She eagerly got the vaccine for CV19 and boy is she sorry. She sued AstraZeneca

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
This is not about all manufacturers of vaccines. But if you have had the AstraZeneca shot you might have a case.
To clarify, this gal was on Rumble Kim Iversen. She took the shot from AZ as part of the "clinical trials". They wanted to give her $1200 for her injuries.
Horsey the Horse back pedalling desperately .
You gullible Deniers deserve everything coming your way .
A. Brianne DressenMs. Dressen was seriously injured by a Covid-19vaccine in November 2020 while participating in anAstraZeneca clinical trial. Her reaction began withinan hour of her injection and quickly devolved into more than 20 debilitating symptoms, leaving her confined to her bedroom, away from any light and sound,including the sounds of her small children. After fourER visits and a hospital stay, Ms. Dressen received adiagnosis of “anxiety due to the COVID vaccine” atwhich point her legs were failing, and she had becomeincontinent. Months later, the National Institutes ofHealth revised her diagnosis to “Post-Vaccine Neuropathy” and “Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome,” after in-person evaluation at NIH headquarters.Ms. Dressen remains disabled with neuropathy, autonomic dysfunction, and CIDP (Chronic InflammatoryDemyelinating Polyneuritis) that results in debilitating fatigue, internal vibrations, limb weakness, foodsensitivities, and cardiac abnormalities. She will be dependent on expensive medications for the rest of herlife which now cost more than $400,000 per year.

Under the PREP Act, Ms. Dressen and any otherCovid-vaccine-injured American do not have the rightto sue the drug company nor the federal governmentfor any claims related to her vaccine injury. Her onlyrecourse was to file in the Countermeasures Intervention Compensation Program (“CICP”), the sole compensation program available for Covid-19 vaccine injuries.The CICP reportedly has a 98% rejection rate. SeeSmith v. United States, No. 3:23-cv-1425, at 29 (W.D.La. Dec. 21, 2023) (Dkt. 35).Being one of the first Americans injured by a Covid19 vaccine, Ms. Dressen felt alone and had no idea howto manage her new injured state or how to find any relief from her symptoms. After more than a year ofgrowing frustrated with her inability to gather information, communicate, and heal, and left with nowhere else to turn, Ms. Dressen and Joel Wallskog, MD (aphysician who was diagnosed with transverse myelitisas a result of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine), started aregistered 501(c)(3) non-profit in November 2021,called “React19.” React19 has grown to represent morethan 36,000 people, providing physical, emotional, andfinancial support for those injured by Covid-19 vaccination. And yet its discussions on developments in research were pulled as “misinformation” and members’pleas for help with lasting side effects were removedfor violating “community standards.”As described in amici’s statement of interest supra,a significant part of the support React19 provides isthrough personal interaction among the vaccine-injured on social-media platforms, as well as using thoseplatforms to arrange online and in-person gatherings.And yet, the group remains under constant threat ofbeing shut down again by government censorship.

So even reports such as this can be shut down.
Such a shame she suffered. But her willingness to be a volunteer helped further the development of medicines that greatly limited the damage of Covid 19 to the population. I hope she is well compensated for her injuries.
Don't be a duper, blaster. The vaccine reduced the illness's effect, hospitalization, and death.

Anybody can get it. Surviving it is the point.
Millions around the world have or are currently living with long covid. Why not post all of their stories? Oh right, it doesn't fit the narrative. I feel bad for this woman. She was doing the right thing. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a perfect drug for everyone. A great deal of people can't even take OTC medicine. Approximately 1.5 billion ppl have had the shot. Actual injuries from the vaccines themselves are so rare it's even difficult to make a comparison to anything except the most remote scenarios.
Such a shame she suffered. But her willingness to be a volunteer helped further the development of medicines that greatly limited the damage of Covid 19 to the population. I hope she is well compensated for her injuries.
Every day she suffers. She has formed a group to learn what is going on and then publishing the findings. She has not been compensated by AstraZeneca as they are letting her hurt profusely on purpose.
Millions around the world have or are currently living with long covid. Why not post all of their stories? Oh right, it doesn't fit the narrative. I feel bad for this woman. She was doing the right thing. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a perfect drug for everyone. A great deal of people can't even take OTC medicine. Approximately 1.5 billion ppl have had the shot. Actual injuries from the vaccines themselves are so rare it's even difficult to make a comparison to anything except the most remote scenarios.
I believe I have only had the Pfizer vaccines and have had no problems of any kind. I was starting with a case I learned about. Why don't you help out by doing what you want done?
Every day she suffers. She has formed a group to learn what is going on and then publishing the findings. She has not been compensated by AstraZeneca as they are letting her hurt profusely on purpose.
If true (Robert W. does not have a trusted reputation on USMB), then she needs to sue and recieve a lot of financial relief.
Every day she suffers. She has formed a group to learn what is going on and then publishing the findings. She has not been compensated by AstraZeneca as they are letting her hurt profusely on purpose.
If true (Robert W. does not have a trusted reputation on USMB), then she needs to sue and recieve a lot of financial relief.

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