more cost effective.

Fair enough. The cost is something to be considered. I didn't get the impression that cost was the major concern in OP.
No argument at all as usual from the dupes... For example Biden has real doctors from the White House who say that he is an absolute great condition. He admits he is a gaffe machine, he overcame a stutter and you have seen him trip going up the stairs of that plane probably 10,000 times, brainwashed functional moron. No evidence for any of your crap end of story
No argument at all as usual from the dupes... For example Biden has real doctors from the White House who say that he is an absolute great condition. He admits he is a gaffe machine, he overcame a stutter and you have seen him trip going up the stairs of that plane probably 10,000 times, brainwashed functional moron. No evidence for any of your crap end of story
I told you :talktothehand:
I have Zero interest in your tripe.

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No argument at all as usual from the dupes... For example Biden has real doctors from the White House who say that he is an absolute great condition. He admits he is a gaffe machine, he overcame a stutter and you have seen him trip going up the stairs of that plane probably 10,000 times, brainwashed functional moron. No evidence for any of your crap end of story
Show us video of his stuttering.
Even when Biden goes on vacation his body comes back but his brain doesn't. In fact, it appears his brain is always on vacation.

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