She Laughed Lied And Demeaned The Victim

The real question of course is will this new edition of the "Stop Hillary Express" be more successful than the "Stop Obama Express"?

Since the "Obama Express" is the thing that actually stopped Hillary last time it's obvious that Hillary doesn't have the same slobbering love affair with the main stream media that Barry had back in 2007 and 2008.
Was that also Ronald Reagan's problem in 1976? How little Righties know their own electoral history.

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She was being grilled by that panel over the response of the State Department to the attack and the State Department's policies leading up to the attack when she made that comment. Sorry, Winger but it's hard to see how Clinton's poor choice of words was about anything else.

She was talking about whether the attackers were spontaneous or a planned terrorist attack

Her point was that it did not make a difference in bringing them to justice

The questions she was being asked was whether or not she knew if it was a spontaneous or planned attack and when it was that she DID know that! Clinton misled the families of the dead men and the American people when she characterized the attacks as spontaneous reactions to a YouTube film and THAT was why she was being grilled by those members of Congress!

Actually there is evidence that the protests at the time were due to the YouTube video and that terrorists took advantage of the protests

But Hillarys point was that it did not matter what their reason was...they would be brought to justice regardless of their reason

And Hillary made her "what difference does it make" comment when she was getting grilled over whether or not she had deliberately misled both the families of the dead men and the American public that the attack was a protest over a You Tube video that escalated into violence.
lawyers have to do their jobs and they must do them to the best of their ability, it's the law.

so this is a petty dig up
1, It IS her history.
2, She CHOSE to defend him.
3, She DID it for the money.

And far from petty it SHOWS smear campains have been her FIRST resort NOT truth.
her company was hired
someone had
lawyers have to do their jobs and they must do them to the best of their ability, it's the law.

so this is a petty dig up
1, It IS her history.
2, She CHOSE to defend him.
3, She DID it for the money.

And far from petty it SHOWS smear campains have been her FIRST resort NOT truth.
her company was hired, so someone had to do it.

I would question her if she chose to do it for free.

all lawyers get paid
If you listen to the video she was hand picked by him because she was a woman.
ok, then she was the chosen and not the choser

ya just proved yourself wrong


This appears to be a tendency with Mr. Super dark bold "I hate Clinton" fury-mouse.
talking to him started to feel like watching a dog chase his tail, except the dog doesn't have a tail.

extra pointless and really sad
She was being grilled by that panel over the response of the State Department to the attack and the State Department's policies leading up to the attack when she made that comment. Sorry, Winger but it's hard to see how Clinton's poor choice of words was about anything else.

She was talking about whether the attackers were spontaneous or a planned terrorist attack

Her point was that it did not make a difference in bringing them to justice

The questions she was being asked was whether or not she knew if it was a spontaneous or planned attack and when it was that she DID know that! Clinton misled the families of the dead men and the American people when she characterized the attacks as spontaneous reactions to a YouTube film and THAT was why she was being grilled by those members of Congress!

Actually there is evidence that the protests at the time were due to the YouTube video and that terrorists took advantage of the protests

But Hillarys point was that it did not matter what their reason was...they would be brought to justice regardless of their reason

Other than the actual eye witnesses that were There, and said that it began as a spontaneous protest that escalated quickly with others that joined the group.... :rolleyes:
And Hillary made her "what difference does it make" comment when she was getting grilled over whether or not she had deliberately misled both the families of the dead men and the American public that the attack was a protest over a You Tube video that escalated into violence.
Not true.
She was being grilled by that panel over the response of the State Department to the attack and the State Department's policies leading up to the attack when she made that comment. Sorry, Winger but it's hard to see how Clinton's poor choice of words was about anything else.

She was talking about whether the attackers were spontaneous or a planned terrorist attack

Her point was that it did not make a difference in bringing them to justice

The questions she was being asked was whether or not she knew if it was a spontaneous or planned attack and when it was that she DID know that! Clinton misled the families of the dead men and the American people when she characterized the attacks as spontaneous reactions to a YouTube film and THAT was why she was being grilled by those members of Congress!

Actually there is evidence that the protests at the time were due to the YouTube video and that terrorists took advantage of the protests

But Hillarys point was that it did not matter what their reason was...they would be brought to justice regardless of their reason

Other than the actual eye witnesses that were There, and said that it began as a spontaneous protest that escalated quickly with others that joined the group.... :rolleyes:

There was absolutely no protest on the street outside of our consulate prior to the attack. That is a known fact at this point. We know that from both the people who were there and survived and the video camera footage that we have from security cameras.
The narrative of a protest over the YouTube video was simply something that the Obama White House concocted to hide what really happened from the American people and Congress.
And Hillary made her "what difference does it make" comment when she was getting grilled over whether or not she had deliberately misled both the families of the dead men and the American public that the attack was a protest over a You Tube video that escalated into violence.
Not true.

Hillary Clinton Benghazi Testimony Erupts at Ron Johnson ...

Watch that taped footage and tell me again that my statement is "not true"!

I don't appreciate being called a liar, Care...if you had any class at all you'd apologize for making the claim!
Last edited:
1, It IS her history.
2, She CHOSE to defend him.
3, She DID it for the money.

And far from petty it SHOWS smear campains have been her FIRST resort NOT truth.
her company was hired
someone had
1, It IS her history.
2, She CHOSE to defend him.
3, She DID it for the money.

And far from petty it SHOWS smear campains have been her FIRST resort NOT truth.
her company was hired, so someone had to do it.

I would question her if she chose to do it for free.

all lawyers get paid
If you listen to the video she was hand picked by him because she was a woman.
ok, then she was the chosen and not the choser

ya just proved yourself wrong


This appears to be a tendency with Mr. Super dark bold "I hate Clinton" fury-mouse.
talking to him started to feel like watching a dog chase his tail, except the dog doesn't have a tail.

extra pointless and really sad

Yepp. So many things that one can honestly criticize about Hillary Clinton or any pol for that matter, but this is not one of them...
Ted Cruz's law firm gave $200,000 to Obama.

Ted Cruz: OpEd: His law firm donated $200,000 to Obama's campaign
During the Q&A portion of the debate, Dewhurst needled Cruz for not going on record to support Sen. John Cornyn's bid for a GOP leadership position.


The night before the debate, the Texas Conservatives Fund, Dewhurst's Super PAC run by Dewhurst's former chief-of-staff, put out a new attack ad on Cruz. "Shattered Vision" calls Cruz a "false conservative" whose law firm has donated over $200,000 to Obama's campaign, sides with Chinese businesses over American ones, and opposed lowering property taxes in 2006.​

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