She Lied


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The questioner said that she (Hillary Clinton) broke the rules by having only a personal email account, and not a govt account. She contradicted him, and said she broke no rules. FALSE! The questioner was correct. She did beak the rules. She broke both the State Dept rules and the federal laws .

She also said that her emails were sent in a totally "secure" way. That's absurd. Her personal email account is not encrypted as a State Dept account would have been, and as such were subject to hacking by anyone around the world. She also said there was nothing classified in the emails. As Dana Bash of CNN asked "How do we know there wan't anything classified ?" And how do we know North Korea doesn't have possession of these emails ?

Another thing she said that was false, was that every Sect of State before her did the same as her. What ? That's false. Both Madeline Albright and Condoleeza Rice did not use email at all, personal or govt. Only Colin Powell (in the email era) did use them.

She also dodged the idea of having an independent 3rd party investigate her emails. She flatly said "no". That is a baldfaced admission of non-transparency, and practically an admission of guilt. Want to let us have the hard drive, Hillary ? Yeah right!

Wouldn't it be interesting if someone from ISIS, Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc was to open up and show Hillary's emails that they might have hacked, which would absolutely show her to be a liar, and willing to put national security second to her personal convenience ?
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Another lying Clinton has said "you're just going to have to trust me."

But, this time they not only have the blue Dress (The Server) they have washed it clean (deleted embarrassing or criminal e-mails)...and to be real safe, they got lawyers to get rid of the bad shit, so you can't even ask them about it---they'll claim attorney client privilege.

Democrats will buy it; Republicans never will...nor should they...and it will be up to the Independents.

I say she's done. Too full of shit.


She'll never be POTUS now.
Another lying Clinton has said "you're just going to have to trust me."

But, this time they not only have the blue Dress (The Server) they have washed it clean (deleted embarrassing or criminal e-mails)...and to be real safe, they got lawyers to get rid of the bad shit, so you can't even ask them about it---they'll claim attorney client privilege.

Democrats will buy it; Republicans never will...nor should they...and it will be up to the Independents.

I say she's done. Too full of shit.
It would be one hell of a DUMBASS independent that would believe the horsefeathers she just tossed around. As well as the BS that her aides like Karen Finney are tossing around right now on CNN, and Finney and all the rest of them who handled these emails ought to be arrested on felony charges of concealment, in addition to Hillary. Send them all to prison together.
Any reasonably thinking voter will (or should) look at her and think there is just too much baggage there. She drinks too much, she's been involved in far too many questionable events, she has health issues and her honesty is questionable.
The questioner said that she (Hillary Clinton) broke the rules by having only a personal email account, and not a govt account. She contradicted him, and said she broke no rules. FALSE! The questioner was correct. She did beak the rules. She broke both the State Dept rules and the federal laws .

She also said that her emails were sent in a totally "secure" way. That's absurd. Her personal email account is not encrypted as a State Dept account would have been, and as such were subject to hacking by anyone around the world. She also said there was nothing classified in the emails. As Dana Bash of CNN asked "How do we know there wan't anything classified ?" And how do we know North Korea doesn't have possession of these emails ?

Another thing she said that was false, was that every Sect of State before her did the same as her. What ? That's false. Both Madeline Albright and Condoleeza Rice did not use email at all, personal or govt. Only Colin Powell (in the email era) did use them.

She also dodged the idea of having an independent 3rd party investigate her emails. She flatly said "no". That is a baldfaced admission of non-transparency, and practically an admission of guilt. Want to let us have the hard drive, Hillary ? Yeah right!

Wouldn't it be interesting if someone from ISIS, Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc was to open up and show Hillary's emails that they might have hacked, which would absolutely show her to be a liar, and willing to put national security second to her personal convenience ?

Hillary is a darling of the left , who knows how much the Chinese or Russians have hacked from her computer?, ahhh she ll never be held accountable for anything, Washington Royalty can make their own rules
The questioner said that she (Hillary Clinton) broke the rules by having only a personal email account, and not a govt account. She contradicted him, and said she broke no rules. FALSE! The questioner was correct. She did beak the rules. She broke both the State Dept rules and the federal laws .

She also said that her emails were sent in a totally "secure" way. That's absurd. Her personal email account is not encrypted as a State Dept account would have been, and as such were subject to hacking by anyone around the world. She also said there was nothing classified in the emails. As Dana Bash of CNN asked "How do we know there wan't anything classified ?" And how do we know North Korea doesn't have possession of these emails ?

Another thing she said that was false, was that every Sect of State before her did the same as her. What ? That's false. Both Madeline Albright and Condoleeza Rice did not use email at all, personal or govt. Only Colin Powell (in the email era) did use them.

She also dodged the idea of having an independent 3rd party investigate her emails. She flatly said "no". That is a baldfaced admission of non-transparency, and practically an admission of guilt. Want to let us have the hard drive, Hillary ? Yeah right!

Wouldn't it be interesting if someone from ISIS, Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc was to open up and show Hillary's emails that they might have hacked, which would absolutely show her to be a liar, and willing to put national security second to her personal convenience ?

Peoblem is, Republicans have dirty hands too, and democrats can blackmail them into silence. Most likely it will just end.
Was there ever any doubt? But... It will be played off as no big deal and pretty much ignored. Watch.
The questioner said that she (Hillary Clinton) broke the rules by having only a personal email account, and not a govt account. She contradicted him, and said she broke no rules. FALSE! The questioner was correct. She did beak the rules. She broke both the State Dept rules and the federal laws .

She also said that her emails were sent in a totally "secure" way. That's absurd. Her personal email account is not encrypted as a State Dept account would have been, and as such were subject to hacking by anyone around the world. She also said there was nothing classified in the emails. As Dana Bash of CNN asked "How do we know there wan't anything classified ?" And how do we know North Korea doesn't have possession of these emails ?

Another thing she said that was false, was that every Sect of State before her did the same as her. What ? That's false. Both Madeline Albright and Condoleeza Rice did not use email at all, personal or govt. Only Colin Powell (in the email era) did use them.

She also dodged the idea of having an independent 3rd party investigate her emails. She flatly said "no". That is a baldfaced admission of non-transparency, and practically an admission of guilt. Want to let us have the hard drive, Hillary ? Yeah right!

Wouldn't it be interesting if someone from ISIS, Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc was to open up and show Hillary's emails that they might have hacked, which would absolutely show her to be a liar, and willing to put national security second to her personal convenience ?

The questioner said that she (Hillary Clinton) broke the rules by having only a personal email account, and not a govt account. She contradicted him, and said she broke no rules. FALSE! The questioner was correct. She did beak the rules. She broke both the State Dept rules and the federal laws .

She also said that her emails were sent in a totally "secure" way. That's absurd. Her personal email account is not encrypted as a State Dept account would have been, and as such were subject to hacking by anyone around the world. She also said there was nothing classified in the emails. As Dana Bash of CNN asked "How do we know there wan't anything classified ?" And how do we know North Korea doesn't have possession of these emails ?

Another thing she said that was false, was that every Sect of State before her did the same as her. What ? That's false. Both Madeline Albright and Condoleeza Rice did not use email at all, personal or govt. Only Colin Powell (in the email era) did use them.

She also dodged the idea of having an independent 3rd party investigate her emails. She flatly said "no". That is a baldfaced admission of non-transparency, and practically an admission of guilt. Want to let us have the hard drive, Hillary ? Yeah right!

Wouldn't it be interesting if someone from ISIS, Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc was to open up and show Hillary's emails that they might have hacked, which would absolutely show her to be a liar, and willing to put national security second to her personal convenience ?

Of Iran.

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