She was another pschco witch lefty from hell

No, not talking about Hillary again.

This is about the YouTube shooter.

Family of alleged YouTube shooter warned police 'she might do something'

That's right, a die hard Vegan and animal rights supporter.

And yes, the police were warned and did nothing.

Blah, blah, blah.
What do you propose police should have done?

Taken away her second amendment rights?

The family warned the police that she may burn down the place but the stupid police did nothing. Nada. The family didn't even know she had a gun and if she did it would been illegal for her to carry because she didn't have a carry permit.

The police didn't do jackshit (as usual) and the gun control laws didn't work and that silly ass gun free zone only set up the disaster for the victims because she didn't comply. Who would have thunk that a bad person would have disobeyed the laws and disobeyed the gun free zone? What could possibly go wrong?

Tremendous failure all across the board by the filthy ass government that you stupid Moon Bats love and trust so much.

Liberals are idiots. now support people being locked up and their guns taken away based on what they might do. Does the NRA know you've taken this position?

One commonality among the defenders of the 2nd A. is hypocrisy. They demand their right (to guns) and reject the rights of others (to life, liberty and happiness).
No, not talking about Hillary again.

This is about the YouTube shooter.

Family of alleged YouTube shooter warned police 'she might do something'

That's right, a die hard Vegan and animal rights supporter.

And yes, the police were warned and did nothing.

Blah, blah, blah.
What do you propose police should have done?

Taken away her second amendment rights?

The family warned the police that she may burn down the place but the stupid police did nothing. Nada. The family didn't even know she had a gun and if she did it would been illegal for her to carry because she didn't have a carry permit.

The police didn't do jackshit (as usual) and the gun control laws didn't work and that silly ass gun free zone only set up the disaster for the victims because she didn't comply. Who would have thunk that a bad person would have disobeyed the laws and disobeyed the gun free zone? What could possibly go wrong?

Tremendous failure all across the board by the filthy ass government that you stupid Moon Bats love and trust so much.

Liberals are idiots. now support people being locked up and their guns taken away based on what they might do. Does the NRA know you've taken this position?

One commonality among the defenders of the 2nd A. is hypocrisy. They demand their right (to guns) and reject the rights of others (to life, liberty and happiness).
No one in The US is denied The Right To Life, Liberty and Happiness, except for The Unborn, and Except for those Matters in which Liberals try to impose their Amoral Ethics upon others.
No, not talking about Hillary again.

This is about the YouTube shooter.

Family of alleged YouTube shooter warned police 'she might do something'

That's right, a die hard Vegan and animal rights supporter.

And yes, the police were warned and did nothing.

Blah, blah, blah.
What do you propose police should have done?

Taken away her second amendment rights?

The family warned the police that she may burn down the place but the stupid police did nothing. Nada. The family didn't even know she had a gun and if she did it would been illegal for her to carry because she didn't have a carry permit.

The police didn't do jackshit (as usual) and the gun control laws didn't work and that silly ass gun free zone only set up the disaster for the victims because she didn't comply. Who would have thunk that a bad person would have disobeyed the laws and disobeyed the gun free zone? What could possibly go wrong?

Tremendous failure all across the board by the filthy ass government that you stupid Moon Bats love and trust so much.

Liberals are idiots. now support people being locked up and their guns taken away based on what they might do. Does the NRA know you've taken this position?

One commonality among the defenders of the 2nd A. is hypocrisy. They demand their right (to guns) and reject the rights of others (to life, liberty and happiness).
No one in The US is denied The Right To Life, Liberty and Happiness, except for The Unborn, and Except for those Matters in which Liberals try to impose their Amoral Ethics upon others.

Would you like me to post the names of the 17 most recent who were denied the Right to life?

You really are a hack on steroids, and foolish enough to believe you have credibility.
No, not talking about Hillary again.

This is about the YouTube shooter.

Family of alleged YouTube shooter warned police 'she might do something'

That's right, a die hard Vegan and animal rights supporter.

And yes, the police were warned and did nothing.

Blah, blah, blah.
What do you propose police should have done?

Taken away her second amendment rights?

The family warned the police that she may burn down the place but the stupid police did nothing. Nada. The family didn't even know she had a gun and if she did it would been illegal for her to carry because she didn't have a carry permit.

The police didn't do jackshit (as usual) and the gun control laws didn't work and that silly ass gun free zone only set up the disaster for the victims because she didn't comply. Who would have thunk that a bad person would have disobeyed the laws and disobeyed the gun free zone? What could possibly go wrong?

Tremendous failure all across the board by the filthy ass government that you stupid Moon Bats love and trust so much.

Liberals are idiots. now support people being locked up and their guns taken away based on what they might do. Does the NRA know you've taken this position?

One commonality among the defenders of the 2nd A. is hypocrisy. They demand their right (to guns) and reject the rights of others (to life, liberty and happiness).
No one in The US is denied The Right To Life, Liberty and Happiness, except for The Unborn, and Except for those Matters in which Liberals try to impose their Amoral Ethics upon others.

Lets not forget the denial of rights in the Liberal's zeal to make this country a socialist shithole.
The family of the psycho Muslim bitch warned the police that she might do something stupid but typical for the government they didn't do jackshit.

Another example of why the government can't provide for our security and we need the right to keep and bear arms to provide for ourselves.
So...anyone who's friends or families warn the police they "might do something" can be locked up and their guns taken away now? Ok.....I can work with that.

The family didn't know she had gun but was possibly going to do something at Youtube. It is evident that looking at her video that she was batshit crazy.

The police did nothing to protect the workers at Youtube even though they were warned.

Another failure of the government to protect us.

We saw that big time with the Parkland shooter. Not only on the local level but even at the Federal level.

We saw that with the Texas church shooter.despite plenty of warning.

The point here is that the stupid Moon Bats think they don't need the right to keep and bear arms because the government will protect them and that is a lie.

The government can't protect us.

Gun control laws don't work.

Background checks don't work.

Gun free zones don't work.

None of the anti right to keep and bear arms silliness and stupidity these Moon Bats come with ever works.

That is one of the main reasons why we need the Second Amendment and that is why we all need to take personal responsibility for our own security.
The police did nothing to protect the workers at Youtube even though they were warned.
I've been wondering what the police could actually do--they did run her down and she seemed "okay." But you have a good idea--they could have given a heads up to Security at the You Tube campus.
What do you propose police should have done?

Taken away her second amendment rights?

The family warned the police that she may burn down the place but the stupid police did nothing. Nada. The family didn't even know she had a gun and if she did it would been illegal for her to carry because she didn't have a carry permit.

The police didn't do jackshit (as usual) and the gun control laws didn't work and that silly ass gun free zone only set up the disaster for the victims because she didn't comply. Who would have thunk that a bad person would have disobeyed the laws and disobeyed the gun free zone? What could possibly go wrong?

Tremendous failure all across the board by the filthy ass government that you stupid Moon Bats love and trust so much.

Liberals are idiots. now support people being locked up and their guns taken away based on what they might do. Does the NRA know you've taken this position?

One commonality among the defenders of the 2nd A. is hypocrisy. They demand their right (to guns) and reject the rights of others (to life, liberty and happiness).
No one in The US is denied The Right To Life, Liberty and Happiness, except for The Unborn, and Except for those Matters in which Liberals try to impose their Amoral Ethics upon others.

Would you like me to post the names of the 17 most recent who were denied the Right to life?

You really are a hack on steroids, and foolish enough to believe you have credibility.
They were killed by a Liberal Hispanic, educated in Liberal Ethics, by Liberal Teachers in a Public School.
The You Tube Killer was also a Liberal. So was The Columbine Killer. They are either Radical Liberals, or Radical Muslims which are allied with Radical Liberals.
Would you like me to independently list the 50 Million Radical Liberalism has killed in their Eugenics Clinics?
The family warned the police that she may burn down the place but the stupid police did nothing. Nada. The family didn't even know she had a gun and if she did it would been illegal for her to carry because she didn't have a carry permit.

The police didn't do jackshit (as usual) and the gun control laws didn't work and that silly ass gun free zone only set up the disaster for the victims because she didn't comply. Who would have thunk that a bad person would have disobeyed the laws and disobeyed the gun free zone? What could possibly go wrong?

Tremendous failure all across the board by the filthy ass government that you stupid Moon Bats love and trust so much.

Liberals are idiots. now support people being locked up and their guns taken away based on what they might do. Does the NRA know you've taken this position?

One commonality among the defenders of the 2nd A. is hypocrisy. They demand their right (to guns) and reject the rights of others (to life, liberty and happiness).
No one in The US is denied The Right To Life, Liberty and Happiness, except for The Unborn, and Except for those Matters in which Liberals try to impose their Amoral Ethics upon others.

Would you like me to post the names of the 17 most recent who were denied the Right to life?

You really are a hack on steroids, and foolish enough to believe you have credibility.
They were killed by a Liberal Hispanic, educated in Liberal Ethics, by Liberal Teachers in a Public School.
The You Tube Killer was also a Liberal. So was The Columbine Killer. They are either Radical Liberals, or Radical Muslims which are allied with Radical Liberals.
Would you like me to independently list the 50 Million Radical Liberalism has killed in their Eugenics Clinics?

Do you know how to tell if someone is far left or far right?

You might be if:

1. You hate Jews.
2. You love a strong centralized government.
How stupid are Liberal Educators anyways to Indoctrinate their students in Liberal Butthurtism Ideology?

"It's always everyone else's fault," and "you are a victim" they teach them, not realizing that they are teaching their indoctrinated students that it's The Teacher's Fault & The School's Fault if they are unhappy at school or are failing, or are not liked.

Then they go get a gun and go back to school to teach the teachers a lesson.

Cause & Effect.

You get the result you work for.

The party of death reaps the fruits of their teachings every single time.
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What do you propose police should have done?

Taken away her second amendment rights?

The family warned the police that she may burn down the place but the stupid police did nothing. Nada. The family didn't even know she had a gun and if she did it would been illegal for her to carry because she didn't have a carry permit.

The police didn't do jackshit (as usual) and the gun control laws didn't work and that silly ass gun free zone only set up the disaster for the victims because she didn't comply. Who would have thunk that a bad person would have disobeyed the laws and disobeyed the gun free zone? What could possibly go wrong?

Tremendous failure all across the board by the filthy ass government that you stupid Moon Bats love and trust so much.

Liberals are idiots. now support people being locked up and their guns taken away based on what they might do. Does the NRA know you've taken this position?

One commonality among the defenders of the 2nd A. is hypocrisy. They demand their right (to guns) and reject the rights of others (to life, liberty and happiness).
No one in The US is denied The Right To Life, Liberty and Happiness, except for The Unborn, and Except for those Matters in which Liberals try to impose their Amoral Ethics upon others.

Would you like me to post the names of the 17 most recent who were denied the Right to life?

You really are a hack on steroids, and foolish enough to believe you have credibility.

False equivalence. YOU are the hack child. I demand my 2nd amendment rights and encourage you to try and take them from me.
No, not talking about Hillary again.

This is about the YouTube shooter.

Family of alleged YouTube shooter warned police 'she might do something'

That's right, a die hard Vegan and animal rights supporter.

And yes, the police were warned and did nothing.

Blah, blah, blah.
What do you propose police should have done?

Taken away her second amendment rights?

The family warned the police that she may burn down the place but the stupid police did nothing. Nada. The family didn't even know she had a gun and if she did it would been illegal for her to carry because she didn't have a carry permit.

The police didn't do jackshit (as usual) and the gun control laws didn't work and that silly ass gun free zone only set up the disaster for the victims because she didn't comply. Who would have thunk that a bad person would have disobeyed the laws and disobeyed the gun free zone? What could possibly go wrong?

Tremendous failure all across the board by the filthy ass government that you stupid Moon Bats love and trust so much.

Liberals are idiots. now support people being locked up and their guns taken away based on what they might do. Does the NRA know you've taken this position?

You are confused about this Moon Bat.

The parents alerted the police that she was a threat to Youtube and on her way. The police should have provide some extra security at the site but they didn't. The police should have notified Youtube of the potential threat so they could have provided increased scrutiny but they didn't. Typical government failure. We see it all the time. The government is inept and doesn't give a shit about anybody. Liberals are dumbasses depending upon the government to protect them.

The government never is compelled to protect us. That is why we need the Second amendment so we can protect ourselves.

Both the state of California and the Youtube business denied Americans their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms and they were not able to protect themselves when the police refused to do so.
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No, not talking about Hillary again.

This is about the YouTube shooter.

Family of alleged YouTube shooter warned police 'she might do something'

That's right, a die hard Vegan and animal rights supporter.

And yes, the police were warned and did nothing.

Blah, blah, blah.
What do you propose police should have done?

Taken away her second amendment rights?

They should have used the Baker Act to lock her up for three days of mental evaluation to determine if she was a real threat to herself or others.
No, not talking about Hillary again.

This is about the YouTube shooter.

Family of alleged YouTube shooter warned police 'she might do something'

That's right, a die hard Vegan and animal rights supporter.

And yes, the police were warned and did nothing.

Blah, blah, blah.
She was a nut bar.

If we on the left own this then remember that you own Dylan roof and all the rest of his ilk.
Nope, you supported this loons lifestyle. I didn't approve of Dylan's choice to be a white supremacist. Nice try though.
The family of the psycho Muslim bitch warned the police that she might do something stupid but typical for the government they didn't do jackshit.

Another example of why the government can't provide for our security and we need the right to keep and bear arms to provide for ourselves.
So...anyone who's friends or families warn the police they "might do something" can be locked up and their guns taken away now? Ok.....I can work with that.

The family didn't know she had gun but was possibly going to do something at Youtube. It is evident that looking at her video that she was batshit crazy.

The police did nothing to protect the workers at Youtube even though they were warned.

Another failure of the government to protect us.

We saw that big time with the Parkland shooter. Not only on the local level but even at the Federal level.

We saw that with the Texas church shooter.despite plenty of warning.

The point here is that the stupid Moon Bats think they don't need the right to keep and bear arms because the government will protect them and that is a lie.

The government can't protect us.

Gun control laws don't work.

Background checks don't work.

Gun free zones don't work.

None of the anti right to keep and bear arms silliness and stupidity these Moon Bats come with ever works.

That is one of the main reasons why we need the Second Amendment and that is why we all need to take personal responsibility for our own security.
The police did nothing to protect the workers at Youtube even though they were warned.
I've been wondering what the police could actually do--they did run her down and she seemed "okay." But you have a good idea--they could have given a heads up to Security at the You Tube campus.
She bypassed security, and was able to get in despite the magnetic locks and pass-cards required to get in to YouTube.
See something say something is as lame as hope and pray, or run and hide.

After they get past security like at YouTube, or at a School, Then what?

Run and hide until she kills as many people as she feels like?

No, gun that bitch down with Lethal Force. Fuck these gun free zones.
People in gun free zones should be forced to sign wills, and buy their own body bag since they don't want to buy a gun.

You want to end violent gun crimes?

National Open Carry
No, not talking about Hillary again.

This is about the YouTube shooter.

Family of alleged YouTube shooter warned police 'she might do something'

That's right, a die hard Vegan and animal rights supporter.

And yes, the police were warned and did nothing.

Blah, blah, blah.
why did she blame YouTube? did she get turned down for a job.
She developed a grudge against the video-sharing site after a change in its filtering policy caused her to lose followers.
No, not talking about Hillary again.

This is about the YouTube shooter.

Family of alleged YouTube shooter warned police 'she might do something'

That's right, a die hard Vegan and animal rights supporter.

And yes, the police were warned and did nothing.

Blah, blah, blah.
why did she blame YouTube? did she get turned down for a job.
She developed a grudge against the video-sharing site after a change in its filtering policy caused her to lose followers.
Which in my opinion she had a legitimate beef, but she was a liberal and we all know how those things end at schools, and businesses when Butthurtism Leftist Ideology takes over.
No, not talking about Hillary again.

This is about the YouTube shooter.

Family of alleged YouTube shooter warned police 'she might do something'

That's right, a die hard Vegan and animal rights supporter.

And yes, the police were warned and did nothing.

Blah, blah, blah.
why did she blame YouTube? did she get turned down for a job.
She developed a grudge against the video-sharing site after a change in its filtering policy caused her to lose followers.
Which in my opinion she had a legitimate beef, but she was a liberal and we all know how those things end at schools, and businesses when Butthurtism Leftist Ideology takes over.

I wouldn't say a legitimate beef, but we do know how these things end with liberals.
The family of the psycho Muslim bitch warned the police that she might do something stupid but typical for the government they didn't do jackshit.

Another example of why the government can't provide for our security and we need the right to keep and bear arms to provide for ourselves.
So...anyone who's friends or families warn the police they "might do something" can be locked up and their guns taken away now? Ok.....I can work with that.

The family didn't know she had gun but was possibly going to do something at Youtube. It is evident that looking at her video that she was batshit crazy.

The police did nothing to protect the workers at Youtube even though they were warned.

Another failure of the government to protect us.

We saw that big time with the Parkland shooter. Not only on the local level but even at the Federal level.

We saw that with the Texas church shooter.despite plenty of warning.

The point here is that the stupid Moon Bats think they don't need the right to keep and bear arms because the government will protect them and that is a lie.

The government can't protect us.

Gun control laws don't work.

Background checks don't work.

Gun free zones don't work.

None of the anti right to keep and bear arms silliness and stupidity these Moon Bats come with ever works.

That is one of the main reasons why we need the Second Amendment and that is why we all need to take personal responsibility for our own security.
The police did nothing to protect the workers at Youtube even though they were warned.
I've been wondering what the police could actually do--they did run her down and she seemed "okay." But you have a good idea--they could have given a heads up to Security at the You Tube campus.
She bypassed security, and was able to get in despite the magnetic locks and pass-cards required to get in to YouTube.
See something say something is as lame as hope and pray, or run and hide.

After they get past security like at YouTube, or at a School, Then what?

Run and hide until she kills as many people as she feels like?

No, gun that bitch down with Lethal Force. Fuck these gun free zones.
People in gun free zones should be forced to sign wills, and buy their own body bag since they don't want to buy a gun.

You want to end violent gun crimes?

National Open Carry
I don't agree. Her having a gun in a gun free zone was the problem, not that it was a gun free zone. She was a run of the mill American citizen, making some $$ with her videos, and then she basically got fired. So she decided to go kill some folk.

Now, based on the situation and what set her off, what makes you think that out of a thousand employees on that campus, there aren't others who would go off and shoot at one another over such grievances on a weekly basis? Gossip at the water cooler? Someone else got the promotion?

The problem was her GUN not the gun free zone.

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