She was another pschco witch lefty from hell

The family warned the police that she may burn down the place but the stupid police did nothing. Nada. The family didn't even know she had a gun and if she did it would been illegal for her to carry because she didn't have a carry permit.

The police didn't do jackshit (as usual) and the gun control laws didn't work and that silly ass gun free zone only set up the disaster for the victims because she didn't comply. Who would have thunk that a bad person would have disobeyed the laws and disobeyed the gun free zone? What could possibly go wrong?

Tremendous failure all across the board by the filthy ass government that you stupid Moon Bats love and trust so much.

Liberals are idiots. now support people being locked up and their guns taken away based on what they might do. Does the NRA know you've taken this position?

One commonality among the defenders of the 2nd A. is hypocrisy. They demand their right (to guns) and reject the rights of others (to life, liberty and happiness).
No one in The US is denied The Right To Life, Liberty and Happiness, except for The Unborn, and Except for those Matters in which Liberals try to impose their Amoral Ethics upon others.

Would you like me to post the names of the 17 most recent who were denied the Right to life?

You really are a hack on steroids, and foolish enough to believe you have credibility.
They were killed by a Liberal Hispanic, educated in Liberal Ethics, by Liberal Teachers in a Public School.
The You Tube Killer was also a Liberal. So was The Columbine Killer. They are either Radical Liberals, or Radical Muslims which are allied with Radical Liberals.
Would you like me to independently list the 50 Million Radical Liberalism has killed in their Eugenics Clinics?
You mean the racist, anti-semitic white guy wearing the MAGA hat? Yeah, must be a liberal. What a fucktard. And anyone who eats a vegan diet and is opposed to animal abuse has to be a liberal. Nevermind she's nuts and was wronged by the company.
No, not talking about Hillary again.

This is about the YouTube shooter.

Family of alleged YouTube shooter warned police 'she might do something'

That's right, a die hard Vegan and animal rights supporter.

And yes, the police were warned and did nothing.

Blah, blah, blah.
why did she blame YouTube? did she get turned down for a job.
She developed a grudge against the video-sharing site after a change in its filtering policy caused her to lose followers.
Which in my opinion she had a legitimate beef, but she was a liberal and we all know how those things end at schools, and businesses when Butthurtism Leftist Ideology takes over.
Yeah and Tim McVeigh had a beef, but he was a conservative and we all know how those things end at Government buildings and daycare centers when Butthurtism Rightist ideology takes over.
Sometimes a whackjob is just a whackjob.

Using outlier disturbed individuals to categorize a broad swath of the population pins the matter what their party affiliation or lack thereof may be.

I will note, however, that Big Social Media's Fascist Censorship/GroupThink isn't helping our culture.
No, not talking about Hillary again.

This is about the YouTube shooter.

Family of alleged YouTube shooter warned police 'she might do something'

That's right, a die hard Vegan and animal rights supporter.

And yes, the police were warned and did nothing.

Blah, blah, blah.
She was a nut bar.

If we on the left own this then remember that you own Dylan roof and all the rest of his ilk.
Nope, you supported this loons lifestyle. I didn't approve of Dylan's choice to be a white supremacist. Nice try though.
Bullshit. If I supported this kook then you supported roof. You know all repugnicants are racist right?
Citizens can have freedom, or citizens can have security. Citizens cannot have both, and therefore, a free society is a more dangerous society. Why? Because the mentally unstable, the dishonest, and the evil citizens also have freedom. Those, who are willing to trade freedom for security, deserve neither.
As Janis said,

… Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose now support people being locked up and their guns taken away based on what they might do. Does the NRA know you've taken this position?

One commonality among the defenders of the 2nd A. is hypocrisy. They demand their right (to guns) and reject the rights of others (to life, liberty and happiness).
No one in The US is denied The Right To Life, Liberty and Happiness, except for The Unborn, and Except for those Matters in which Liberals try to impose their Amoral Ethics upon others.

Would you like me to post the names of the 17 most recent who were denied the Right to life?

You really are a hack on steroids, and foolish enough to believe you have credibility.

False equivalence. YOU are the hack child. I demand my 2nd amendment rights and encourage you to try and take them from me.

If you are sane (questionable), sober (?) and law abiding I support you 2nd A. rights - if not you should not ever own, possess or have in your custody and control a gun.

If you are all of the above, you should not object to your state having the right, acting on the will of the people, to require you to obtain a license to own, possess, etc. a gun, and happily registered your gun(s).

It's a false equivalence. You are an authoritarian at heart, all Progressives are. You know you can never get what you truly want without using the Government as a weapon. You are f the opinion that you and your kind know what's "best" for everyone else and that if we'd just submit you'd make the World a better place. Peddle your lies elsewhere little man. You would fully support Government confiscation.
So the cops interviewed her before shooting the place up. FOR having such a deep grudge agaist them. Found her near the place FFS
THESE people should be the ones to defend us? THEY should be the ones to determine if we lose rights without due process?
You are all morons.
So the cops interviewed her before shooting the place up. FOR having such a deep grudge agaist them. Found her near the place FFS
THESE people should be the ones to defend us? THEY should be the ones to determine if we lose rights without due process?
You are all morons.
Do you get the feeling law enforcement generally needs better training on mental health issues and such?
So the cops interviewed her before shooting the place up. FOR having such a deep grudge agaist them. Found her near the place FFS
THESE people should be the ones to defend us? THEY should be the ones to determine if we lose rights without due process?
You are all morons.
Do you get the feeling law enforcement generally needs better training on mental health issues and such?
Our think our CITIZENS need it more than those idiots.
Anyone willing to GIVE rights away shoudl be evaluated. Or sent to a dictatorship for a couple years.
Do you get the feeling law enforcement generally needs better training on mental health issues and such?
I do, of course.

I also get the feeling that we cannot expect them to protect us. They work best at solving the crimes and apprehending the perpetrators after the fact.

We are responsible for our own security.

Police protect themselves with semi-automatic handguns and rifles. They face a threat similar to the threat we face. We should have equal arms to respond to the same threat.

"The police will protect us! The government knows whats best for us! Just ignore the constant failure, ignorance, discrimination, corruption and laziness. That will change when they get more power!!"
American citizens right before their fed gov burned their fields and raped their families. Just like the Soviets. Just like the maoists(even during a famine).
People are a RESOURCE for the government. THINK about what that means.
You people are all fucking stupid.
Do you get the feeling law enforcement generally needs better training on mental health issues and such?
I do, of course.

I also get the feeling that we cannot expect them to protect us. They work best at solving the crimes and apprehending the perpetrators after the fact.

We are responsible for our own security.

Police protect themselves with semi-automatic handguns and rifles. They face a threat similar to the threat we face. We should have equal arms to respond to the same threat.

We are PEONS, bro. THINK!!!
We dont get the elite treatment of protection. If you have fear, sharpen a twig!
Think on it, Bootney. It's a deep thought.

And NOW....DEEP THOUGHTS, by OldLady:

"As the light changed from red, to yellow, to green, and back to red again, I sat there thinking about life. Was it nothing more than a bunch of yelling and honking? Sometimes, it seemed that way."
Do you get the feeling law enforcement generally needs better training on mental health issues and such?
I do, of course.

I also get the feeling that we cannot expect them to protect us. They work best at solving the crimes and apprehending the perpetrators after the fact.

We are responsible for our own security.

Police protect themselves with semi-automatic handguns and rifles. They face a threat similar to the threat we face. We should have equal arms to respond to the same threat.

Our cops just started a mental health training -- it'll be good for them. Probably half the people they deal with in any given week are half crazy. Some cops instinctively know how to handle situations like Miss Crazy Pants the YouTube shooter; others don't. The others may be the ones who get sent on the call, though.
At the very least, those cops should have called YouTube security and given them a heads up. Speaking as a social worker, if I had been in the spot of having to make the call that someone is "alright," I still would have covered my bases by entertaining the idea that I might be wrong. I would have called YouTube as a precaution. None of us can really know what is in a person's mind. Especially not one you just woke up.
Do you get the feeling law enforcement generally needs better training on mental health issues and such?
I do, of course.

I also get the feeling that we cannot expect them to protect us. They work best at solving the crimes and apprehending the perpetrators after the fact.

We are responsible for our own security.

Police protect themselves with semi-automatic handguns and rifles. They face a threat similar to the threat we face. We should have equal arms to respond to the same threat.

We are PEONS, bro. THINK!!!
We dont get the elite treatment of protection. If you have fear, sharpen a twig!

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