Shani Louk ‘beheaded’ by Hamas after she was kidnapped at music festival and paraded by terrorists: Israel

If you support Palestinians then this is their leader...and subsequently you support the things he says and promotes. This is the Palestinian leader. No one is twisting his words. He takes NO responsibility whatsoever but only blames everyone else. truth he is very much responsible for the reprisals when he hides behind children while shooting at Israel.
The only people I support are my people.
What I don't support is the murder of children.
By anyone.
The only people I support are my people.
What I don't support is the murder of children.
By anyone.
Not quite....

You made a false statement that is a direct quote of murderous terrorists....intimating that you only support the terrorists that state them instead of anything else that could have been said YOU CHOSE TO QUOTE LYING TERRORISTS.

...meaning that you support racist ideologies and terrorism. What else was I supposed to take from your statement? I came to logical conclusions from your choice. You hate Christians and Jews and....
You quoted lying terrorists...I'm somehow supposed to believe you really support peace and harmony? Why should I believe anything else you have to say?
Not quite....

You made a false statement that is a direct quote of murderous terrorists....intimating that you only support the terrorists that state them instead of anything else that could have been said YOU CHOSE TO QUOTE LYING TERRORISTS.
What quote. Show me.
Not quite....

You made a false statement that is a direct quote of murderous terrorists....intimating that you only support the terrorists that state them instead of anything else that could have been said YOU CHOSE TO QUOTE LYING TERRORISTS.

...meaning that you support racist ideologies and terrorism. What else was I supposed to take from your statement? I came to logical conclusions from your choice. You hate Christians and Jews and....
You quoted lying terrorists...I'm somehow supposed to believe you really support peace and harmony? Why should I believe anything else you have to say?
Good talk. I knew you were full of shit.
Netanyahu refuses cease fire. He is responsible for the deaths of over 3,000 innocent children.
First off we don’t know how accurate those numbers are and secondly those deaths all of them can be laid at the feet of the Hamas terrorosists who started this war by attacking Israeli civilllians by invasion and have been launching rockets indiscrimitely into Israel trying to kill and maim as many Israelis( children included ) as they can… By the way they kill and maim indescrimately do it wasn’t just Jews it was arabs, thais, Christian’s, Muslims, Bedouin’s etc etc they don’t care… And they certainly dont care about their own population that includes children as they can use them as pawns to further their cause.. Israel never would have attacked if they were not provoked too many times over the years.. Enough is enough…
First off we don’t know how accurate those numbers are and secondly those deaths all of them can be laid at the feet of the Hamas terrorosists who started this war by attacking Israeli civilllians by invasion and have been launching rockets indiscrimitely into Israel trying to kill and maim as many Israelis( children included ) as they can… By the way they kill and maim indescrimately do it wasn’t just Jews it was arabs, thais, Christian’s, Muslims, Bedouin’s etc etc they don’t care… And they certainly dont care about their own population that includes children as they can use them as pawns to further their cause.. Israel never would have attacked if they were not provoked too many times over the years.. Enough is enough…
The only thing that matters to me is the killing of innocent children.
As far as I'm concerned, Hamas and Israel can send each other into the spirit world, but the killing of innocent children has to stop. Enough already. The children are not at fault for anything.
This report includes the statements made by members of the Syrian opposition against the Syrian regime on X (formerly Twitter), in the context of the war in Gaza.

Syrian Oppositionists: Assad Has The Audacity To Condemn Harm To Palestinians – After He Himself Murdered Palestinian Children And Bombed Dozens Of Hospitals In Syria

Several Syrian opposition members pointed out the hypocrisy of the Syrian regime, which does not hesitate to condemn what is being done to the Palestinians in Gaza despite having harmed Palestinians just as much.

Syrian media activist Radwan Al-Qassem posted a photo on his X account showing a sign from a demonstration against the Syrian regime in the country's southern Al-Suwayda Governorate. It read: "Clean your teeth of the flesh of Palestinian children [you murdered] in [the Palestinian refugee camps] Al-Zaatar[1] and Al-Yarmouk[2] before you pretend to cry for Gaza." He added: "To the regime gangs and their loyalists, there is no difference between those who kill Muslims in Gaza and those who kill Muslims in Syria."

Syrian media activist Radwan Al-Qassem posted a photo on his X account showing a sign from a demonstration against the Syrian regime in the country's southern Al-Suwayda Governorate. It read: "Clean your teeth of the flesh of Palestinian children [you murdered] in [the Palestinian refugee camps] Al-Zaatar[1] and Al-Yarmouk[2] before you pretend to cry for Gaza." He added: "To the regime gangs and their loyalists, there is no difference between those who kill Muslims in Gaza and those who kill Muslims in Syria."

What quote. Show me.
Why? It's a common theme for those that support HAMAS and's one of the many pieces of lying propaganda they keep repeating so often its synonymous with HAMAS support at this point.

And you claim that these are "your people" that you support.
The only people I support are my people
You support the terrorists.

1) the IDF is one of the most adept armies at urban warfare with terrorists.
2) every Western military force that needs information on how to conduct urban warfare consults those that do it the most....which is the IDF.
3) These "Palestinians" are the children of terrorists who 40 years ago had children and raised them to be terrorists as well. They originated in Tunisia and not Israel or the Gaza strip. Yasser Arafat is most decidedly Tunisian and never went to Israel until eventually landing there in the 1960's.
4) Urban warfare is all about finding the combatants hiding among "innocents". Children can't hold guns so the IDF doesn't shoot them. It's called fire control. IDF is excellent at this. (They save their's cheaper and you don't run out of ammunition for when you need it)
5) Palestinians started this conflict. Then want to whine about the consequences. Israel does not indiscriminately start war....but Palestinians seem to be just fine doing so. And if the Palestinians actually cared about their own children they wouldn't have started this war.

I've provided facts, quotes, and actual have provided quotes from lying terrorists and rhetoric which have no substance of truth. The IDF has shut down all internet and communications with the West Bank and Gaza. So if you have any actual facts you are indeed a terrorist supporter.
Do you equate concern for innocent women and children as support for, and sympathy for Hamas?

So Hamas bears no responsibility for putting their own people in harm's way via their direct actions? Actions that were cheered by the very same people you call 'innocent'.
I don't support the murder of any innocent children.
I didn't support it when white people were killing innocent Native children in this country, and I don't support the killing of Palestinian or Israeli children now.
Got it??

So if it had been Israel that initiated the attack and did the very same thing Hamas did in Israel on 10/7 in Gaza, and it was now hamas bombing Israel and killing innocent people in retaliation in Israel, you'd be shaming Hamas instead of Israel?
So if it had been Israel that initiated the attack and did the very same thing Hamas did in Israel on 10/7 in Gaza, and it was now hamas bombing Israel and killing innocent people in retaliation in Israel, you'd be shaming Hamas instead of Israel?
I'm really not sure how I can make my position more clear, but I'll give it a shot.
I oppose anyone who kills innocent children. Blaming Hamas or blaming Israel amounts to the same thing. Innocent children being murdered. That is what needs to stop. If there was a way to stop the killing and get all the innocent people out, and just leave those who fight to fight, I wouldn't care if they obliterated each other. The fighters on both sides signed up for this. The children and elders did not.
I'm really not sure how I can make my position more clear, but I'll give it a shot.
I oppose anyone who kills innocent children. Blaming Hamas or blaming Israel amounts to the same thing. Innocent children being murdered. That is what needs to stop. If there was a way to stop the killing and get all the innocent people out, and just leave those who fight to fight, I wouldn't care if they obliterated each other. The fighters on both sides signed up for this. The children and elders did not.

Reality does not work that way, how do you propose that they do this? Perhaps war should be like the old days where the armies lined up against each other across a field and whoever had the most left standing won. But even then they raided, raped and pillaged through whatever country they were over taking. If you think humanity is going to change or that we've made some sort of 'progress', or that we ever will, then you're delusional. Human nature will never change.
Reality does not work that way, how do you propose that they do this? Perhaps war should be like the old days where the armies lined up against each other across a field and whoever had the most left standing won. But even then they raided, raped and pillaged through whatever country they were over taking. If you think humanity is going to change or that we've made some sort of 'progress', or that we ever will, then you're delusional. Human nature will never change.
I honestly don't care about the Palestinians. Their behavior from their leadership all the way through their culture is a celebration of murder and violence. They are COLLECTIVELY guilty. They should thank ISRAEL'S GOD that they aren't wiped from the face of the earth

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