Shameful: ‘Ruby Bridges’ Film Banned From School Because White Parents Feeling Some Kind of Way

Even though the Disney film “Ruby Bridges” has been shown during Black History Month in Florida’s Pinellas County for years, it was recently pulled because a parent was worried that it would teach white children about the racism that Black children faced.

Emily Conklin, whose child attends North Shore Elementary parent, refused to let the student see “Ruby Bridges” when it was shown earlier this month. Conklin believed that the movie was inappropriate for second graders.

She made a formal complaint on March 6, stating that the use of racial epithets and images of white folks who harassed Ruby as she walked into a school will allow white children to see the racist history of segregation.

School officials for Pinellas decided to ban the movie at the St. Petersburg school until a review committee can evaluate it. This is ultimately a result of Florida parents having more say in deciding what children can see and read in schools.

In an open letter, Ric Davis—who is president of Concerned Organization for Quality Education for Black Students—wrote: “Many from historically marginalized communities are asking whether this so-called integrated education system in Pinellas County can even serve the diverse community fairly and equitably.”

Why do some folks want to hide American History?

Why do you only want your children to see the good parts of History?

I thought the documentary on the 'Ruby Ridge' FBI disaster had already been banned.

Oh said 'Ruby BRIDGES'. My bad.
The film was terrible. Not sure why we would want to show that movie in schools.
Black folks were slaves and suffered through Jim Crow under the law, thanks to the magnanimity of white folks as well.
According to your victimhood fetish the civil rights laws were never passed and blacks were still in slavery

You wallow in hate and self pity
Even though the Disney film “Ruby Bridges” has been shown during Black History Month in Florida’s Pinellas County for years, it was recently pulled because a parent was worried that it would teach white children about the racism that Black children faced.

Emily Conklin, whose child attends North Shore Elementary parent, refused to let the student see “Ruby Bridges” when it was shown earlier this month. Conklin believed that the movie was inappropriate for second graders.

She made a formal complaint on March 6, stating that the use of racial epithets and images of white folks who harassed Ruby as she walked into a school will allow white children to see the racist history of segregation.

School officials for Pinellas decided to ban the movie at the St. Petersburg school until a review committee can evaluate it. This is ultimately a result of Florida parents having more say in deciding what children can see and read in schools.

In an open letter, Ric Davis—who is president of Concerned Organization for Quality Education for Black Students—wrote: “Many from historically marginalized communities are asking whether this so-called integrated education system in Pinellas County can even serve the diverse community fairly and equitably.”

Why do some folks want to hide American History?

Why do you only want your children to see the good parts of History?
You should beg for reparations.
So you are effectively saying the Constitution nothing and our rights are determined by who ever is the majority?
The Constitution cannot move mountains unless they are willing to be moved

You should give the Bible and the Christian sense of fair play equal credit to the Constitution
Yes there were dark moments in our history and they should be taught as such.
To 8-year-olds? That's brainwashing, not teaching. It would be more appropriate at 5th or 6th grade and the children would have a better grasp of the context the events occurred within. Or is that not acceptable?
You said: Rights to liberty and equality are inalienable. They exist before government.

But, if you want to backpedal now, go ahead.
Still not back peddling. Still here laughing at your inability to read and follow simple conversations. I did say those things, after I had already established the premise that these were things taught to you Simps by your slaver Founders.
So, what - if any - rights of Ruby Bridges did anyone violate?
That would be the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. At least according to the Supreme Court in 1954.
I say the racist Democrats violated her right to be taught in a government school (if government chooses to run them) regardless of her color.
Good for you I guess. The Southern white racist population of Louisiana were largely Democrats in the 1960s.
Just like racist Democrats want to violate the rights of whites and asians to compete on a level playing field for educational opportunities.
I don't think affirmative action is anything like segregation but I amused to watch Bingos like you suggest that they are in public. The same thinking applies if you were to suddenly paint your face, squirt water on yourself from a fake flower and then hit yourself with a whipped cream pie. I enjoy watching a clown show. 😄
But, you say there are no such rights, except ad hoc rights "created" by government.
I do and your slaver Founders said otherwise so who do you think is right? Me or them? I'm not the one terrified of consistency.....
As I said, “white people” did not slave. A few honkies did it. Therefore, it is not factually correct to use the general “us” and “them” paradigm. Honestly, you sound like a fucking n-word.

Go ahead and lash out you Bingo. You should. I shit on your argument so hard lashing out seems appropriate in this instance.
Still not back peddling. Still here laughing at your inability to read and follow simple conversations. I did say those things, after I had already established the premise that these were things taught to you Simps by your slaver Founders.
So you don't know how to attribute thoughts to someone else? I get that. I used to teach English to adults, and it is one of the hardest things for them to learn. But didn't you say you have been learning English for decades? Maybe you should talk to more native speakers instead of just the dudes at the Rasta old folks home, and the illegal alien orderlies.
That would be the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. At least according to the Supreme Court in 1954.
So, you believe that slaves did not have their rights violated? Interesting idea. You should right a children's book with that as the title.
Good for you I guess. The Southern white racist population of Louisiana were largely Democrats in the 1960s.
Racism has always been, and probably always will be, the key motivating for the Democratic party.
I don't think affirmative action is anything like segregation,
Other than both being racist, you mean.
I do and your slaver Founders said otherwise so who do you think is right? Me or them? I'm not the one terrified of consistency.....
Like you, even a slaveholder can be right about something, once in a while. The Democrats among them were, in their minds, secretly inserting the word "white," in the phrase "all men are created equal." They've been racist and dishonest from the start.
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The Constitution cannot move mountains unless they are willing to be moved

You should give the Bible and the Christian sense of fair play equal credit to the Constitution
There is no such thing on the Constitution.
So you don't know how to attribute thoughts to someone else? I get that. I used to teach English to adults, and it is one of the hardest things for them to learn. But didn't you say you have been learning English for decades? Maybe you should talk to more native speakers instead of just the dudes at the Rasta old folks home, and the illegal alien orderlies.
Native speakers? 😄 Rastas are native english speakers they just speak a different dialect of english than you do you Simp. 😄 What you are teaching people is how to communicate in the dialect that's native to you. If anything you've demonstrated that you understand fewer dialects than I or they do. What your racist imagination believed was a detriment is actually in reality an asset. 😄
So, you believe that slaves did not have their rights violated?
I don't know what rights you are referring to. You have to establish what rights you're taking about before I'm able to make any determination on whether or not they were violated.
Interesting idea. You should right a children's book with that as the title.
You think that would be a good title for a children's book? 😄
Racism has always been, and probably always will be, the key motivating for the Democratic party.
It actually warms my heart to hear you say so. That's an admission I can use to both shit on Southern Confederate culture and the veneration of figures like Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis and point and laugh at you for equating Southern black democratic voters of today with racist white segregationists of yesteryear. It's the sort of Bingo argument that all upside for me and all downside for you. 😁
Other than both being racist, you mean.
No, that's what you mean. Stop trying to get your stink on me.
Like you, even a slaveholder can be right about something, once in a while. The Democrats among them were secretly inserting the word "white," in the phrase "all men are created equal." They've been racist and dishonest from the start.
The Democrats among the Founders...... :lmao:

What a prefect Bingo dismount. 10/10!
Instead of have some dumbass movie about about Ruby Bridges they should be showing movies about Ruby Ridge and Waco to teach the students how oppressive the government is.
Slave owners were not admirable people case closed. No refuting that. But the movie is best shown in 6th grade at the easiest.

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