Despite all staff wearing masks and behind a plexiglass shield, and despite all patrons in the establishment not wearing masks while they ate and talked to us, I and a lady friend were denied service in Dunkin Doughnuts, and denied equal treatment.

My lady friend has a medical condition and cannot wear a mask due to restricted oxygen flow it causes and complications of increased CO2 Levels. She went to the counter, was told she could not be served without a mask and explained why she could not wear one. The Manager left, made a phone call, then told us essentially to go to the back of the bus, and that we could not be in the building but we were welcome to use the drive through.

The Police did show up and we had a polite discussion with them. I explained the rational and unlawful actions of the manager, and the unconstitutionality of these mandates while she vented politely about the issue. They did not bother to even go in to talk to the manager.

This is discrimination based on one's creed and religion and their health.

How do you all like living in Communist China for the last 10 months? If Joe China's COUP of our Election is successful, you will be living in China for 4 more years. We are free American Citizens, and mask mandates are illegal. I will not wear a face covering, and I am not under Islamic Law.

No more Marxist Mask Mandates. Start resisting this oppression. I plan on organizing sit ins at places like this. 10-20 people is all you need to go in to a restaurant, refuse to put on a mask and refuse to step out of line until you are served.

Isaiah 10

1Woe to those who make unjust laws,
to those who issue oppressive decrees,
2to deprive the poor of their rights
and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people,
making widows their prey
and robbing the fatherless.
3What will you do on the day of reckoning,
when disaster comes from afar?
To whom will you run for help?
Where will you leave your riches?
4Nothing will remain but to cringe among the captives
or fall among the slain.
Yet for all this, his anger is not turned away,
his hand is still upraised.
Listen Karen... we are in a pandemic. Businesses have rules, if you can’t follow their rules then go somewhere else. You were given the option to use the drive through. Your lady friend could wear a face shield. You could order for her inside and then take her for a picnic. Sack up and figure it out. Whining about like a little bitch and wasting the time of the cops is a weak move.
I NEVER would have visited my grandpa if I was sick in ANY manner. He also COULD NOT WEAR A MASK. To be fair, I seriously doubt he would have left the house at all under these circumstances however.

But if he did go out... And I found out someone didn't serve him because he can't wear a mask... I'd spend every fucking dime I had going after that business.

From a past post:

The reason for the face masks is to not overwhelm the medical industry all at once with people who are sick. What's dumb is there are a lot of people, MOST PEOPLE, wouldn't even need to be hospitalized. They'll get a cold and move on with life.

Those who do get sick however... They either get the flu, that's what happened to me and a couple members of my family, or they die fuck'n horribly. Ever watch someone gasp for breath just to live? I have, my grandpa had a quarter of a lung for over half his life. His primary goal for over half his life was to breath. Putting him on oxygen didn't even do anything for him, because to give him enough to do anything, it would have burned his remaining lung. Did you know that? High concentrated oxygen is BAD FOR YOU. You have to dilute it with other gases or it'll fuck'n destroy your lungs.

He couldn't exercise... Hell, long conversations would wind him. He was still skinny as a rail... Why? Because chewing and swallowing food took time way from breathing.

If you're gonna die... I suggest you find another way to go about it.

This isn't directed toward the OP because they didn't really say anything against what I'm about to say... This is just my rant on the subject.

I'm PRO-CHOICE. What you do with your body is up to you. I don't believe I have the right to tell you what to do with your own body.

But don't be that asshole who makes fun of or demeans someone else for their choices on how they want to go about doing for their body. If they are wearing a mask obviously for medical reasons... Leave them alone. It's their choice.

PRO-CHOICE. If you don't feel I can tell you what you can or can't do with your body... Don't be a fuck'n hypocrite when you see someone without a mask. It's not your choice.
Despite all staff wearing masks and behind a plexiglass shield, and despite all patrons in the establishment not wearing masks while they ate and talked to us, I and a lady friend were denied service in Dunkin Doughnuts, and denied equal treatment.

My lady friend has a medical condition and cannot wear a mask due to restricted oxygen flow it causes and complications of increased CO2 Levels. She went to the counter, was told she could not be served without a mask and explained why she could not wear one. The Manager left, made a phone call, then told us essentially to go to the back of the bus, and that we could not be in the building but we were welcome to use the drive through.

Seems like an acceptable compromise.

Well, for those willing to compromise, and for someone more interested in getting a doughnut than creating a scene...

The Police did show up and we had a polite discussion with them. I explained the rational and unlawful actions of the manager, and the unconstitutionality of these mandates while she vented politely about the issue. They did not bother to even go in to talk to the manager.

It's actually not unconstitutional. The owner of a business has a responsibility to ensure the safety of his patrons. If he believes that masks do that, well, wear a mask. Again, you were offered a compromise...

This is discrimination based on one's creed and religion and their health.

I'm raisin' the "BULLSHIT" flag on this whole thing. You started out by saying she couldn't wear a mask because of health concerns. Now it's because of her creed and her religion?

Sorry, but no...


Pick a story and stick to it...

I plan on organizing sit ins at places like this. 10-20 people is all you need to go in to a restaurant, refuse to put on a mask and refuse to step out of line until you are served.

That's perfect.

So, they call the police, you get arrested and look like a fool, and you still don't get any fuckin' doughnuts!


Thanks for the "dipshit" post of the day!
Sorry, but I was there. I listed The Reasons why what Dunkin did was illegal.

Besides that, you are a Prog Commie Satan Worshiper and a Pathological Liar. All Communists-Atheists-Socialists-Globalists are.

I tell the Truth, and The Truth sets me free. You Lie and are Enslaved by Lies.

Seek the Freedom of Jesus Christ to stand up for Truth, Freedom, and Salvation!
Breathing back in your own trapped CO2 exhausts seconds after you exhale is hideously unhealthy and likely reduces brain function
However do doctors and nurses survive such horrors on a daily basis. Their reduced brain function must effect their job performance don’t you think? Next time you go in for surgery be sure to ask that nobody wear masks. Make sure they are all operating in tip top shape
The Police did show up and we had a polite discussion with them.
That's scarcely a hairsbreadth from an arrest and a felony prison sentence. I don't like that small-business chamber-of-commerce trespass shit. You got away by the skin of your teeth, and you'll be treated as a shoplifter at retail stores from now on.
Sorry, but I was there. I listed The Reasons why what Dunkin did was illegal.

Besides that, you are a Prog Commie Satan Worshiper and a Pathological Liar. All Communists-Atheists-Socialists-Globalists are.

I tell the Truth, and The Truth sets me free. You Lie and are Enslaved by Lies.

Seek the Freedom of Jesus Christ to stand up for Truth, Freedom, and Salvation!

View attachment 421497

You wouldn't know the truth if it fucking fell on you.

Calling me a "prog commie Satan worshiper" tells me that you're the most ignorant little fuck on this forum (an impressive feat, by the way).

I don't believe in Satan. I don't believe Jesus was the son of God. I'm a happy Agnostic, thankyouvermuch, who prefers to live his life based on what I know to be wrong and right as opposed to having to be told what is wrong and right. As you have the mental acuity of a cold cheeseburger, it's probably best that you opt for the latter...
Why didn't you just go to drive-thru or go to a place where you can order and have your friend eat and drink outside?

For those people who can't wear a mask, then just find someplace you can go. The internet and a phone call isn't that hard to operate.
Why don't you just let someone rape you?

Why don't you and your friend get covid-19? You are too dumb asf to read a sign, comprehend, or operate the internet and phone.
Sorry, but I was there. I listed The Reasons why what Dunkin did was illegal.

Besides that, you are a Prog Commie Satan Worshiper and a Pathological Liar. All Communists-Atheists-Socialists-Globalists are.

I tell the Truth, and The Truth sets me free. You Lie and are Enslaved by Lies.

Seek the Freedom of Jesus Christ to stand up for Truth, Freedom, and Salvation!

View attachment 421497

You wouldn't know the truth if it fucking fell on you.

Calling me a "prog commie Satan worshiper" tells me that you're the most ignorant little fuck on this forum (an impressive feat, by the way).

I don't believe in Satan. I don't believe Jesus was the son of God. I'm a happy Agnostic, thankyouvermuch, who prefers to live his life based on what I know to be wrong and right as opposed to having to be told what is wrong and right. As you have the mental acuity of a cold cheeseburger, it's probably best that you opt for the latter...
For some reason, your quote function makes it look like I'm the one who said those things to you. I didn't.
We're what? Ten months into this shit and people still fail to comprehend that wearing these shitty masks is the cost of doing business... it boggles the mind. I don't like it any more than the next guy, but at least I'm mature enough to deal with it...
Actually under The Civil Rights Act, they do not have a right to decide whom they will serve and who they will not serve.

They absolutely do.

Have you never seen a sign like this:


Under federal anti-discrimination laws, businesses can refuse service to any person for any reason, unless the business is discriminating against a protected class. At the national level, protected classes include: Race or color, national origin, religion or citizenship status.

Having a respiratory illness, which precludes one from wearing a mask, does not fit into any of the protected classes.

Sorry, you lose...
Sorry, but I was there. I listed The Reasons why what Dunkin did was illegal.

Besides that, you are a Prog Commie Satan Worshiper and a Pathological Liar. All Communists-Atheists-Socialists-Globalists are.

I tell the Truth, and The Truth sets me free. You Lie and are Enslaved by Lies.

Seek the Freedom of Jesus Christ to stand up for Truth, Freedom, and Salvation!

View attachment 421497

You wouldn't know the truth if it fucking fell on you.

Calling me a "prog commie Satan worshiper" tells me that you're the most ignorant little fuck on this forum (an impressive feat, by the way).

I don't believe in Satan. I don't believe Jesus was the son of God. I'm a happy Agnostic, thankyouvermuch, who prefers to live his life based on what I know to be wrong and right as opposed to having to be told what is wrong and right. As you have the mental acuity of a cold cheeseburger, it's probably best that you opt for the latter...
For some reason, your quote function makes it look like I'm the one who said those things to you. I didn't.

Actually, I think it's your quote function.

I'm only responding to what's posted...
Actually under The Civil Rights Act, they do not have a right to decide whom they will serve and who they will not serve.

They absolutely do.

Have you never seen a sign like this:


Under federal anti-discrimination laws, businesses can refuse service to any person for any reason, unless the business is discriminating against a protected class. At the national level, protected classes include: Race or color, national origin, religion or citizenship status.

Having a respiratory illness, which precludes one from wearing a mask, does not fit into any of the protected classes.

Sorry, you lose...
Sadly, those who look for excuses to not wear masks are probably not washing their hands in public restrooms either.
but we were welcome to use the drive through.

Ok. You were provided an option and, whether or not I personally believe that masks are beneficial, service was not denied.


Some people just can't help making themselves the center of attention, regardless how stupid it makes them look...

People are pissed. I get that. I don't know what the set up is in Ohio but in my neck of the woods people have to wear masks. That isn't something that the business owners or franchises get to decide. They may very well be fined for not complying or shut down. Where I am at the people in the smaller shops are not going to fight you if you walk in without a mask. They don't make enough money. Protest but go after the right people. A "manager" at Dunkin' Donuts is making a little more than the people they are over. Very little. The odds are that if she/he loses that job she is screwed.

Right before Christmas.

Probably has children.

And rent.
My solution would be to get my lady friend a faux mask that looks like a mask but allows her to breathe without difficulty.

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