She Survived a Death Camp. Facing Biden DOJ Charges

You mean the anti-vaxx truckers in Canada you guys loved so much?

Do you know what private property is?

Of course I do you loon, do you know what public property is and the right to use without interfence?

You're in over your head... again
And it's so thoughtful of you to make healthcare decisions for them, Karen
I am a man, not a woman. It is very nice of you to show your bigotry and stupidity. Elektra is a record label started by a man, not some greek goddess.

Abortions are never performed in any emergency room to save a woman's life.

Of course I do you loon, do you know what public property is and the right to use without interfence?

You're in over your head... again
I’m personally glad she wasn’t treated the way conservatives have enjoyed treating other people exercising speech.

Who remembers this gem?

You can block the freaking Golden Gate Bridge and access to malls and colleges and government buildings but democrats have it rigged so that you face a fine and prison if you block a baby killing establishment. Go figure.
Careful there, you are pointing out how democrats abuse the Justice system by not applying it equally for political power.
So your claim is that anyone surviving a death camp should be immune to prosecution for criminal acts?
What crime did she commit? She was singing in front of an abortion clinic.

Who was harmed?
It is if you're blocking entry to an abortion clinic, which is literally a criminal act. There are reasons why that law was put into place.
I can not disagree, but my, the visual of this, arresting an 89 year old grandma holocaust survivor and potentially putting her in jail until she dies can only be viewed as a stupid move politically.

Laws must also be applied equally or there is no justice.
So you opposed that act at the time and oppose that act now, right?
This law in this specific case is being selectively enforced. Attacking and vandalizing churches and pregnancy centers is the same law, and the Biden DOJ is NOT charging those offenders with this law.
standing peacefully in a door is hardly a criminal act.
Certainly not one that justifies a criminal trial and imprisonment no matter what age you are. And to try and imprison an octogenarian who was doing no harm is unconscionable when BLM, ANTIFA, et al so often get by with violence with no charges or a slap on the wrist.

If we do not get this Marxist totalitarian government out of office in November, it's only going to get worse.
I'm sure the formerly pregnant women appreciate your concern
I am sure many would spit in your face if you said that sentiment to their face

I was taken for an abortion at the age of 13 after being sexually assaulted....
My dad had to carry his bloody daughter over his shoulder out of the clinic and we wanted to forget that day. My family fell apart after the abortion.
I had been told that abortion would fix my rape, but the abortion was worse than the rape.’s a heavy weight to carry knowing you were part of ending a life.
I can not disagree, but my, the visual of this, arresting an 89 year old grandma holocaust survivor and potentially putting her in jail until she dies can only be viewed as a stupid move politically.

Laws must also be applied equally or there is no justice.

I doubt she's going to jail
Still has nothing to do with your initial stance in this case. My point stands, you just don't want to acknowledge it, not surprising given you're a leftist.

And white Americans are who ended slavery and afforded the right to vote to blacks.
My "initial stance" was, and still is, I'm pro law.
I see not one of the lefty loons supporting this law find it unusual that Biden Admin only charges anti-abortion protestors in fact all of you are IGNORING it.

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