Not Just Southwest: A Tsunami Of Pushback Over Mandates Is Coming For Joe Biden

Not if they just decide to walk across our border. Most not tested, none vaxed unless they were asked and agree to it, and if they are infected, the BP says they have no legal ability to stop them from leaving and going anywhere in the US they want.

You can't defend this which is why you're trying to use legal entry regulations to take the focus off the real problem which are illegals entering, one which Dementia flew in the middle of the night to Florida where he killed an American father of 4.
The surges of immigration is worrying, but far from being the biggest factor in containing the virus’ spread. This year the Border Patrol have encountered 1.6 million illegals crossing. Of those the return rate has varied from 47% to 83% during surges. On average 70% have been returned within 7 days. There have been 50,000 released into communities in the US with only 40% being tested. This is a problem but it pales in comparison to the 100 million Americans not vaccinated with 20% saying that don't intend to be and 50,000 new cases a day.
I have been thinking that we needed something just like this--a big gesture, one group to stand up undeniably and say "no". I hope this is it, and I hope it catches on. Biden is a complete idiot, so there's a chance he will never blink. I hope I'm wrong tho

Cooler heads are winning. We have a mask mandate and the only place that enforces it here is Costco. Little sign of masks in most other places, they're a fucking fraud.
The surges of immigration is worrying, but far from being the biggest factor in containing the virus’ spread. This year the Border Patrol have encountered 1.6 million illegals crossing. Of those the return rate has varied from 47% to 83% during surges. On average 70% have been returned within 7 days. There have been 50,000 released into communities in the US with only 40% being tested. This is a problem but it pales in comparison to the 100 million Americans not vaccinated with 20% saying that don't intend to be and 50,000 new cases a day.

BS on vaccines. When are you due your next one?
Yes, a virus with a 99.5% survival rate.. the sky is certainly falling.

More like 98%... but hey, tell you what, I will give you a bowl of 100 M&M's, and one of them is laced with cyanide... Chow down, buddy.
Trump placed a ban on travel from China. What did the Democrats do? Accused him of racism. Yeah, checking people now is kind of useless when Dementia keeps hauling them in by the millions and we have a record amount of covid deaths thanks to him. In fact when the newest variant comes out, I'm sure Dementia will ask one of the people that has it to come to the USA.

Uh, Trump was racist... He called it the "China Virus" and "Kung Flu" to detract from his own incompetence in letting it get into this country. What he should have done, what all other countries did, is quarantine ANYONE wanting to return.

Right, out of 350 million people in this country, one flake drank cleaner. This is a political issue thanks to the Communists. Their leaders said they would never take a vaccine produced under Trump. They bad mouthed and even fought against HCQ because Trump stated doctors around the world were having great success with it. Even today you commies ignore the fact blacks (who vote Democrat 99% of the time) are avoiding vaccinations and blaming everything on Republicans with no reliable evidence to support your claim. But we're the ones making it a cultural issue.

Their leaders said they wouldn't take Trump's word for it that a vaccine was safe until actual scientists said it was. Given the guy was telling people to inject bleach, this was probably a good call.

HCQ was a fraud cure...

Most of the people avoiding vaccinations are dumb white people in the red states... While I would normally call this "natural selection", it's still kind of bad.

Sorry, but you don't like our laws. Our laws state you can use deadly force against anybody who presents a threat of serious bodily harm or death to an officer or citizen. That's what you really have a problem with.

Uh, yeah, I have a problem with people using deadly force in situations that don't require it. Of course, only 200 cases of homicides with guns are ruled as "Self defense" by civilians out of 16,000 gun homicides we have every year. So we are talking about only 2% of gun homicides.

Our product is 98% ineffective or dangerous! Let's do more of that.

You made that bullshit claim before and I posted sources proving you are full of shit. You were full of shit then, and your still full of shit now.

Sorry, man, "Rape" is subjective, murder is not.

The UK has 600 murders a year... the US had 20,000 when more people were locked up in their houses with their crazy gun nut relatives.

Yep, I talk the talk and walk the walk. Worked all my life, stayed unmarried and never had children, invested my money in rental property. Stayed away from dangerous narcotics and trouble with the police. I followed everything that I preach.
Um, yeah, I did all that, too. But I didn't decide, "Man, I'm tired of working and if I can't do the job I want, I'll just collect welfare on a bullshit disability.

Yeah OCD, lying has won you so many arguments on this service. No wonder you keep using them. Who was it that said you can't teach people not to be dumb?
Hint- nobody has ever "won' an argument on USMB. I don't know of one mind that has ever been changed by any argument made here.

Really? Because we still have suburbs that were as beautiful as mine and many even better than mine. What do you suppose is the difference between theirs and ours? This should keep you up all night in aggravation.

They don't let people like you move in? It seems to me that if there is a better suburb- MOVE THERE. I mean shit man, I'm on my fifth residence, and it's 30 miles away from where I started.

The problem is, you think you are middle class, but you are confused poor.
The surges of immigration is worrying, but far from being the biggest factor in containing the virus’ spread. This year the Border Patrol have encountered 1.6 million illegals crossing. Of those the return rate has varied from 47% to 83% during surges. On average 70% have been returned within 7 days. There have been 50,000 released into communities in the US with only 40% being tested. This is a problem but it pales in comparison to the 100 million Americans not vaccinated with 20% saying that don't intend to be and 50,000 new cases a day.

Shhh... don't confuse Ray with math!!!
Not even a close analogy.

Good point. If you eat a poisoned M&M, we will only be removing your sorry ass from the Gene Pool.

If you catch Covid, there's a good chance you can spread it to others.
Good point. If you eat a poisoned M&M, we will only be removing your sorry ass from the Gene Pool.

If you catch Covid, there's a good chance you can spread it to others.
I’ll say one thing for you Joe, you’d make a great psychological case study….
Uh, Trump was racist... He called it the "China Virus" and "Kung Flu" to detract from his own incompetence in letting it get into this country. What he should have done, what all other countries did, is quarantine ANYONE wanting to return.

Making fun of where a virus came from is not racist. What did I tell you about using words you don't know the definition of?

Their leaders said they wouldn't take Trump's word for it that a vaccine was safe until actual scientists said it was. Given the guy was telling people to inject bleach, this was probably a good call.

HCQ was a fraud cure...

Most of the people avoiding vaccinations are dumb white people in the red states... While I would normally call this "natural selection", it's still kind of bad.

Again, left wing bullshit. People who don't live in populated areas believe they don't need the vaccine because there are few to catch it from. That's besides the fact when people from blue states take a vacation, they go to red states to see how it is to live in freedom and low cost of living.
Uh, yeah, I have a problem with people using deadly force in situations that don't require it. Of course, only 200 cases of homicides with guns are ruled as "Self defense" by civilians out of 16,000 gun homicides we have every year. So we are talking about only 2% of gun homicides.

Our product is 98% ineffective or dangerous! Let's do more of that.

Yeah, you and your suicide statistics again. We keep catching you every time but you're not bright enough to learn anything. You don't get to require what warrants deadly force, our laws do. That means like always, you lose.

Sorry, man, "Rape" is subjective, murder is not.

Sure it is. You use the word murder all the time when it's not. Rape is rape no matter what country you speak of, just like sexual assault is sexual assault.

Um, yeah, I did all that, too. But I didn't decide, "Man, I'm tired of working and if I can't do the job I want, I'll just collect welfare on a bullshit disability.

No, but you decided you have mental issues you're not ever going to seek professional help for. If my disabilities are such bullshit, why did they never call me in for an interview? Why did they not require that I see at least one of their doctors? Why did they not ask me to take one test?

You people on the left are so stupid that you even think you're smarter than medical experts when you don't know shit.

They don't let people like you move in? It seems to me that if there is a better suburb- MOVE THERE. I mean shit man, I'm on my fifth residence, and it's 30 miles away from where I started.

For one I have a business here. Two, all white areas are expensive to move to. Three, I'm located in the center of all my family.
The surges of immigration is worrying, but far from being the biggest factor in containing the virus’ spread. This year the Border Patrol have encountered 1.6 million illegals crossing. Of those the return rate has varied from 47% to 83% during surges. On average 70% have been returned within 7 days. There have been 50,000 released into communities in the US with only 40% being tested. This is a problem but it pales in comparison to the 100 million Americans not vaccinated with 20% saying that don't intend to be and 50,000 new cases a day.

Americans need to be in their home country--invaders don't need to be here. No possible way to calculate how much damage they are doing to our country or how many they killed thus far since Dementia took over. That's besides the fact our BP is now a baby sitting service and spend more time watching kids than they are getting the thousands sneaking in that we don't catch. And remember that your statistics include anything from babies to little old men. Children are not likely to catch this thing and if they do, even more unlikely to spread it.

In the US 194 million have been fully vaccinated out of our population of 340 million, and 75 million of our population are children.
Sorry, man, "Rape" is subjective, murder is not.
Sure it is. You use the word murder all the time when it's not. Rape is rape no matter what country you speak of, just like sexual assault is sexual assault.

It is quite notable that Incel Joe is very fond of making up accusations or rape or sexual abuse, against historical figures that he wishes to discredit, without any rational evidence or basis for these accusations; and yet he openly sides with rapists and sexual abusers, where the evidence of this abuse is very strong.

I think it's rather obvious what Incel Joe means when he claims that “‘Rape’ is subjective”. He means that it is only “rape” when it serves his malevolent purposes to call it such, even where there is no evidence to suggest that anything that sane people would call rape has actually taken place; but not “rape”, no matter how strong the evidence, if it serves his purposes to deny it.
Americans need to be in their home country--invaders don't need to be here. No possible way to calculate how much damage they are doing to our country or how many they killed thus far since Dementia took over. That's besides the fact our BP is now a baby sitting service and spend more time watching kids than they are getting the thousands sneaking in that we don't catch. And remember that your statistics include anything from babies to little old men. Children are not likely to catch this thing and if they do, even more unlikely to spread it.

In the US 194 million have been fully vaccinated out of our population of 340 million, and 75 million of our population are children.
So we have 146 million yet to be vaccinated. Children under 12 are 48.2 million. This is where the press comes up with 100 million (those over age 11) unvaccinated.

True there is no way to calculate the damage illegal immigrants do but there is also no way to calculate how they improve the country. They pay taxes but enjoy limited benefits from those taxes. They pay social security and Medicare yet they are not eligible for either. They also do the jobs that few Americans will do. Although the media is filled with violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants, The CATO Institute, a public policy research organization found that the violent crime rate for illegal immigrants is near half that of the FBI violent crime rate for nation.

Like you, I would like to see illegal immigration eliminated. Where we disagree is on the method.
So we have 146 million yet to be vaccinated. Children under 12 are 48.2 million. This is where the press comes up with 100 million (those over age 11) unvaccinated.

True there is no way to calculate the damage illegal immigrants do but there is also no way to calculate how they improve the country. They pay taxes but enjoy limited benefits from those taxes. They pay social security and Medicare yet they are not eligible for either. They also do the jobs that few Americans will do. Although the media is filled with violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants, The CATO Institute, a public policy research organization found that the violent crime rate for illegal immigrants is near half that of the FBI violent crime rate for nation.

Like you, I would like to see illegal immigration eliminated. Where we disagree is on the method.

Kind of irrelevant when you think of the estimates of what it costs us to have illegals here. But I want to address this crime stat that the left keeps bringing up.

If my neighbor decides to go out and kill another American, there is nothing we can do about that until after he commits the crime because that is our justice system. There was nothing any of us could do to save that person. But when an illegal goes out to kill an American, that's an American life we could have saved by voting for the people that would do everything possible to make sure that illegal never got here in the first place. Same with rape, sexual assault, drunk driving that ends up in fatalities, robberies and so on. All 100% preventable.

Another line of bullshit is doing jobs Americans won't do. Illegals are in nearly every sector of work in our country, particularly down south. They take good jobs Americans should be doing and lowering wages for Americans in that line of work, another loss lost in the numbers. My neighbor just had to have a few roofs installed this summer. These Mexicans were up there two stories high on a roof so steep neither you nor I could walk on if somebody built a roof on the ground. They did it like nothing. Fuck safety precautions, fuck OSHA, they were running up and down that roof like rats and probably getting paid next to nothing. It's not that Americans wouldn't do the job, but they wouldn't do it like that for that kind of money.
It is quite notable that Incel Joe is very fond of making up accusations or rape or sexual abuse, against historical figures that he wishes to discredit, without any rational evidence or basis for these accusations; and yet he openly sides with rapists and sexual abusers, where the evidence of this abuse is very strong.

I think it's rather obvious what Incel Joe means when he claims that “‘Rape’ is subjective”. He means that it is only “rape” when it serves his malevolent purposes to call it such, even where there is no evidence to suggest that anything that sane people would call rape has actually taken place; but not “rape”, no matter how strong the evidence, if it serves his purposes to deny it.

He lives in his own world by comparing apples and oranges. He does that all the time. You can't compare two different countries, claim one is more violent because of X, and ignore the kind of people in each country. Over 50% of our murders are committed by 7% of our population which are black males, something they have very few of in European countries. If you remove our minorities from our crime statistics, our crime rate would be much closer to those countries in Europe and Japan.

So he places the blame on guns, as if guns sneak out at night while we sleep and kills people, then gets back into the house and quietly sneaks back into our dresser drawer. Yet where guns exist in middle-class white American suburbs, there are generally no problems at all. Hmmmm.
Making fun of where a virus came from is not racist. What did I tell you about using words you don't know the definition of?

Again, left wing bullshit. People who don't live in populated areas believe they don't need the vaccine because there are few to catch it from. That's besides the fact when people from blue states take a vacation, they go to red states to see how it is to live in freedom and low cost of living.

Yeah, you and your suicide statistics again. We keep catching you every time but you're not bright enough to learn anything. You don't get to require what warrants deadly force, our laws do. That means like always, you lose.

Sure it is. You use the word murder all the time when it's not. Rape is rape no matter what country you speak of, just like sexual assault is sexual assault.

No, but you decided you have mental issues you're not ever going to seek professional help for. If my disabilities are such bullshit, why did they never call me in for an interview? Why did they not require that I see at least one of their doctors? Why did they not ask me to take one test?

You people on the left are so stupid that you even think you're smarter than medical experts when you don't know shit.

For one I have a business here. Two, all white areas are expensive to move to. Three, I'm located in the center of all my family.
Using the the phrase "Kung Fu flu" is inaccurate and offense to the chinse people. Covid-19 is not the Flu. The symptoms are different and causation is different and it is about 10 times more lethal. The phrase also downplays the seriousness of Covid making fun of it. The term Kung Fu is used in place of Chinese which makes it offense on several levels. Of course this was Trump's intent and it work for him very well.
Using the the phrase "Kung Fu flu" is inaccurate and offense to the chinse people. Covid-19 is not the Flu. The symptoms are different and causation is different and it is about 10 times more lethal. The phrase also downplays the seriousness of Covid making fun of it. The term Kung Fu is used in place of Chinese which makes it offense on several levels. Of course this was Trump's intent and it work for him very well.

Oh please. It was a show about a half Chinese guy drifting around America. How is that offensive, especially when the Chinese guy was portrayed as the most intelligent one and the hero of nearly every episode.

Offensive? If it were up to me we'd nuke China for what they did to us, and there would be nothing offensive about it.
Kind of irrelevant when you think of the estimates of what it costs us to have illegals here. But I want to address this crime stat that the left keeps bringing up.

If my neighbor decides to go out and kill another American, there is nothing we can do about that until after he commits the crime because that is our justice system. There was nothing any of us could do to save that person. But when an illegal goes out to kill an American, that's an American life we could have saved by voting for the people that would do everything possible to make sure that illegal never got here in the first place. Same with rape, sexual assault, drunk driving that ends up in fatalities, robberies and so on. All 100% preventable.

Another line of bullshit is doing jobs Americans won't do. Illegals are in nearly every sector of work in our country, particularly down south. They take good jobs Americans should be doing and lowering wages for Americans in that line of work, another loss lost in the numbers. My neighbor just had to have a few roofs installed this summer. These Mexicans were up there two stories high on a roof so steep neither you nor I could walk on if somebody built a roof on the ground. They did it like nothing. Fuck safety precautions, fuck OSHA, they were running up and down that roof like rats and probably getting paid next to nothing. It's not that Americans wouldn't do the job, but they wouldn't do it like that for that kind of money.
I doubt serious whether you or anyone else in your community is qualified to determine the value of a citizens life vs an illegal immigrants life. You were blessed to be born in the US and not Honduras, Guatemala, or Haiti. I doubt seriously that you or your family have ever been faced with gangs blessed by the local police that roam your needihood looking for young kids to sell to the cartels as sex slaves or drug runners. You and I were among the 1 in 200 that were lucky enough to born the US. We did absolutely nothing to earn that citizenship. Over half the number immigrants that hit the US border this year have come from Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Haiti, or South America. They have travel hundreds if not thousands of miles to petition for admission to the US. Only 1 in 10 is allowed to do that and only 1 in 5 makes it into the asylum program and permanent residency.

This year, most of those that have been apprehended by the border patrol have tried to enter the US legally but were denied because they did not the meet the qualification for alyssum. Since going home is not an option, the only choice is to sneak into the US.

We need to provide realist means for immigrants to enter the US legally and stop most of illegal immigration.

It is true that illegal immigrants hold jobs in all sectors of the economy. Many have been here all their lives, learned the language, got through high schools and some even made through college so yes they are in sectors of business. However according to US census data over 80% do manual labor mostly in rural areas.
Oh please. It was a show about a half Chinese guy drifting around America. How is that offensive, especially when the Chinese guy was portrayed as the most intelligent one and the hero of nearly every episode.

Offensive? If it were up to me we'd nuke China for what they did to us, and there would be nothing offensive about it.
That would be like attacking Spain for the Spanish Influenza. Using your line of reasoning we should have attacked France for bring Smallpox to America and Jamaica for bringing Typhoid Fever and Canada because a Canadian airline employee brought HIV to the US . :cuckoo:

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