She Wouldn't Dare.....Would She?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
Twenty something lightweights, sociopaths, and oddballs later, if Sleepy Joe is the best the Rats can come up with, don't believe for a minute she won't make a move. Sure, she and Willy can't fill an average movie theater at $5 a pop, but as long as they know where the bodies are buried (they know because they buried a few of them), don't count her out just yet. Skip the primaries, finagle several convention votes, and walk out of Milwaukee with the nomination tucked into her pantsuit pocket.....Could it happen? oh yeah. :badgrin:

She's done. Even the Democrat/Socialists are sick of her.

She's one of Satan's most reliable slaves, and she has just about filled up the full measure of her he is about ready to call her home.
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She's done. Even the Democrat/Socialists are sick of her.

She's one of Satan's most reliable slaves, and she has just about filled up the full measure of her he is about ready to call her home.

She's crazier than the rest of them put together.....don't put anything past her when it comes to getting back at's all she thinks about.
No takers? :nocknockHT:

The question is who will get to who first? I suspect the guy with the AG , IG and others on the trail of traitors and conspirators will probably come out on top. You see now !What the Left tried to do back fired when Hillary Lost, Conspiracies only stay secret if everybody is rewarded for their efforts. Loose lips sink ships. Mayday !Mayday! Mayday! Everybody who was involved is gone isn't that ironic? And they are beginning to throw each other under the Bus."First to squeal gets the deal" Who will it be? Any guesses?
There are a few still around that would kill for her if they thought she had a shot.
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No takers? :nocknockHT:

The question is who will get to who first? I suspect the guy with the AG , IG and others on the trail of traitors and conspirators will probably come out on top. You see now !What the Left tried to do back fired when Hillary Lost, Conspiracies only stay secret if everybody is rewarded for their efforts. Loose lips sink ships. Mayday !Mayday! Mayday! Everybody who was involved is gone isn't that ironic? And they are beginning to throw each other under the Bus."First to squeal gets the deal" Who will it be? Any guesses?

Comey might already have been flipped....he's been strangely quiet for the last week or so. No reason for this to take a lot more time....Barr's pitbull may already have a grand jury empaneled. The IG is taking his sweet time for some reason....maybe his work is being rolled into Barr's. The wildcard is Wray at the FBI....Trump has already called him out for stonewalling and may fire him at any moment. Pelousy and her crowd are all vacationing....Trump made a fool of her last week and she's in no hurry for a repeat of that mauling.
Rodham is definitely going to run. She would crush everyone currently in the race.
Twenty something lightweights, sociopaths, and oddballs later, if Sleepy Joe is the best the Rats can come up with, don't believe for a minute she won't make a move. Sure, she and Willy can't fill an average movie theater at $5 a pop, but as long as they know where the bodies are buried (they know because they buried a few of them), don't count her out just yet. Skip the primaries, finagle several convention votes, and walk out of Milwaukee with the nomination tucked into her pantsuit pocket.....Could it happen? oh yeah. :badgrin:

I love how H. Clinton has taken all this space in donnie's deplorables' heads. :71:
I love how H. Clinton has taken all this space in donnie's deplorables' heads. :71:

Weak but predictable.....the only space she's taking up is her fat ass sitting on a pillow....can she even walk anymore without passing out? I keep wondering why a bear hasn't caught her on her nature hikes with a fifth of vodka screaming at the top of her lungs....."TRUMP YOU SON OF A BITCH I'LL GET YOU IF IT'S THE LAST THING i DO!" :lol:
There are a few still around that would kill for her if they thought she had a shot.
I don't know. I think America now is at least enough aware of her role in President Trump's nonstop dealing with false allegations she had her best spinners working on that resulted in the Steele Dossier, by trying to take out a sitting President, not only do Americans despise a traitor once they're known, they don't care for that person any more. Besides, she has a future with an 8x8 cell soon.
Rodham is definitely going to run. She would crush everyone currently in the race.
Hillary cannot beat the Donald. And she never will, because she will be in jail for treason by the end of September. And it will stick.

Hillary cannot beat the Donald. And she never will, because she will be in jail for treason by the end of September. And it will stick.

I keep seeing Treason tossed around but?...does the USA have to be at War?..I wish they would hang many.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
I keep seeing Treason tossed around but?...does the USA have to be at War?..I wish they would hang many.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

War isn't a necessary criterion for treason, although that's usually been the case in our history. They usually charge espionage for what used to be treason but in this case we clearly have treason without acting in league with a foreign power since it can't be espionage.
I keep seeing Treason tossed around but?...does the USA have to be at War?..I wish they would hang many.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

War isn't necessary for a charge of treason although that's when it's been charged in our past. They usually charge with espionage for colluding with a foreign power, but since there wasn't foreign involvement other than cut-outs in England and Australia (Brennan designed that part), they can't charge espionage....this is clearly treason.
Rodham is definitely going to run. She would crush everyone currently in the race.
Hillary cannot beat the Donald. And she never will, because she will be in jail for treason by the end of September. And it will stick.

If Hillary is convicted of anything Trump will PARDON HER as a last gesture of triumph over her. And Ivanka and Chelsea are friends and she'll beg her father to let the old bag off the hook. I don't need to see her in prison....Willy on the other hand, I would like to see hanged....on the South Lawn.
Twenty something lightweights, sociopaths, and oddballs later, if Sleepy Joe is the best the Rats can come up with, don't believe for a minute she won't make a move. Sure, she and Willy can't fill an average movie theater at $5 a pop, but as long as they know where the bodies are buried (they know because they buried a few of them), don't count her out just yet. Skip the primaries, finagle several convention votes, and walk out of Milwaukee with the nomination tucked into her pantsuit pocket.....Could it happen? oh yeah. :badgrin:

I love how H. Clinton has taken all this space in donnie's deplorables' heads. :71:
Weren't you just whining at me the other day for name calling?

Stupid fucking two faced bitch
Rodham is definitely going to run. She would crush everyone currently in the race.
Hillary cannot beat the Donald. And she never will, because she will be in jail for treason by the end of September. And it will stick.

Hillary cannot beat the Donald. And she never will, because she will be in jail for treason by the end of September. And it will stick.

I keep seeing Treason tossed around but?...does the USA have to be at War?..I wish they would hang many.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

That certainly applies to Obama, not so sure it would stick on Hillary.
Twenty something lightweights, sociopaths, and oddballs later, if Sleepy Joe is the best the Rats can come up with, don't believe for a minute she won't make a move. Sure, she and Willy can't fill an average movie theater at $5 a pop, but as long as they know where the bodies are buried (they know because they buried a few of them), don't count her out just yet. Skip the primaries, finagle several convention votes, and walk out of Milwaukee with the nomination tucked into her pantsuit pocket.....Could it happen? oh yeah. :badgrin:


I doubt even the demodummies are that stupid but they constantly suprise me by reaching new lows and achieving higher levels of stupidity.

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