Shameful: ‘Ruby Bridges’ Film Banned From School Because White Parents Feeling Some Kind of Way

If whites had not wanted to give blacks equal rights it would not have happened
This shows a fundamental misunderstanding of rights as taught to you by your slaver Founders. Rights to liberty and equality are inalienable. They exist before government. What happened is that whites stopped violating the rights of black citizens. You don't get a pat on the back because you decided to stop abusing someone.
I haven't seen this movie. If it is a recent Disney movie, it is probably filled with bizarre caricatures of white people and exaggerated villains. If it is a older Disney movie, it is probably filled with bizarre caricatures of black people and exaggerated villains. Surely we could find a more reputable production company to provide educational materials. Especially given how adamant Disney is about schools not using their copyrighted materials.

I suppose, hypothetically, it is an unusual Disney and that it has high quality of production. A well produced version of that part of American History would be very educational for kids old enough to understand what is going on, and the difference between history and current events.

. That absolutely does not include second graders. They would learn no other lesson other than black folks good white folks bad. Which I believe may be officially a plank in the next Democratic Party platform.
This shows a fundamental misunderstanding of rights as taught to you by your slaver Founders. Rights to liberty and equality are inalienable. They exist before government. What happened is that whites stopped violating the rights of black citizens. You don't get a pat on the back because you decided to stop abusing someone.
You fantastically observed hypocrite! How many times did you tell me that rights are only what society agrees are rights? That rights are negotiation, basically that might makes right?

What are these inalienable rights speak of, and how did they come to exist?
This shows a fundamental misunderstanding of rights as taught to you by your slaver Founders. Rights to liberty and equality are inalienable. They exist before government. What happened is that whites stopped violating the rights of black citizens. You don't get a pat on the back because you decided to stop abusing someone.
He’s right, you know. Setting the slaves free is one of the reasons that whites are the supreme race!
I haven't seen this movie. If it is a recent Disney movie, it is probably filled with bizarre caricatures of white people and exaggerated villains. If it is a older Disney movie, it is probably filled with bizarre caricatures of black people and exaggerated villains. Surely we could find a more reputable production company to provide educational materials. Especially given how adamant Disney is about schools not using their copyrighted materials.

I suppose, hypothetically, it is an unusual Disney and that it has high quality of production. A well produced version of that part of American History would be very educational for kids old enough to understand what is going on, and the difference between history and current events.

. That absolutely does not include second graders. They would learn no other lesson other than black folks good white folks bad. Which I believe may be officially a plank in the next Democratic Party platform.

You fantastically observed hypocrite! How many times did you tell me that rights are only what society agrees are rights? That rights are negotiation, basically that might makes right?

What are these inalienable rights speak of, and how did they come to exist?
I saw it a few years ago.
I thought it was well done.

If anything, it whitewashed how vicious the white protestors really were
You fantastically observed hypocrite! How many times did you tell me that rights are only what society agrees are rights? That rights are negotiation, basically that might makes right?

What are these inalienable rights speak of, and how did they come to exist?
Do you read English? Go back and re-read what I said again, Short Bus. 😄

I said, "This shows a fundamental misunderstanding of rights as taught to you by your slaver Founders".

That's where you clowns think rights come from and I framed my statement to reflect that.

He’s right, you know. Setting the slaves free is one of the reasons that whites are the supreme race!
That's like saying, "I stopped beating my wife so I'm the world's greatest husband!".... 😄

Ok.... I guess. If that's your standard. Maybe aim a little higher there guy.
That's like saying, "I stopped beating my wife so I'm the world's greatest husband!".... 😄

Ok.... I guess. If that's your standard. Maybe aim a little higher there guy.
White people did not enslave anybody or use slaves. Rather, SOME white men used slaves and engaged in the slave trade. It is a testament to white supremacy that the white race generally overcame its racist slave owners in order to free the slaves, and at great expense.
White people did not enslave anybody or use slaves. Rather, SOME white men used slaves and engaged in the slave trade. It is a testament to white supremacy that the white race generally overcame its racist slave owners in order to free the slaves, and at great expense.
I don't mind you stating over and over that your standard of greatness is having finally stopped your abuse. 😄
I don't mind you stating over and over that your standard of greatness is having finally stopped your abuse. 😄
As I said, “white people” did not slave. A few honkies did it. Therefore, it is not factually correct to use the general “us” and “them” paradigm. Honestly, you sound like a fucking n-word.
The purpose of education should be to uplift the little children, including honky children, and make them feel good about themselves. How does laying down a bum trip on these innocent little kids help them in any way?
What is the purpose of teaching history? Are you saying that we shouldn't have learned about the Holocaust, we learn about everyone else's history. Now when it comes to true American history you want the watered down version, why is that?
Black people gained equality under the law thanks to the magnanimity of white people

This constant wallowing in victimhood hurts everyone
Black folks were slaves and suffered through Jim Crow under the law, thanks to the magnanimity of white folks as well.
But it was

The white majority didnt have to do anything it didnt want to do
So you are effectively saying the Constitution nothing and our rights are determined by who ever is the majority?
Groomers are killing kids with drugs without parental permission. Fentenyl brought up from open borders is killing school kids. Internet bullying is killing school kids but the left worries about a freaking film? WTF?
Even though the Disney film “Ruby Bridges” has been shown during Black History Month in Florida’s Pinellas County for years, it was recently pulled because a parent was worried that it would teach white children about the racism that Black children faced.

Emily Conklin, whose child attends North Shore Elementary parent, refused to let the student see “Ruby Bridges” when it was shown earlier this month. Conklin believed that the movie was inappropriate for second graders.

She made a formal complaint on March 6, stating that the use of racial epithets and images of white folks who harassed Ruby as she walked into a school will allow white children to see the racist history of segregation.

School officials for Pinellas decided to ban the movie at the St. Petersburg school until a review committee can evaluate it. This is ultimately a result of Florida parents having more say in deciding what children can see and read in schools.

In an open letter, Ric Davis—who is president of Concerned Organization for Quality Education for Black Students—wrote: “Many from historically marginalized communities are asking whether this so-called integrated education system in Pinellas County can even serve the diverse community fairly and equitably.”

Why do some folks want to hide American History?

Why do you only want your children to see the good parts of History?
The Ruby Ridge film should be seen by everyone
I saw it a few years ago.
I thought it was well done.

If anything, it whitewashed how vicious the white protestors really were
Then it is not appropriate as history.

Do you read English? Go back and re-read what I said again, Short Bus. 😄

I said, "This shows a fundamental misunderstanding of rights as taught to you by your slaver Founders".

That's where you clowns think rights come from and I framed my statement to reflect that.

You said: Rights to liberty and equality are inalienable. They exist before government.

But, if you want to backpedal now, go ahead.

So, what - if any - rights of Ruby Bridges did anyone violate?

I say the racist Democrats violated her right to be taught in a government school (if government chooses to run them) regardless of her color.

Just like racist Democrats want to violate the rights of whites and asians to compete on a level playing field for educational opportunities.

But, you say there are no such rights, except ad hoc rights "created" by government.

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