Sharia Law Hits Dunkin Doughnuts

You do NOT hear a lot of conservatives making any such claim. At least no reputable ones. Provide evidence of such a claim.

Was this good enough for you? Every message board I've been on, the overwhelming majority of Cons have told me that a pharmacist should be able to practice their religious conscience, and not have to sell contraception to consumer.

Honestly, I don't want to hear a single one of these Cons complain about this muslim dunkin doughnuts dude. As for me? As my post states, I'm am entirely consistent on the matter....

And remind me again how Thousand or millions of Muslims that support terrorism are not Indicitive of the Islamic religion, even though the holy scriptures SPECIFICLY call for murder and forced conversion, but a few hundred right wing morons ARE representative of all people that have Conservative beliefs?
And remind me again how Thousand or millions of Muslims that support terrorism are not Indicitive of the Islamic religion, even though the holy scriptures SPECIFICLY call for murder and forced conversion, but a few hundred right wing morons ARE representative of all people that have Conservative beliefs?

What interesting numbers you've made up there. Carefully calculated to make it seem like the Muslims who support terrorism are plenty, while there are only a few extremist Conservatives. A few hundred? Peh, there are many more than that.
What interesting numbers you've made up there. Carefully calculated to make it seem like the Muslims who support terrorism are plenty, while there are only a few extremist Conservatives. A few hundred? Peh, there are many more than that.

which group would you rather run into.....conservatives unwilling to sell you condoms.....or muslims with aks on the streets of somalia?
which group would you rather run into.....conservatives unwilling to sell you condoms.....or muslims with aks on the streets of somalia?

I'd rather run into the group that does not have ak's, regardless of their religion of political background.
which group would you rather run into.....conservatives unwilling to sell you condoms.....or muslims with aks on the streets of somalia?

In his mind they are the same, just check out his comparing our military to terrorists.

But to the point of the thread... I am against expanding the federal Government's powers usually, BUT it is the job of said Government to protect American Citizens even from their own local Governments. Laws that allow critical medical practitioners to use religious beliefs to deny to the Citizenry legal and safe and necassarry medical products is, in my opinion Unconstitutional.

Pharmacies may be private Buisness BUT they are critical medical outlet that MUST be available to all citizens making them something the Government should and does have control over. A pharmacist is licensed to be able to preform his or her job. Unless that Pharmacist works in a totally private hospital or clinic with no ties to Government funds ( local, state or federal) then they should be required BY law to dispense any legal medication the Pharmacy sells. Further public pharmacies should be compelled by law to carry all basic forms of medical products and medicine or to be able to order it.

On this narrow issue I believe the Federal Government has jurisdiction for Public health care.
In his mind they are the same, just check out his comparing our military to terrorists.

Don't speak for me. You don't know me and seem to continually misinterpret what I think and say. So really, let me speak for myself, ok ?
Don't speak for me. You don't know me and seem to continually misinterpret what I think and say. So really, let me speak for myself, ok ?

Lets recap.... You have equated the US military as the same as terrorists, you have claimed Christians are no better than Muslim terrorists. How have I NOT stated what you have said?
Lets recap.... You have equated the US military as the same as terrorists, you have claimed Christians are no better than Muslim terrorists. How have I NOT stated what you have said?

Must you continually misrepresent me?

I NEVER said the US Military is the same as terrorists. And I also NEVER said that Christians are no better than Muslim terrorists. READ what I actually say and stop making so many assumptions. I know you think I am evil because, of course, all liberals are evil, but most of the asinine ideas you think I hold, are ideas that I think are asinine as well.

Let me provide you with a very simple example. Its abstract, so pay along closely.

If A then B.
A is true.

I say...well then you must believe B is true. That is NOT, I repeat (in case you missed it), is NOT me saying that B is true. Rather that is saying that from the facts YOU (or in this case rsr) have provided me with, that is the logical conclusion that must be drawn.
So, you have not compared our military to terrorists? You have not asked if we dropped bombs on people? You did not claim our military is murdering ( Homicide) people, You did not say Wacko right wing nutjobs that think pharmasists should not have to fill prescriptions on religious grounds were just like Muslim Extremists blowing people up?

You haven't done any of that?
Except that the "shocker" is a lie...which ostensibly is why he is crying discrimination. Because some are allowed to deviate from it, and he is not.

He knew pork was on the menu when he bought the franchise. He is another whiny ass Muslim playing the race card so he can get special treatment

He has 2 choices - shut up and sell the pork products or sell and get another job
Broadly speaking, without knowing the exact facts of the case or the case law, I think a franchise owner should sell the products that the parent company wants sold there.

Likewise, a pharmacist should not be able to cite "religious, moral objections", to dispensing contraceptives and the morning-after pills to consumers. If their pharmacy offers these products, they should be forced to dispense them to customers.

I hear a lot of Cons saying that these pharmacists should have their "religious convictions" protected. That seems hypocritical then, to suggest other religions can't use the same excuse.

I say treat them all the SAME.

I agree, with the caveat that it isn't "cons" you here making that argument since religious fanaticism is in actuality not tied to political ideology. I was raised in the Southern Baptist church and most of the God-fearing, fire-n-brimstone congregation were staunch Democrats.

IMO, religious ideology has no place in providing a public service.

What I would ask is this: In the case of Dunkin Donuts, it is an individual objecting to provide a staple of the brand; which, is making an exception to the rule for religious reasons.

Do ALL pharmacies have a basic list of required products that come with the license? While I agree that it is descrimination to not provide a product based solely on reigious beliefs, I'm curious to know what the "rule" is.
Except that the "shocker" is a lie...which ostensibly is why he is crying discrimination. Because some are allowed to deviate from it, and he is not.

Where is THIS? Did I miss something? Who is allowed to deviate? Every Dunkin Donuts I've walked into has been a cookie cutter version of the last one.
The US is starting to stand up to illegals for demanding special treatment - we need to do the same with Muslims as well
You do NOT hear a lot of conservatives making any such claim. At least no reputable ones. Provide evidence of such a claim.

Was this good enough for you? Every message board I've been on, the overwhelming majority of Cons have told me that a pharmacist should be able to practice their religious conscience, and not have to sell contraception to consumer.

Honestly, I don't want to hear a single one of these Cons complain about this muslim dunkin doughnuts dude. As for me? As my post states, I'm am entirely consistent on the matter....

I think you're painting your generalization with too broad a brush. This argument crops up from time to time and I recall few, if any "people," much less solely "cons", defending a pharmacist's decision to deny a product based on their religious beliefs.
Where is THIS? Did I miss something? Who is allowed to deviate? Every Dunkin Donuts I've walked into has been a cookie cutter version of the last one.

I think what he was referring to was in the link to the original post. I cut it out for you.
"In an opinion Tuesday, U.S. Circuit Judge Ilana Diamond Rovner wrote that because three other Dunkin' Donuts franchisees in the area were allowed to continue operating without selling breakfast sandwiches for reasons other than the owners' religious views such as space or lease restrictions, that there was sufficient evidence to take the suit to trial.

"There is significant evidence that the carrying of breakfast sandwiches was not an issue of importance to Dunkin Donuts. It allowed other franchises in the area to refuse to carry any breakfast sandwiches at all, when merely relocating the stores, or in one case merely rearranging the displays, would have allowed them to carry the full line," Rovner wrote.

She added that "there is no evidence that there was any change in corporate policy, or even regional policy, on the matter."
I think you're painting your generalization with too broad a brush. This argument crops up from time to time and I recall few, if any "people," much less solely "cons", defending a pharmacist's decision to deny a product based on their religious beliefs.

I won't defend them

Like with the DD owner - if the pharmacist does not want to do his/her job - get another one

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