Not Just Southwest: A Tsunami Of Pushback Over Mandates Is Coming For Joe Biden

If you believe that bat fairy tale. But too many things took place at the beginning and even now that indicate it was lab created. You avoided the question of how Fauci knew this was going to happen just a few years before it actually did. There is only one way he could have known, and that is by him shifting NIH money to the lab to assist them in their experiments.
The genome of the virus has none of the telltale signs of a manufactured virus and that is fact. The coronavirus family of viruses are quite similar. All structural features of the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus particle occur in related coronaviruses in nature. Coronaviruses being RNA viruses have a very high mutation rates that, besides creating new strains, enable them to adapt to a wide range of hosts allowing them to jump species readily. Hence, based on genome sequences, all known human CoVs have emerged from animal sources and there is no reason to think that SARS-Cov-2 is any different. Bats were considered the natural host for SARS-Cov which is nearly identical to SARS-Cov-2. SARS did a species jump to humans from bats. In fact 3 other viruses of the family have made verified species jumps, 2 to primates. This is why scientist believe we will find proof of the jump. In fact we are reasonablly close now as researchers have found near perfect matches in Wuhan.
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It is quite notable that @Incel Joe is very fond of making up accusations or rape or sexual abuse, against historical figures that he wishes to discredit, without any rational evidence or basis for these accusations; and yet he openly sides with rapists and sexual abusers, where the evidence of this abuse is very strong.

I think it's rather obvious what @Incel Joe means when he claims that “‘Rape’ is subjective”. He means that it is only “rape” when it serves his malevolent purposes to call it such, even where there is no evidence to suggest that anything that sane people would call rape has actually taken place; but not “rape”, no matter how strong the evidence, if it serves his purposes to deny it.

Again, still waiting for you to explain how Joseph Smith wasn't guilty or rape but Roman Polanski was.

I actually think Polanski was guilty of rape. He was arrested, plead guilty, and served a sentence, until a judge decided to renege on a deal reached in good faith. Still chasing after the man 45 years later is kind of crazy.

Joseph Smith, on the other hand, had a harem of teenage girls because the stupid people who followed him were willing to let that happen, that's kind of fucked up.

He lives in his own world by comparing apples and oranges. He does that all the time. You can't compare two different countries, claim one is more violent because of X, and ignore the kind of people in each country. Over 50% of our murders are committed by 7% of our population which are black males, something they have very few of in European countries. If you remove our minorities from our crime statistics, our crime rate would be much closer to those countries in Europe and Japan.

Actually, no it wouldn't.

We had 20K homicides last year. Even if you take out the ones committed by blacks (13% of the population), you still have 10K committed by non-blacks. Compare that to 600 in the UK or Japan, it's not even comparable.

On the other hand, yes, the British count any unwanted touching as rape, while we only count full penetration. So, yes, the measurement of "The British have a higher rate of rape" is subjective, in both terms of what the threshhold is for counting it, and for the amount of times it is reported. Given that only 3% of American rapists end up in a prison cell, it's not like we have anything to be proud of.
If you believe that bat fairy tale. But too many things took place at the beginning and even now that indicate it was lab created. You avoided the question of how Fauci knew this was going to happen just a few years before it actually did. There is only one way he could have known, and that is by him shifting NIH money to the lab to assist them in their experiments.

People have been predicting this sort of thing for decades... and before Trump, we actually had a pandemic response team to deal with it....
Again, still waiting for you to explain how Joseph Smith wasn't guilty or rape but Roman Polanski was.

That's easy. Roman Polanski really did rape a young girl, he even admitted it; and all your bizarre lies notwithstanding, there is no credible evidence that Joseph Smith ever did any such thing.
People have been predicting this sort of thing for decades... and before Trump, we actually had a pandemic response team to deal with it....

It wasn't a prediction like "I believe" or "I suspect." He said President Trump "will" experience a pandemic.
Actually, no it wouldn't.

We had 20K homicides last year. Even if you take out the ones committed by blacks (13% of the population), you still have 10K committed by non-blacks. Compare that to 600 in the UK or Japan, it's not even comparable.

On the other hand, yes, the British count any unwanted touching as rape, while we only count full penetration. So, yes, the measurement of "The British have a higher rate of rape" is subjective, in both terms of what the threshhold is for counting it, and for the amount of times it is reported. Given that only 3% of American rapists end up in a prison cell, it's not like we have anything to be proud of.

We did this already, but your memory is good for shit, so one more time:

How rape is defined in law​

In England and Wales, the legal definition of rape is when someone intentionally penetrates the vagina, anus or mouth of another person with their penis, without the other person's consent.

The Sexual Offences Act 2003 says that someone commits rape if all of the following happens:

  • They intentionally penetrate the vagina, anus or mouth of another person with their penis.
  • The other person does not consent to the penetration.
  • They do not reasonably believe that the other person consents.

Rape is rape there as it is here. In fact if anything, we have a more fragile definition of rape since states differ as to what that definition is. If anything we should have way more cases of rape since our versions include sexual assault as rape.

As far as murders go, we have a larger population than other countries, and you only deducted one group of people of color when we have several, the largest being Hispanic.
That's easy. Roman Polanski really did rape a young girl, he even admitted it; and all your bizarre lies notwithstanding, there is no credible evidence that Joseph Smith ever did any such thing.

So all those contemporary accounts and the fact he was lynched by an angry mob in my fine state, that was all just made up.

Yup, you're in a cult, all right. Heck, you guys hit at least five of them from my limited dealings with you.

1. The leader is the ultimate authority
2. The group suppresses skepticism
3. The group delegitimizes former members
4. The group is paranoid about the outside world
5. The group relies on shame cycles
6. The leader is above the law
7. The group uses “thought reform” methods
8. The group is elitist
9. There is no financial transparency
10. The group performs secret rites
We did this already, but your memory is good for shit, so one more time:

Yes, I ignored it then, I'm ignoring it now.

The International Crime Victims Survey, conducted by an arm of the United Nations most recently in 2005, shows the difference between reported crime and all crimes committed by conducting polls that ask people if they've been victims of specific crimes. Polling data showed that England and Wales had 2,600 cases of robbery per 100,000 population and 8,100 cases of "assaults and threats" per 100,000. While those figures are even higher than the meme suggested, the U.S levels are also much higher -- 1,100 cases of robbery and 8,300 cases of assaults and threats per 100,000. And the rate of sexual assault is actually about 50 percent higher in the United States than it is in England and Wales. So this data set doesn’t support the thrust of the meme, either.

As far as murders go, we have a larger population than other countries, and you only deducted one group of people of color when we have several, the largest being Hispanic.

Nope, we have higher murder rates because any asshole can get a gun... and if youare white, you get to shoot people for free, apparently.
Yes, I ignored it then, I'm ignoring it now.

The International Crime Victims Survey, conducted by an arm of the United Nations most recently in 2005, shows the difference between reported crime and all crimes committed by conducting polls that ask people if they've been victims of specific crimes. Polling data showed that England and Wales had 2,600 cases of robbery per 100,000 population and 8,100 cases of "assaults and threats" per 100,000. While those figures are even higher than the meme suggested, the U.S levels are also much higher -- 1,100 cases of robbery and 8,300 cases of assaults and threats per 100,000. And the rate of sexual assault is actually about 50 percent higher in the United States than it is in England and Wales. So this data set doesn’t support the thrust of the meme, either.

Nope, we have higher murder rates because any asshole can get a gun... and if youare white, you get to shoot people for free, apparently.

You're not going to get anywhere near accurate results by polls. Crime statistics gathered by local or national authorities is where the proper answers are. Guns have nothing to do with it. If they did, middle-class white areas would be just as dangerous as inner-city areas. But they're not, and it's likely there are more guns in those middle-class areas as people use guns for fun and sport.

If you want to know where to lay the blame, try liberal policies like what's going on in your city with that fat ass Foxx.
You're not going to get anywhere near accurate results by polls. Crime statistics gathered by local or national authorities is where the proper answers are. Guns have nothing to do with it. If they did, middle-class white areas would be just as dangerous as inner-city areas. But they're not, and it's likely there are more guns in those middle-class areas as people use guns for fun and sport.

Actually, most gun deaths are domestic violence.. they just don't get as much play as a drive by.

To the point, no, information gathered by local officials really don't give us good answers. For instance, most assaults don't get written up. Half of all rapes in the US go unreported, and as I pointed out earlier, only 3% of rapists ever see prison.

Law enforcement agencies often underreport crime to make themselves look better.

An August 2012 investigative analysis by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel found that the overwhelming majority of data published in the FBI’s “Crime in the United States” report each year is non-verified, self-reported information from police agencies that are sometimes politically motivated to under- or over-report crimes and arrests in their jurisdictions.

Although the FBI began auditing local police departments in 1997 to ensure that crime statistics are accurately reported, the Journal-Sentinel discovered that less than 1% of about 17,000 law enforcement agencies nationwide that report data to the FBI have been audited in each of the last five years. Only about one-third of police departments in the 30 largest cities in the U.S. have been audited during that same time period, and data from six of those departments – including Seattle and Philadelphia – have never been reviewed since the FBI’s auditing program began.

“[Crime data] is a tool that politicians and police leaders use, yet the system is so incentivized to cast a favorable light and there [are] very little checks and balances to make sure it’s accurate,” stated Eli Silverman, professor emeritus at New York City’s John Jay College of Criminal Justice. “Most people assume the data comes with a certain grain of authenticity because they are FBI statistics. But in reality they are not really FBI stats, but those of the actual police department.”

If you want to know where to lay the blame, try liberal policies like what's going on in your city with that fat ass Foxx.

Actually, I put the blame with the CPD, which after decades of bad behavior, is no longer trusted by the communities they are supposed to protect.
Covid cases peaked last January with over 250,000 a day and fell to low this summer of 11,000 cases significantly lower that the low of 39,000 cases a day in the previous summer. Cases are now rising as winter approaches but estimates are that they will well below last winters high. If this holds we will be in a down trend. As vaccinations continue to rise, this trend will lead to endemic in Corvid in which it will still exist like Flu returning in winter and falling away in summer. This will signal the end of the epidemic and life will really return normal.
Covid cases peaked last January with over 250,000 a day and fell to low this summer of 11,000 cases significantly lower that the low of 39,000 cases a day in the previous summer. Cases are now rising as winter approaches but estimates are that they will be well below last winters high. If this holds we will be in a down trend. As vaccinations continue to rise, this trend will lead to an endemic in Corvid in which it will still exist like the Flu returning in winter and falling away in summer. This will signal the end of the epidemic and life will really return to normal.
The genome of the virus has none of the telltale signs of a manufactured virus and that is fact. The coronavirus family of viruses are quite similar. All structural features of the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus particle occur in related coronaviruses in nature. Coronaviruses being RNA viruses have a very high mutation rates that, besides creating new strains, enable them to adapt to a wide range of hosts allowing them to jump species readily. Hence, based on genome sequences, all known human CoVs have emerged from animal sources and there is no reason to think that SARS-Cov-2 is any different. Bats were considered the natural host for SARS-Cov which is nearly identical to SARS-Cov-2. SARS did a species jump to humans from bats. In fact 3 other viruses of the family have made verified species jumps, 2 to primates. This is why scientist believe we will find proof of the jump. In fact we are reasonablly close now as researchers have found near perfect matches in Wuhan.

Come on, if one manufactures a virus strain by unnatural selection, infecting the same host with multiple viruses, etc., then there is no possible evidence left.
It is easy to manufacture a virus without leaving telltale signs.

Coronaviruses are all quite similar, but bat viruses almost never cross over to other species, especially humans, who normally do not encounter bats at all.

But the coincidence of Fauci paying the Wuhan lab to research enhancement of function for bat viruses, and then the breakout to occur in Wuhan, is astronomical.
It clearly has to be a lab escape. Nothing else is even close to the realm of possibility.
Again, still waiting for you to explain how Joseph Smith wasn't guilty or rape but Roman Polanski was.

I actually think Polanski was guilty of rape. He was arrested, plead guilty, and served a sentence, until a judge decided to renege on a deal reached in good faith. Still chasing after the man 45 years later is kind of crazy.

Joseph Smith, on the other hand, had a harem of teenage girls because the stupid people who followed him were willing to let that happen, that's kind of fucked up.

Actually, no it wouldn't.

We had 20K homicides last year. Even if you take out the ones committed by blacks (13% of the population), you still have 10K committed by non-blacks. Compare that to 600 in the UK or Japan, it's not even comparable.

On the other hand, yes, the British count any unwanted touching as rape, while we only count full penetration. So, yes, the measurement of "The British have a higher rate of rape" is subjective, in both terms of what the threshhold is for counting it, and for the amount of times it is reported. Given that only 3% of American rapists end up in a prison cell, it's not like we have anything to be proud of.

Roman Polanski was not guilty of rape because he was the victim of seduction and blackmail, planned by the girl's mother.
There is a huge difference between causing something to happen, and not resisting as much as he should have.
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Actually, most gun deaths are domestic violence.. they just don't get as much play as a drive by.

To the point, no, information gathered by local officials really don't give us good answers. For instance, most assaults don't get written up. Half of all rapes in the US go unreported, and as I pointed out earlier, only 3% of rapists ever see prison.

Law enforcement agencies often underreport crime to make themselves look better.

An August 2012 investigative analysis by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel found that the overwhelming majority of data published in the FBI’s “Crime in the United States” report each year is non-verified, self-reported information from police agencies that are sometimes politically motivated to under- or over-report crimes and arrests in their jurisdictions.

Although the FBI began auditing local police departments in 1997 to ensure that crime statistics are accurately reported, the Journal-Sentinel discovered that less than 1% of about 17,000 law enforcement agencies nationwide that report data to the FBI have been audited in each of the last five years. Only about one-third of police departments in the 30 largest cities in the U.S. have been audited during that same time period, and data from six of those departments – including Seattle and Philadelphia – have never been reviewed since the FBI’s auditing program began.

“[Crime data] is a tool that politicians and police leaders use, yet the system is so incentivized to cast a favorable light and there [are] very little checks and balances to make sure it’s accurate,” stated Eli Silverman, professor emeritus at New York City’s John Jay College of Criminal Justice. “Most people assume the data comes with a certain grain of authenticity because they are FBI statistics. But in reality they are not really FBI stats, but those of the actual police department.”

Actually, I put the blame with the CPD, which after decades of bad behavior, is no longer trusted by the communities they are supposed to protect.

No, most deaths in the US are not from domestic violence.

{... Annually, domestic violence is responsible for over 1500 deaths in the United States. ...}

Only 1500 out of 30,000.

The main causes of deaths in the US are poverty, injustice, and specifically the war on drugs.
The war on drugs entices the poor who have few other options, and then entices violence because drugs are cash only business that can't call police or use banks.
End the war on drugs, and 90% of crimes disappear.
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Covid cases peaked last January with over 250,000 a day and fell to low this summer of 11,000 cases significantly lower that the low of 39,000 cases a day in the previous summer. Cases are now rising as winter approaches but estimates are that they will well below last winters high. If this holds we will be in a down trend. As vaccinations continue to rise, this trend will lead to endemic in Corvid in which it will still exist like Flu returning in winter and falling away in summer. This will signal the end of the epidemic and life will really return normal.

I doubt it can end now.
We have stretched out how long the epidemic would normally have lasted, by "flattening the curve".
That has allowed so many variants that one is bound to now become endemic, meaning it will now never end.
Covid likely now will be with us forever.
The only good thing is that then it will be less lethal, as our immune system becomes more familiar with it.
Yes, I ignored it then, I'm ignoring it now.

The International Crime Victims Survey, conducted by an arm of the United Nations most recently in 2005, shows the difference between reported crime and all crimes committed by conducting polls that ask people if they've been victims of specific crimes. Polling data showed that England and Wales had 2,600 cases of robbery per 100,000 population and 8,100 cases of "assaults and threats" per 100,000. While those figures are even higher than the meme suggested, the U.S levels are also much higher -- 1,100 cases of robbery and 8,300 cases of assaults and threats per 100,000. And the rate of sexual assault is actually about 50 percent higher in the United States than it is in England and Wales. So this data set doesn’t support the thrust of the meme, either.

Nope, we have higher murder rates because any asshole can get a gun... and if youare white, you get to shoot people for free, apparently.

That is silly.
The US had much higher firearm per household rates in the past, and murder rates were much lower.
And if someone wants to commit murder, a gun law is not going to at all slow them down.

Just like during prohibition, obviously the main cause of murder and other crimes is the war on drugs.
But the statistics also show a reduction in income, owner occupied housing, access to health care, etc.
The US is just becoming a terrible place for most people to live.
We have the highest incarceration rate, the most expensive health care, and the lowest rate of union representation.
No, most deaths in the US are not from domestic violence.

{... Annually, domestic violence is responsible for over 1500 deaths in the United States. ...}

Only 1500 out of 30,000.

The main causes of deaths in the US are poverty, injustice, and specifically the war on drugs.
The war on drugs entices the poor who have few other options, and then entices violence because drugs are cash only business that can't call police or use banks.
End the war on drugs, and 90% of crimes disappear.
that or start putting bullets through the brains of the goddamned gangbangers...
that or start putting bullets through the brains of the goddamned gangbangers...

No, they are just responding to the conditions we create.
Get rid of the big bucks incentive for drugs and crime associated with the drugs, and they will do something else legal and productive.

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