She was another pschco witch lefty from hell

No, not talking about Hillary again.

This is about the YouTube shooter.

Family of alleged YouTube shooter warned police 'she might do something'

That's right, a die hard Vegan and animal rights supporter.

And yes, the police were warned and did nothing.

Blah, blah, blah.

So, no psychos on the right then? No Timothy McVeighs? No Dylan Roofs? No?
not lately, no.

and funny - the left gets all pissed off at the "whataboutisms" unless they can do it then suddenly there's a point there. somewhere.
The family of the psycho Muslim bitch warned the police that she might do something stupid but typical for the government they didn't do jackshit.

Another example of why the government can't provide for our security and we need the right to keep and bear arms to provide for ourselves.
So...anyone who's friends or families warn the police they "might do something" can be locked up and their guns taken away now? Ok.....I can work with that.
And yes, the police were warned and did nothing.

Blah, blah, blah.

Should I be warning law enforcement authorities that yet ANOTHER nut case is openly criticizing Amazon?
The family of the psycho Muslim bitch warned the police that she might do something stupid but typical for the government they didn't do jackshit.

Another example of why the government can't provide for our security and we need the right to keep and bear arms to provide for ourselves.
So...anyone who's friends or families warn the police they "might do something" can be locked up and their guns taken away now? Ok.....I can work with that.

The family didn't know she had gun but was possibly going to do something at Youtube. It is evident that looking at her video that she was batshit crazy.

The police did nothing to protect the workers at Youtube even though they were warned.

Another failure of the government to protect us.

We saw that big time with the Parkland shooter. Not only on the local level but even at the Federal level.

We saw that with the Texas church shooter.despite plenty of warning.

The point here is that the stupid Moon Bats think they don't need the right to keep and bear arms because the government will protect them and that is a lie.

The government can't protect us.

Gun control laws don't work.

Background checks don't work.

Gun free zones don't work.

None of the anti right to keep and bear arms silliness and stupidity these Moon Bats come with ever works.

That is one of the main reasons why we need the Second Amendment and that is why we all need to take personal responsibility for our own security.
We all know the type.

This is why I'm glad Trump isn't letting in more Muslims Arabs Iranians Pakistanians Afgans Iraqi's Farci, Sunni, Shiites, etc.

She's Persian or Iranian. I have a friend from Iran. He could totally go on a shooting spree one day. He's crazy. If he ever gets diagnosed with something terminal he has a list of people he will take out before he dies.
No, not talking about Hillary again.

This is about the YouTube shooter.

Family of alleged YouTube shooter warned police 'she might do something'

That's right, a die hard Vegan and animal rights supporter.

And yes, the police were warned and did nothing.

Blah, blah, blah.
What do you propose police should have done?

Taken away her second amendment rights?

The family warned the police that she may burn down the place but the stupid police did nothing. Nada. The family didn't even know she had a gun and if she did it would been illegal for her to carry because she didn't have a carry permit.

The police didn't do jackshit (as usual) and the gun control laws didn't work and that silly ass gun free zone only set up the disaster for the victims because she didn't comply. Who would have thunk that a bad person would have disobeyed the laws and disobeyed the gun free zone? What could possibly go wrong?

Tremendous failure all across the board by the filthy ass government that you stupid Moon Bats love and trust so much.

Liberals are idiots.
No, not talking about Hillary again.

This is about the YouTube shooter.

Family of alleged YouTube shooter warned police 'she might do something'

That's right, a die hard Vegan and animal rights supporter.

And yes, the police were warned and did nothing.

Blah, blah, blah.

Let's consider this thread and the author.

Today it's apparent the shooter was a troubled individual, and her parents notified the authorities.

What could local authorities legally do? Clearly, the author of this idiot-gram, thread variety, has no clue.

Should the Police have put out a BOLO, and been notified the young women had a gun? If they did, under what authority did the police have in disarming her?

What proof did the parents have that she was troubled and a threat? Police and other agencies (Probation, Social Service, county health) commonly receive calls from persons making such allegations. And all of these agencies are running short of staff and resources, a result of the no tax, no way ideology of the GOP.

If they had issued a BOLO, the same author would have claimed they had no right to do so, since it would be an infringement of the 2nd A. and no violence had yet happened.

And, BTW, the author of this thread opened with an attack on HRC and a judgment based on his total ignorance of the law and jurisprudence.

Something obvious that he is not the only one who has no clue (see the post above for one more example).
Why is it a surprise that she is a left winger? Every mass shooter in modern history is a radical leftie or a left leaning maniac. We almost forgot about the democrat activist Sanders supporter who opened fire on a republican baseball team last spring. The left wing media was so desperate to ignore the story that nobody investigated his background and nobody tried to find out what he was doing while he camped out in his van for a month in D.C.
Why is it a surprise that she is a left winger? Every mass shooter in modern history is a radical leftie or a left leaning maniac. We almost forgot about the democrat activist Sanders supporter who opened fire on a republican baseball team last spring. The left wing media was so desperate to ignore the story that nobody investigated his background and nobody tried to find out what he was doing while he camped out in his van for a month in D.C.

Perhaps we should ban leftists from owning firearms
Why is it a surprise that she is a left winger? Every mass shooter in modern history is a radical leftie or a left leaning maniac. We almost forgot about the democrat activist Sanders supporter who opened fire on a republican baseball team last spring. The left wing media was so desperate to ignore the story that nobody investigated his background and nobody tried to find out what he was doing while he camped out in his van for a month in D.C.

Perhaps we should ban leftists from owning firearms
Sure.....I'm sure the NRA would support that.
We all know the type.

We all know the type.
What did she use for a gun?

You're joking, right?

No, not talking about Hillary again.

This is about the YouTube shooter.

Family of alleged YouTube shooter warned police 'she might do something'

That's right, a die hard Vegan and animal rights supporter.

And yes, the police were warned and did nothing.

Blah, blah, blah.
What do you propose police should have done?

Taken away her second amendment rights?

The family warned the police that she may burn down the place but the stupid police did nothing. Nada. The family didn't even know she had a gun and if she did it would been illegal for her to carry because she didn't have a carry permit.

The police didn't do jackshit (as usual) and the gun control laws didn't work and that silly ass gun free zone only set up the disaster for the victims because she didn't comply. Who would have thunk that a bad person would have disobeyed the laws and disobeyed the gun free zone? What could possibly go wrong?

Tremendous failure all across the board by the filthy ass government that you stupid Moon Bats love and trust so much.

Liberals are idiots. now support people being locked up and their guns taken away based on what they might do. Does the NRA know you've taken this position?

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