She was another pschco witch lefty from hell

You are NOT correct.

the only people anyone thinks shouldn't be armed, little one, are crazies, criminals and spouse abusers. unless you're one of those things, you might want to stop lying.
Derp just said he thought civilian possession of firearms should stop.
That is just on THIS forum..
Please, stop lying my jew sister. God hates liars.
C'mon, TN. Stop following the stupid crowd on this.
You fucking said it too!
Thats just on THIS forum. My gawd woman. Turn on the tv. Talk to people. Its EVERYWHERE
You are both fucking liars.
I had a moment of frustration after trying to talk to Iceberg about this subject for a number of hours, and I took it back within a few posts. You would have had a moment, too. I didn't mean it.
Don't call me a liar, TN, please. It is actually important that somehow you folks wake up to the truth of what is being proposed! It frightens me that the NRA or Breitbart or whoever the hell is putting this crazy shit in your minds.
How about try MANY PEOPLE
Not to mention, many people dont want to completely disarm us. They just want to leave us with six shooters and pea shooters.
It is a cliche to say nobody is wanting to disarm us.
So the cops interviewed her before shooting the place up. FOR having such a deep grudge agaist them. Found her near the place FFS
THESE people should be the ones to defend us? THEY should be the ones to determine if we lose rights without due process?
You are all morons.
Do you get the feeling law enforcement generally needs better training on mental health issues and such?
Our think our CITIZENS need it more than those idiots.
Anyone willing to GIVE rights away shoudl be evaluated. Or sent to a dictatorship for a couple years.
No one is asking you to give up your right to bear arms.


The Assault Weapons Ban of 2018 will prohibit the sale, transfer, production, and importation of:

· Semi-automatic rifles and pistols with a military-style feature that can accept a detachable magazine;

· Semi-automatic rifles with a fixed magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds;

· Semi-automatic shotguns with a military-style feature;

· Any ammunition feeding device that can hold more than 10 rounds;

· And 205 specifically-named and listed firearms.​

Assault Weapons Ban of 2018, Introduced by David N. Cicilline of Rhode Island. - GAT Daily (Guns Ammo Tactical)

See also:

Sign the petition: Repeal the Second Amendment Now

Opinion | John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment

Repeal the Second Amendment? Almost Half of Democrats Say Yes | National Review

NYT Columnist: Let's Repeal the Second Amendment

Analysis | One in five Americans wants the Second Amendment to be repealed, national survey finds

Larry King Says the Second Amendment Was Created to Fight Off Slave Uprisings

See also - this is just a continuation of long standing attempts:

2013 - Why It's Time to Repeal the Second Amendment

2015 - Repeal the Second Amendment
I still don't think it's anywhere near popular enough to pass. But maybe the gun grabbers are getting more traction than I thought.
There is no way the 2nd will be repealed. Hell, we couldn't even get through the Women's Rights amendment, and that was puppy shit compared to this.

As much as I would like to see some of that happen, it won't. People propose legislation all the time, just to say they did it. Will it even get to a vote? Doubtful.
So the cops interviewed her before shooting the place up. FOR having such a deep grudge agaist them. Found her near the place FFS
THESE people should be the ones to defend us? THEY should be the ones to determine if we lose rights without due process?
You are all morons.
Do you get the feeling law enforcement generally needs better training on mental health issues and such?
Our think our CITIZENS need it more than those idiots.
Anyone willing to GIVE rights away shoudl be evaluated. Or sent to a dictatorship for a couple years.
No one is asking you to give up your right to bear arms.


The Assault Weapons Ban of 2018 will prohibit the sale, transfer, production, and importation of:

· Semi-automatic rifles and pistols with a military-style feature that can accept a detachable magazine;

· Semi-automatic rifles with a fixed magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds;

· Semi-automatic shotguns with a military-style feature;

· Any ammunition feeding device that can hold more than 10 rounds;

· And 205 specifically-named and listed firearms.​

Assault Weapons Ban of 2018, Introduced by David N. Cicilline of Rhode Island. - GAT Daily (Guns Ammo Tactical)

See also:

Sign the petition: Repeal the Second Amendment Now

Opinion | John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment

Repeal the Second Amendment? Almost Half of Democrats Say Yes | National Review

NYT Columnist: Let's Repeal the Second Amendment

Analysis | One in five Americans wants the Second Amendment to be repealed, national survey finds

Larry King Says the Second Amendment Was Created to Fight Off Slave Uprisings

See also - this is just a continuation of long standing attempts:

2013 - Why It's Time to Repeal the Second Amendment

2015 - Repeal the Second Amendment
I still don't think it's anywhere near popular enough to pass. But maybe the gun grabbers are getting more traction than I thought.
There is no way the 2nd will be repealed. Hell, we couldn't even get through the Women's Rights amendment, and that was puppy shit compared to this.

As much as I would like to see some of that happen, it won't. People propose legislation all the time, just to say they did it. Will it even get to a vote? Doubtful.
At least you recognize our point
the only people anyone thinks shouldn't be armed, little one, are crazies, criminals and spouse abusers. unless you're one of those things, you might want to stop lying.
Derp just said he thought civilian possession of firearms should stop.
That is just on THIS forum..
Please, stop lying my jew sister. God hates liars.
C'mon, TN. Stop following the stupid crowd on this.
You fucking said it too!
Thats just on THIS forum. My gawd woman. Turn on the tv. Talk to people. Its EVERYWHERE
You are both fucking liars.
I had a moment of frustration after trying to talk to Iceberg about this subject for a number of hours, and I took it back within a few posts. You would have had a moment, too. I didn't mean it.
Don't call me a liar, TN, please. It is actually important that somehow you folks wake up to the truth of what is being proposed! It frightens me that the NRA or Breitbart or whoever the hell is putting this crazy shit in your minds.
How about try MANY PEOPLE
Not to mention, many people dont want to completely disarm us. They just want to leave us with six shooters and pea shooters.
It is a cliche to say nobody is wanting to disarm us.
When I think of disarm, I think of "no arms." When I say no one wants to disarm you, I mean no one wants to take away ALL of your guns. It seems for the sake of absolute accuracy I should stop saying "NO ONE" though. Derp does. I am being completely honest with you that I know no one in real life that wants to though.
Derp just said he thought civilian possession of firearms should stop.
That is just on THIS forum..
Please, stop lying my jew sister. God hates liars.
C'mon, TN. Stop following the stupid crowd on this.
You fucking said it too!
Thats just on THIS forum. My gawd woman. Turn on the tv. Talk to people. Its EVERYWHERE
You are both fucking liars.
I had a moment of frustration after trying to talk to Iceberg about this subject for a number of hours, and I took it back within a few posts. You would have had a moment, too. I didn't mean it.
Don't call me a liar, TN, please. It is actually important that somehow you folks wake up to the truth of what is being proposed! It frightens me that the NRA or Breitbart or whoever the hell is putting this crazy shit in your minds.
How about try MANY PEOPLE
Not to mention, many people dont want to completely disarm us. They just want to leave us with six shooters and pea shooters.
It is a cliche to say nobody is wanting to disarm us.
When I think of disarm, I think of "no arms." When I say no one wants to disarm you, I mean no one wants to take away ALL of your guns. It seems for the sake of absolute accuracy I should stop saying "NO ONE" though. Derp does. I am being completely honest with you that I know no one in real life that wants to though.
I do.
One commonality among the defenders of the 2nd A. is hypocrisy. They demand their right (to guns) and reject the rights of others (to life, liberty and happiness).
No one in The US is denied The Right To Life, Liberty and Happiness, except for The Unborn, and Except for those Matters in which Liberals try to impose their Amoral Ethics upon others.

Would you like me to post the names of the 17 most recent who were denied the Right to life?

You really are a hack on steroids, and foolish enough to believe you have credibility.

False equivalence. YOU are the hack child. I demand my 2nd amendment rights and encourage you to try and take them from me.

If you are sane (questionable), sober (?) and law abiding I support you 2nd A. rights - if not you should not ever own, possess or have in your custody and control a gun.

If you are all of the above, you should not object to your state having the right, acting on the will of the people, to require you to obtain a license to own, possess, etc. a gun, and happily registered your gun(s).

It's a false equivalence. You are an authoritarian at heart, all Progressives are. You know you can never get what you truly want without using the Government as a weapon. You are f the opinion that you and your kind know what's "best" for everyone else and that if we'd just submit you'd make the World a better place. Peddle your lies elsewhere little man. You would fully support Government confiscation.

1) "You are an authoritarian at heart, all Progressives are."
I'm a liberal Democrat and I suspect you can't explain the difference between a liberal and a progressive. I doubt you have a clue as to the definition of False Equivalence or understand a False Dichotomy).

2) "You know you can never get what you truly want without using the Government as a weapon"
You have no clue as to what I want; in the words of Dick Cheney, go F yourself.

3) "You are (o)f the opinion that you and your kind know what's "best" for everyone else and that if we'd just submit you'd make the World a better place"
I know considerable more than you will ever know, that I know by reading your post. You echo the neo fascist meme as if it is original.

4) "Peddle your lies elsewhere little man"
I'm 6' 2" and weigh 230 pounds, a weight I can still bench press several times; I don't pretend to know everything, as seem to want others to believe; I don't take orders from punks

5) "You would fully support Government confiscation"
Wrong. Once again you're not:
  • Telepathic
  • Clairvoyant
  • Retrocognition
Last edited:
Derp just said he thought civilian possession of firearms should stop.
That is just on THIS forum..
Please, stop lying my jew sister. God hates liars.
C'mon, TN. Stop following the stupid crowd on this.
You fucking said it too!
Thats just on THIS forum. My gawd woman. Turn on the tv. Talk to people. Its EVERYWHERE
You are both fucking liars.
I had a moment of frustration after trying to talk to Iceberg about this subject for a number of hours, and I took it back within a few posts. You would have had a moment, too. I didn't mean it.
Don't call me a liar, TN, please. It is actually important that somehow you folks wake up to the truth of what is being proposed! It frightens me that the NRA or Breitbart or whoever the hell is putting this crazy shit in your minds.
How about try MANY PEOPLE
Not to mention, many people dont want to completely disarm us. They just want to leave us with six shooters and pea shooters.
It is a cliche to say nobody is wanting to disarm us.
When I think of disarm, I think of "no arms." When I say no one wants to disarm you, I mean no one wants to take away ALL of your guns. It seems for the sake of absolute accuracy I should stop saying "NO ONE" though. Derp does. I am being completely honest with you that I know no one in real life that wants to though.

Did you miss my note OL? That bill which is /currently/ being pushed, bans every single gun I can use in our entire arsenal.

It does /disarm/ folks. It disarms me simply because I just happen to be a woman with weak wrists - prior injury and decades of computer work. I can shoot a bb-gun though \o/ (*sarcasm) It also attempts to disarm my husband simply because he happens to be short and needs a shorter stock (*sure he might have some other options because he's a former west point wrestler so he has massive arm muscles, and yeah sure he could /struggle/ with a longer stock if his life depended on it... Still bullshit though.)

Regardless of if you think it could pass, it's been proposed, it's got support from the left (a lot actually) and it reflects the lefts lack of knowledge of gun advancements (and why they are /actually/ there - says they are there "to increase killing power" when that's not the case at all; aka shorter stocks for shorter arms also pistol grips for similar reasons - aka women frankly. Shorter barrels are designed/purchased so you can turn around in a narrow hallway, that kind of thing) and mostly it reflects the absolute disregard for the spirit of the 2nd amendment.

And it's all being taken away from us /law abiding/ gun owners, not because we did anything wrong, but because some fucking fruit loops are off their rockers.

IF that's the argument we're going to make now lets play the game. Here's a few proposals to "protect" everyone: All Muslims are banned because some of them are terrorists. All Mexicans are deported because some of them are drug dealers and/or in gangs. All blacks should also be in jail because so many of them are criminals and in gangs too. All politicians go to jail because some of them are corrupt and abuse power. All police go to jail because some of them are assholes. All American's go to jail because some are fucking nuts. On and on, then we can all be in "prison" wearing clear backpacks and protected from each other by... (well no one because we're /all/ in jail on the off chance that one of us loses our shit.)
So the cops interviewed her before shooting the place up. FOR having such a deep grudge agaist them. Found her near the place FFS
THESE people should be the ones to defend us? THEY should be the ones to determine if we lose rights without due process?
You are all morons.
Do you get the feeling law enforcement generally needs better training on mental health issues and such?
Our think our CITIZENS need it more than those idiots.
Anyone willing to GIVE rights away shoudl be evaluated. Or sent to a dictatorship for a couple years.
No one is asking you to give up your right to bear arms.

You are NOT correct.

the only people anyone thinks shouldn't be armed, little one, are crazies, criminals and spouse abusers. unless you're one of those things, you might want to stop lying.

The only people who are lying are those who claim the ultimate goal of gun control is not to disarm the American public
Our think our CITIZENS need it more than those idiots.
Anyone willing to GIVE rights away shoudl be evaluated. Or sent to a dictatorship for a couple years.
No one is asking you to give up your right to bear arms.

You are NOT correct.

the only people anyone thinks shouldn't be armed, little one, are crazies, criminals and spouse abusers. unless you're one of those things, you might want to stop lying.
Derp just said he thought civilian possession of firearms should stop.
That is just on THIS forum..
Please, stop lying my jew sister. God hates liars.
C'mon, TN. Stop following the stupid crowd on this.

History shows you are wrong. Was there a movement together rid of revolvers?
You are NOT correct.

the only people anyone thinks shouldn't be armed, little one, are crazies, criminals and spouse abusers. unless you're one of those things, you might want to stop lying.
Derp just said he thought civilian possession of firearms should stop.
That is just on THIS forum..
Please, stop lying my jew sister. God hates liars.
C'mon, TN. Stop following the stupid crowd on this.
You fucking said it too!
Thats just on THIS forum. My gawd woman. Turn on the tv. Talk to people. Its EVERYWHERE
You are both fucking liars.
I had a moment of frustration after trying to talk to Iceberg about this subject for a number of hours, and I took it back within a few posts. You would have had a moment, too. I didn't mean it.
Don't call me a liar, TN, please. It is actually important that somehow you folks wake up to the truth of what is being proposed! It frightens me that the NRA or Breitbart or whoever the hell is putting this crazy shit in your minds.

Even when I get frustrated, I don't advocate for positions I don’t agree with.
Citizens can have freedom, or citizens can have security. Citizens cannot have both, and therefore, a free society is a more dangerous society. Why? Because the mentally unstable, the dishonest, and the evil citizens also have freedom. Those, who are willing to trade freedom for security, deserve neither.
Harass and Conquer

A chanted excuse for the enemies of society to turn their nutcase pawns loose on the rest of us.

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