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Shameless Load Boasts On-Air: She Lives GREAT on Welfare, 'Working is Stupid'

Liberals claim the welfare queen is only a stereotype, but here's the real thing. I'd like to see a liberal explain why any hard working American should be taxed so this lard-ass can sit around doing nothing.

Shameless Load Boasts On-Air: She Lives GREAT on Welfare, 'Working is Stupid'- 'Taxpayers are Fools'

A recent caller to an Austin radio talk show ('Lucy', 32 y.o., Riverside, TX) -just one of the record 91.5M Americans who've left the US work force- bragged to the host that both she AND her husband 'don't see the need' for working these days... even though they have three young daughters. She said she prefers to live on welfare and 'benefits' so she can 'visit friends and smoke weed all day'...

Here's the sweet little package Lucy's managed to put together:

Section-8 gov't-paid rent $550/mo

EBT/food stamps $425/mo

Electricity $ubsidy $150/mo

Water $ubsidy $100/mo

Free Obamaphone -0-

'Lucy' -who would obviously work if she had to- went on to tell listeners she enjoys
'free Xmas gifts' for the kids and other benefits/charity as well, adding 'Why should I work...?​

Sadly this is what you have. People who love taking the dole. And they have no shame. Because no one lays it on them to tell them they are pieces of shit.

No. What's sad is that the brainless knee-jerkers actually believe that this one person proves that all children, all elderly, all vets and their families, all disabled are "People who love taking the dole".

Fix the system and help those who need it and deserve it.

As always, the rw's want to throw babies out in the street with the bath water. And, most of them will tell you what "good christians" they are.
Explain that..What's bullshit about it?
Are you implying there is no one gaming the system?

No. There are people gaming the system. But they are not calling talk shows and bragging about it.

Answer the question in my sig line, please.

People choose not to work every single day. I've had people ask me specifically what the income standard is, so they can arrange their work hours to come in under that amount, and they can keep their benefits.

All workers have seen this. Over adn over and over. It's so common it's a stock joke.

Hmmm. Somehow, I think your example does not tell the whole story. What are you leaving out?

Way to COMPLETELY avoid the point. The goal of the Great Society was to eliminate poverty and racism. After trillions spent, poverty is up...but hey, the Black man is thriving...:doubt:

You can spew all the hate you like, it's clear you haven't a cogent retort for the incredible damage done by the central planners you support.

Poverty is not up because the Great Society was enacted.

Poverty is up because the free traders sent all the manufacturing jobs to even more miserable places.

And what caused the reality that made it economically justified to send manufacturing to the other side of the world, incurring the cost of shipping it right back? Free trade? No asshole, it was YOU...the central planners caused that to happen by imposing shit like minimum wage, health care requirements, the highest corporate tax rate in the world, union support, and onerous regulations that made producing in American not economically feasible. Well done asshole. Once again, you fuckers have cause far more harm than good.

Poverty is up because companies found it easier to buy machines than hire people.

Right...because for the start of Great Society in the 60s, there were no such things as machines. Technology just didn't exist. Good God man, do you even think before you write?

Poverty is up because unions are down.

Worked beautifully in Detroit...:eusa_whistle:

And please, try to get this through your thick collectivist skull: Wealth is not a finite pile of cash from which we all must draw. Just because a fat guy is standing next to a skinny guy, it doesn't mean the fat guy stole the skinny guy's food.

No, but if the fat guy actually broke into the skinny guy's house every night and ate all his food, that would be the case.

Of course, it isn't the case. You have one example of money being forcibly transferred from the poor to the wealthy in this country that DIDN'T involve government? The floor is yours.

1% controls 43% of the wealth. The only reason why people aren't more upset about that is because they have no idea what is actually going on.

You can keep repeating the same shit over and over, it doesn't change the fact that wealth is not a finite pile of cash.

Something else to consider: BEFORE the Progressive era, in the days of the so called 'robber barons', the wealth disparity was LESS than it is today. 100 years of meddling and, once again, you've made the 'problem' worse. God you guys are fucking stupid.

Let's be honest what Welfare is. It's "Please don't riot and bring down our orderly society" money.

And yet, before the start of America's entitlement mentality, there were no such riots. Before the Progressive era, more poor became middle class and more middle class became rich than at any time in human history. But you central planners knew better of course...

That's not true. The late 1800s were FULL of riots. Anarchists shot President McKinley and a bunch of worthless European nobility. People lived in horrible tenaments and there were riots all the time. Look up "Haymarket Riot" some time.

America's "horrible" environment was only so compared to today. The poor lived better in America than anywhere else in the world and still do. And a communist shot President Kennedy, so fucking what?

Then you had some sensible people like Teddy Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt who realized that, yes, the working man needed a fair shake.

But FDR worked towards that short period where thanks to progressive policies, we had a middle class in this country, and it was because of unions and governments, not the capitalists.

"The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists, they're too damned greedy!" -Herbert Hoover

Ah yes, FDR. Oversaw the longest period of abject economic failure...and he's your hero. Perfect. That's like admiring a football coach that never won a game.

You're still avoiding the FACT that the entitlement culture has failed. You've made the problem worse. Compared to the rest of the world, the pre-Progressive era saw more people lifted out of poverty than ever in the history of the world. You fucked that up, not capitalism comrade.

Way to COMPLETELY avoid the point. The goal of the Great Society was to eliminate poverty and racism. After trillions spent, poverty is up...but hey, the Black man is thriving...:doubt:

You can spew all the hate you like, it's clear you haven't a cogent retort for the incredible damage done by the central planners you support.

Poverty is not up because the Great Society was enacted.

Poverty is up because the free traders sent all the manufacturing jobs to even more miserable places.

And what caused the reality that made it economically justified to send manufacturing to the other side of the world, incurring the cost of shipping it right back? Free trade? No asshole, it was YOU...the central planners caused that to happen by imposing shit like minimum wage, health care requirements, the highest corporate tax rate in the world, union support, and onerous regulations that made producing in American not economically feasible. Well done asshole. Once again, you fuckers have cause far more harm than good.


Without even BOTHERING to respond to the rest of your plutocratic rant, because it shows you to be some kind of Hate Radio Retard, there's NO EXCUSE for moving your factory overseas.

Simple solution. You move you factory overseas, you have to pay a HUGE tariff to get the product back in this country. And we publically shame you when you do it.

Sorry, I LIKE breathing clean air, I like drinking clean water, I like to know that the paint in my kids toys don't have roofies in the paint, I like that the plant I work in has safe machines and that all the chemicals we use have to have an MSDS.

You are like a guy who says a rape victim was just asking for it by wearing a short dress, as opposed to blaming the rapist.
Wow, just wow. I know some libs will be along shortly to claim it was a fake call and that the woman made everything up. Unfortunately, what she said is quite real. I do know welfare people who seem to have more extra cash than people who work. I have neighbors two doors down who often sit on their porch in the summer, drinking and smoking, while their kids roam the neighborhood. They always have lights on and never work. I saw the woman once in the grocery store using her EBT card. Just amazing that welfare is no longer a safety net designed to keep a roof over peoples' heads and food on the table during rough times. It truly is a way of life and now we are expected to provide them with everything that the average worker has, including phones, cable, internet and extra spending cash for those tattoos and some beer and cigarettes. What the hell?

We should never let people starve, but should only offer the basics to keep them going. Wanting more than the bare necessities is what gets people off their butts and out doing something for themselves. Making them comfortable in poverty, if you can call it that anymore, just keeps them content to wait for the next giveaway.

They need to put the work requirement back and quit subsidizing everything a person could possibly want. They can live without cable, internet and more than one Obamaphone. They don't need the biggest houses and enough extra cash that they can waste it on non-necessities.

The point was to get people off welfare, not encourage them to go on it and stay on it. We are going the wrong way and it's past time to stop this.

Thanks for the DEPRESSION, hater dupes, and the mindless 24/7 obstruction of the recovery. Sorry people like to have some dignity while waiting for some jobs to be available...

Listen, libdupe, the whole point is that too many don't give a shit about dignity and they aren't waiting for jobs to become available. They exist to take whatever the hell they can get their hands on and then laugh at us idiots who are working like dogs to provide more for them than we do our own families at times. They aren't existing on money taken from the wealthy, they are taking money earned by the working class who puts in 40+ hours a week and live paycheck to paycheck. Fuck those who think we are the fools. At least we have self-respect. It would be nice if liberals had an ounce of respect for those doing the heavy lifting and be as considerate to us as they are toward their little flunky supporters that ride on the backs of the real Americans.

These days, it does seem that welfare is a career option.
Poverty is not up because the Great Society was enacted.

Poverty is up because the free traders sent all the manufacturing jobs to even more miserable places.

And what caused the reality that made it economically justified to send manufacturing to the other side of the world, incurring the cost of shipping it right back? Free trade? No asshole, it was YOU...the central planners caused that to happen by imposing shit like minimum wage, health care requirements, the highest corporate tax rate in the world, union support, and onerous regulations that made producing in American not economically feasible. Well done asshole. Once again, you fuckers have cause far more harm than good.


Without even BOTHERING to respond to the rest of your plutocratic rant, because it shows you to be some kind of Hate Radio Retard,

No, because it shows you got nothing. :lol:

When you have no logical retort, resort to calling your opponent retarded. Works every time. :doubt:

there's NO EXCUSE for moving your factory overseas.

Except for an economic excuse. It's cheaper to ship those goods because of the meddling in the economy brought on by you central planners. You may not like it, but YOU created the problem.

Simple solution. You move you factory overseas, you have to pay a HUGE tariff to get the product back in this country. And we publically shame you when you do it.

Ah yes, when central planning fails, as it always does, the answer to problems created by central planning is...why of course, more central planning!

Yea, pass.

We'll just overlook that under your "plan", US companies would be crushed by foreign competitors and US citizens would face astronomically higher prices for the goods and services they rely upon. Great plan comrade...

Sorry, I LIKE breathing clean air, I like drinking clean water, I like to know that the paint in my kids toys don't have roofies in the paint, I like that the plant I work in has safe machines and that all the chemicals we use have to have an MSDS.

Of course, the go-to excuse for every Lefty. "You like dirty water!" Such bullshit. Polluting is against the law and has NOTHING to do with the economic factors that drive operations off shore. Business owners aren't moving operations because they'll face legal backlash if they pollute, they don't have the chance in the first place because the government agencies effectively outlaw the very process before any polluting can possibly take place...because they know best of course.

Look at the golf club industry as one small example. The titanium used in golf club heads is so over-regulated, it is effectively banned, so every single company MUST produce their products overseas. The various regulatory agencies aren't telling companies "We'll punish you if your pollute", they're restricting the ability to manufacture in America before anyone could possibly pollute. Given a chance, companies could find a way to produce here without polluting, but they simply do not have that chance. The central planners force them overseas where they have no pressure to create clean production processes.

Therefore, the ACTUAL result of companies going overseas where they're free to pollute is...MORE POLLUTION! Pollution doesn't restrict itself to lines on a map. We have MORE pollution because of your meddling! Once again, you fucking central planners have done more harm than good. Will you ever learn???

Further, regulations around pollution are only one of many reasons businesses are forced overseas. Health care regulations, minimum wage laws, the highest corporate tax rates in the world, and a host of other economic disincentives to producer is what causes this loss of US jobs. Happy with your meddling???

You are like a guy who says a rape victim was just asking for it by wearing a short dress, as opposed to blaming the rapist.

Ironic as it is YOUR policies that causes the problem. You'd be the rapist in this scenario! My goodness, thanks for exposes your own ignorance. :lol:
Poverty is not up because the Great Society was enacted.

Poverty is up because the free traders sent all the manufacturing jobs to even more miserable places.

And what caused the reality that made it economically justified to send manufacturing to the other side of the world, incurring the cost of shipping it right back? Free trade? No asshole, it was YOU...the central planners caused that to happen by imposing shit like minimum wage, health care requirements, the highest corporate tax rate in the world, union support, and onerous regulations that made producing in American not economically feasible. Well done asshole. Once again, you fuckers have cause far more harm than good.


Without even BOTHERING to respond to the rest of your plutocratic rant, because it shows you to be some kind of Hate Radio Retard, there's NO EXCUSE for moving your factory overseas.

Simple solution. You move you factory overseas, you have to pay a HUGE tariff to get the product back in this country. And we publically shame you when you do it.

Sorry, I LIKE breathing clean air, I like drinking clean water, I like to know that the paint in my kids toys don't have roofies in the paint, I like that the plant I work in has safe machines and that all the chemicals we use have to have an MSDS.

You are like a guy who says a rape victim was just asking for it by wearing a short dress, as opposed to blaming the rapist.

Umm. Free trade agreements eliminate tariffs. Dummy.
The fact is our federal government has done far more harm than good to business and industry.
You bitch and moan about jobs in the manufacturing sector disappearing, then you invoke the enviro wacko card. You can't have it both ways.
The fact is, manufacturing is booming here in the US. The production simply needs far fewer people to accomplish the tasks. Improvements in technology, automation and the entrance of computerized machinery into the production line, has reduced the need for workers.
Also, the typical manufacturing worker has had advanced education or been schooled in a technical school. Gone are the days where the high school drop out can fill out an application and get a factory job and keep it for 35 years. The industry has advanced far beyond the capabilities of the 17 year old with no education.
INtersting to note that Obama did a town hall style speech in which he trashes the United States.
He claims that income inequality is no worse anywhere in the world than the United States.
What a load of horseshit..
Obama on income inequality: 'I take this personally' - latimes.com
And in this monlogue, Obama lies through the entire speech while trying to resell Obamacare......Video: Listless President Seems Bored by Own Misleading Obamacare Spin - Guy Benson

Where he gets this figure of 'half a million people" is a mystery. Of course no one in the main stream media is going to challenge the claim.

Obama is a political hack bullshit artist.
You are like a guy who says a rape victim was just asking for it by wearing a short dress, as opposed to blaming the rapist.

Ironic as it is YOUR policies that causes the problem. You'd be the rapist in this scenario! My goodness, thanks for exposes your own ignorance. :lol:

Funny, guy, you're the one who seems to take the attitude that the Plutocrats are going to rape us anyway, so we might as well lay back and enjoy it.

Again, if they move their plants overseas to a country that doesn't give a fuck about its people, we put a huge tarriff on them. We require them to put a warning label, "This product was made in a third world country by exploited child labor. Enjoy the .15 you saved on it." Maybe with a nice picture of what those kids look like.

The thing is, I recently spent some time with a nice lady from China. What amazed her about Chicago was that the air was clean, as opposed to Chinese cities that are covered in smog now.

I have no desire to emulate China and I'm not sure why you do, other than your insane worship of greed.
And what caused the reality that made it economically justified to send manufacturing to the other side of the world, incurring the cost of shipping it right back? Free trade? No asshole, it was YOU...the central planners caused that to happen by imposing shit like minimum wage, health care requirements, the highest corporate tax rate in the world, union support, and onerous regulations that made producing in American not economically feasible. Well done asshole. Once again, you fuckers have cause far more harm than good.


Without even BOTHERING to respond to the rest of your plutocratic rant, because it shows you to be some kind of Hate Radio Retard,

No, because it shows you got nothing. :lol:

When you have no logical retort, resort to calling your opponent retarded. Works every time. :doubt:

Except for an economic excuse. It's cheaper to ship those goods because of the meddling in the economy brought on by you central planners. You may not like it, but YOU created the problem.

Ah yes, when central planning fails, as it always does, the answer to problems created by central planning is...why of course, more central planning!

Yea, pass.

We'll just overlook that under your "plan", US companies would be crushed by foreign competitors and US citizens would face astronomically higher prices for the goods and services they rely upon. Great plan comrade...

Sorry, I LIKE breathing clean air, I like drinking clean water, I like to know that the paint in my kids toys don't have roofies in the paint, I like that the plant I work in has safe machines and that all the chemicals we use have to have an MSDS.

Of course, the go-to excuse for every Lefty. "You like dirty water!" Such bullshit. Polluting is against the law and has NOTHING to do with the economic factors that drive operations off shore. Business owners aren't moving operations because they'll face legal backlash if they pollute, they don't have the chance in the first place because the government agencies effectively outlaw the very process before any polluting can possibly take place...because they know best of course.

Look at the golf club industry as one small example. The titanium used in golf club heads is so over-regulated, it is effectively banned, so every single company MUST produce their products overseas. The various regulatory agencies aren't telling companies "We'll punish you if your pollute", they're restricting the ability to manufacture in America before anyone could possibly pollute. Given a chance, companies could find a way to produce here without polluting, but they simply do not have that chance. The central planners force them overseas where they have no pressure to create clean production processes.

Therefore, the ACTUAL result of companies going overseas where they're free to pollute is...MORE POLLUTION! Pollution doesn't restrict itself to lines on a map. We have MORE pollution because of your meddling! Once again, you fucking central planners have done more harm than good. Will you ever learn???

Further, regulations around pollution are only one of many reasons businesses are forced overseas. Health care regulations, minimum wage laws, the highest corporate tax rates in the world, and a host of other economic disincentives to producer is what causes this loss of US jobs. Happy with your meddling???

You are like a guy who says a rape victim was just asking for it by wearing a short dress, as opposed to blaming the rapist.

Ironic as it is YOUR policies that causes the problem. You'd be the rapist in this scenario! My goodness, thanks for exposes your own ignorance. :lol:

God damn! JoeB just got fucking smoked. :lol:
You are like a guy who says a rape victim was just asking for it by wearing a short dress, as opposed to blaming the rapist.

Ironic as it is YOUR policies that causes the problem. You'd be the rapist in this scenario! My goodness, thanks for exposes your own ignorance. :lol:

Funny, guy, you're the one who seems to take the attitude that the Plutocrats are going to rape us anyway, so we might as well lay back and enjoy it.

Again, if they move their plants overseas to a country that doesn't give a fuck about its people, we put a huge tarriff on them. We require them to put a warning label, "This product was made in a third world country by exploited child labor. Enjoy the .15 you saved on it." Maybe with a nice picture of what those kids look like.

The thing is, I recently spent some time with a nice lady from China. What amazed her about Chicago was that the air was clean, as opposed to Chinese cities that are covered in smog now.

I have no desire to emulate China and I'm not sure why you do, other than your insane worship of greed.

What does this have to do with some fat assed baby making slut who sits on her lazy ass while ripping off the taxpayers?
There are all kinds of people who take take take take and take. I know one gal (in her 50's, does not work), on Thanksgiving, cooked a whole meal complete with turkey, stuffing, cranberry, gravy mix, a bag of potatoes and a pumpkin pie from the local food bank. She waited a day then went to the local church and got the same package. Then another day, went to yet another church to get the bag of goodies. On thanksgiving day, she cooked one complete meal. The next two will be for christmas..then new years. And on thanksgiving day, she went to eat a free meal later in the evening at a local Feed The Poor dinner hosted by a local club...because it was FREE. She also wants prime rib and a ham for later on so she bought that herself. She is driving a brand new 2014 car and is making payments of 350 bucks per month for it. She also just bought a brand new big tv, went shopping and bought new clothing. She applied for foodstamps but they turned her down. No biggie, that. She just goes and takes food out of the mouths of those who REALLY need it. Why? Because she can. Because she is cheap. Because she doesn't give a damn about anyone other than making sure her belly stays like a 9 month pregnant woman but it's all fat, not a baby.

The system is totally fucked up. And nobody..NOBODY is fixing it.
What does this have to do with some fat assed baby making slut who sits on her lazy ass while ripping off the taxpayers?

That she would have a job if we put working people above the rich.
"put working people above the rich."
What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Exactly what it says.

When we invoke a tax code or a trade treaty or a policy, our first concern should be, "how many Americans will this employ", not "How much money will this make for investors?"

Simple enough.
You are like a guy who says a rape victim was just asking for it by wearing a short dress, as opposed to blaming the rapist.

Ironic as it is YOUR policies that causes the problem. You'd be the rapist in this scenario! My goodness, thanks for exposes your own ignorance. :lol:

Funny, guy, you're the one who seems to take the attitude that the Plutocrats are going to rape us anyway, so we might as well lay back and enjoy it.

I see you have, once again, completely avoided the points raise. You really got nothing I guess. Telling.

To your new little rant...

plu·toc·ra·cy[ ploo tókrəssee ] governance by wealthy: the rule of a society by its wealthiest people

Tell us genius, how in the world could the rich rule society without their crony partners in government meddling outside their intended Constitutional limitations? ONCE AGAIN, it's YOUR people, the central planners, that get in bed with those evil rich folks. My God, you continue to raise concerns that are caused by your very actions! It would be hysterical if it weren't so sad.

Again, if they move their plants overseas to a country that doesn't give a fuck about its people, we put a huge tarriff on them. We require them to put a warning label, "This product was made in a third world country by exploited child labor. Enjoy the .15 you saved on it." Maybe with a nice picture of what those kids look like.

Once again, such meddling in the economy would, as always, have the most detrimental effect on the very poor people you say your support. Under your little scheme here, American jobs would be lost as foreign companies flooded the market with cheaper goods than American made products could possibly produce and the price of those goods would skyrocket, ensure the poor didn't get what they need to survive.

You really don't think beyond your initial gut reaction, do you? After all, if it feels right, it must be so...:doubt:

The thing is, I recently spent some time with a nice lady from China. What amazed her about Chicago was that the air was clean, as opposed to Chinese cities that are covered in smog now.

And yet AGAIN, we see how the very policies you support cause the problems you whine about. Those products that could be manufactured here without polluting are forced by you central planning fucks to places like China where there is no impetus to avoid polluting, therefore resulting in more pollution on the planet.

Well done asshole. You caused the very problem you hope to avoid!

I have no desire to emulate China and I'm not sure why you do, other than your insane worship of greed.

Of course, I never suggest we shouldn't have laws against polluting. In fact, I stated EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE. But hey, lying usually works when you have nothing else to argue, right? Or, in a last ditch attempt, when you have no cogent retort, nothing to back up your position with logic or reason, launch an ad hominem. Works every time...

Do you enjoy having your ass handed to you on such a regular basis Joe?
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