Sharpton wants to make sure we know who voted- but it's not what you think


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
These folks cry fraud because they don't like the election results. Sharpton wants to check the ID of the voters. Initially, they even tried to ban one candidate from being in the game for fear he'd win. If you don't think you can beat them, stop them from being in the contest, right?

And this is over chidren's books. Kids chose the most popular book. Of course, they should make sure the election is fair and honest. Not like it's some minor, unimportant election like choosing a president.

Boy, the things that get liberals riled, and the things that don't, just amazes me.

MSNBC Suspects Voter Fraud When Kids Make Rush ‘Author of the Year,’ Sharpton Wants to Check IDs
Sharpton is pretty much the typical progressive with his lies and blatant hypocrisy.
Talk about lefties speaking from a position of ignorance, maybe they should have at least read some reviews before they opened their mouthes. The book has a 5 star rating with more than 3400 customer reviews on Amazon.

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