Shani Louk ‘beheaded’ by Hamas after she was kidnapped at music festival and paraded by terrorists: Israel

No longer possible.

You joined the terrorists HAMAS by spouting their rhetoric. You lost your status as "native American". (If you ever held it to begin with)

If it walks like a terrorist
Talks like a terrorist
Quotes rhetoric from other terrorists
Quotes the Koran like a terrorist....

It not an innocent.
You do not get to tell me who i support.
And right there is it, the real reason for your objection, you side with them and think their attacks against innocent Israeli children and civilians is justified.
You don't get to tell me what I think.
I'll bet you can't find just one person on this forum that supports Hamas, not one.
And there was a thread asking people who they think it’s the biggest hate group in America over 10 people voted for Muslims. Not a single one voted for Jews. The Hypocrisy here of the Israeli supporters is out of control. They don’t give a damn about the babies blown to smithereens by bombs incinerated by those israeli bombs

And again, away from what they claim is “collateral damage” throughout the years of Israel there have been Jewish terrorists who have brutally killed and maimed Palestinian women and children. So again the hypocrisy of the pro Israel fanatics is there for all to see. What happened to that innocent Jewish woman who was killed by Hamas terror its has happened to innocent Muslims and Christians in Palestine killed by Jewish criminals.

Unlike us who condemn Hamas , the pro Israel people here don’t condemn Jewish terrorists in Israel brutally Killing Palestinian women, and children.

many of the pro Israel people here simply refuse to condemn Jewish terrorist in Israel. They only condemn Muslim terrorists in Palestine. they need to condemn both.
So you do support the murder of innocents?

most Christians stand with the cause of Arab freedom, dignity

another issue at hand is the Israeli propaganda machine in America. You know there are so many tragedies occurring around the world not just in the holy land …. I take my positions throughout the US message board because some posters are extremely pro Israel and it is clearly not right. They either don’t know or simply refuse to see the other side of the story from Palestine

Anyways for example, there’s wars in Africa, and also the violence from the ruthless drug cartels in South America. But you see the media in America almost never talks about that. We are Americans. Again we are Americans. And we should try and be diplomatic in the Israel Palestine thing,

The media is trying to whip us up into a frenzy over Israel Palestine. We gotta keep that in mind. I keep telling myself I’m going to take a break from this discussion but here I am.
most Christians stand with the cause of Arab freedom, dignity

another issue at hand is the Israeli propaganda machine in America. You know there are so many tragedies occurring around the world not just in the holy land …. I take my positions throughout the US message board because some posters are extremely pro Israel and it is clearly not right. They either don’t know or simply refuse to see the other side of the story from Palestine

Anyways for example, there’s wars in Africa, and also the violence from the ruthless drug cartels in South America. But you see the media in America almost never talks about that. We are Americans. Again we are Americans. And we should try and be diplomatic in the Israel Palestine thing,

The media is trying to whip us up into a frenzy over Israel Palestine. We gotta keep that in mind. I keep telling myself I’m going to take a break from this discussion but here I am.


Here is one of the Hamas' apologists

There is no "dignity" in beheading a 22 year old girl.

Honestly, the BIBLICAL answer is to wipe them out. Completely.

The next best solution is to drive them to Egypt.
most Christians stand with the cause of Arab freedom, dignity

another issue at hand is the Israeli propaganda machine in America. You know there are so many tragedies occurring around the world not just in the holy land …. I take my positions throughout the US message board because some posters are extremely pro Israel and it is clearly not right. They either don’t know or simply refuse to see the other side of the story from Palestine

Anyways for example, there’s wars in Africa, and also the violence from the ruthless drug cartels in South America. But you see the media in America almost never talks about that. We are Americans. Again we are Americans. And we should try and be diplomatic in the Israel Palestine thing,

The media is trying to whip us up into a frenzy over Israel Palestine. We gotta keep that in mind. I keep telling myself I’m going to take a break from this discussion but here I am.

Don't take this too personal, you aren't the only disinformation agent operating on this thread, just the most recent.

What you and most of the neo-Nazi enablers of Hamas and the phony "Palestinian" issue either don't know or intentionally neglect, there was a "Two State" solution to the problems in the Levant, nearly 75 years ago. The United Nations Partition Plan;
The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a proposal by the United Nations, which recommended a partition of Mandatory Palestine at the end of the British Mandate. On 29 November 1947, the UN General Assembly adopted the Plan as Resolution 181 (II).[1]



As with most compromise solutions, neither side was fully satisfied with it, but record shows that the Jews were more willing to live and work with the plan than the Arabs/Muslims were.

What had started as a 'Civil War' up to and following the British withdrawal, boiled over into the ;
"1948 Arab-Israel War"
... with the neighboring Arab/Islamic nations agenda to destroy Israel as a nation, kill or drive into the sea all the Jews, and reclaim the land of the Levant. the stakes were set back then in 1948 and have remained the same ever since.;
Arabs/Muslims seek to destroy Israel and eliminate the Jews therein.
Israel seeks to survive and ideally exist in peace with it's neighbors.
Note that possession of real estate has been one of the goals of both sides in the on again/off again forever war, hence claims of land lost to one side or the other are mostly window dressing for political reasons; existence of either side in control being the larger issue.

It should be noted that context has the Jews occupying the Levant/Israel as far back as 4,000+ years ago. Admittedly sprinkled with occasions where they were in exile and/or other nations/powers occupied the land/region. Also, with Islam starting only @1,400 years ago, the Muslim claim to Levant/Israel is based upon earlier conquest at the start of the Islamic wars of expansion and conquest.
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You do not get to tell me who i support.
Play terrorist games
Win terrorist prizes.

The "3,000 children murdered" is an absolute fabrication. There are NO IDENTITIES attached to that number. The IDF does have the names and exact names and numbers of innocents that are collateral damage in Palestinian aggression and IDF defense. It's not 3,000. It's much much less.

And if you stopped spouting the rhetoric of hate and racism you might actually hear the truth.
most Christians stand with the cause of Arab freedom, dignity

another issue at hand is the Israeli propaganda machine in America. You know there are so many tragedies occurring around the world not just in the holy land …. I take my positions throughout the US message board because some posters are extremely pro Israel and it is clearly not right. They either don’t know or simply refuse to see the other side of the story from Palestine

Anyways for example, there’s wars in Africa, and also the violence from the ruthless drug cartels in South America. But you see the media in America almost never talks about that. We are Americans. Again we are Americans. And we should try and be diplomatic in the Israel Palestine thing,

The media is trying to whip us up into a frenzy over Israel Palestine. We gotta keep that in mind. I keep telling myself I’m going to take a break from this discussion but here I am.

I get it...
And I had to go and see the the place firsthand myself. See what the fuss is. Learn the real history outside the rhetoric. Watch and see how the people lived and behaved.

And at this point....
Even though I have to hold my nose to do so...I have to side with Israel. Where the Jews are quick to turn anyone into a pauper and to economically enslave those who are not willing to get specialized skills and knowledge....they don't practice terrorism. They do take advantage of opportunities. Even opportunities to engage in overly harsh reprisals.

The Palestinians have been afforded (at great cost to Israel AND the rest of the world) every opportunity possible...and they have used every bit of those opportunities as terrorist resources. They have run off the Christians living in Palestinian areas by racist persecution. So their claims of tolerance do fail on deaf ears.

Israelis are not impossible to deal with....not even that difficult. Just don't use violence and they will be friendly enough. Most of the common people like having jews around as they build hospitals and libraries and other infrastructure. Hamas, isis, isil, and the rest do not. Hamas does have a small section that does community projects and after school community centers....but the lion's share goes to munitions, literature of hate, and suicide vests.

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