She wouldn't wear the hijab, but they wore wacky witch costumes to see the Pope

I wouldn't wear a tent over me either, to go see some dude that claims to speak in behalf of God. He is just a man. Period.

But you do wear ear rings, necklaces, paint your face, walk around on stilts ...I asume once in your life to get a man...

Go figure.

You mean they wear things on their heads to get the pope???

So Gracie , are you going to sit here and tell us you never ever in your life wore dorky stuff?

Yeah. I am going to sit here and tell you I have never in my life worn dorky stuff. Except when I was little and Ma made me wear what she wanted me to wear.

I am a fashionista. Or rather..used to be. Now I just hang out in leggings and tank tops. NICE ones.

So you really had to go there huh?


Not fair


Oh yea, well I am hanging out in dirty old sweat pants and a smelly t -shirt, with a cool base ball cap on..

How do you like those apples?



I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

It would be if your not a Christian


Muslim head covering required. Christian head covering required.

What in the wide wide world of fornication is the difference??!!
I think he got it correct...
he's an ISIS delivery boy. who give a flying fuck about crooked Catholics anyway???

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.
So to your mind strong women are witches. How very progressive of you.

What's strong about kowtowing to the weird rituals of a disgraced religion,

just when a liberal Pope is trying to change such rituals?
So you want to stone them because you're a progressive.

No, I just like hearing you cry like a baby.

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.
So to your mind strong women are witches. How very progressive of you.
My mom used to wear hats with what Ivanka is wearing. What Melania is wearing is kinda...weird.
Obviously, their dress is intended as an act of respect for the Pope.

This Pope desires to get rid of such dress codes.
You're a Democrat so you can't understand respecting other people's values, but obviously Ivanka and Melania do.

She didn't respect Saudi values, did she?
Catholics and christians are the same thing as much as gold and metal are the same thing.

The most ignorant post of the year so far goes to you



Ever hear of the Reformation?

Ever hear me put my steal toe boot up your butt? No I will not get naked with you, I am flattered though that you asked....


You wear stolen shoes? Why am I not surprised.
Melanai was raised catholic. She was well aware of protocol for meeting the Pope at the Vatican.

They could have opted for POTUS to have met the Pope alone if they wanted. They could have opted for an outdoor greeting and then let Trump meet with the Pope in private.

They had choices and opted for this one.

The black tulle on Ivanka was almost not covering her blond hair, though one or two layers would have sufficed.

Out of memory of my grandmother I used her silver and black veil attached with one of her spanish combs the two times I met the Pope. I had been asked to wear black stocking but I forgot and no one said anything about it. I had been invited at their request so I doubt if I had shown up in a pant suit I would have turned away.

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

It would be if your not a Christian


Muslim head covering required. Christian head covering required.

What in the wide wide world of fornication is the difference??!!
i have to agree with carb on this.....if she is doing out of respect she should have done it in the other place too.....if its because she is catholic than i understand,being raised catholic my grandmother and mother would NEVER walk into a without putting something on the head,and to meet the pontif?....holy shit....i did not understand it then and still dont as to why a female has to have something on the head...

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

It would be if your not a Christian


Muslim head covering required. Christian head covering required.

What in the wide wide world of fornication is the difference??!!

The Trumps are not muslims...duh.
They're not Catholic either. No, head covering is NOT required for Christians. Just Catholics, and even they don't require it anymore.

Catholics and Christians are the same thing.

Just like Mormons, babtist, lutherns and all the rest of the splinter groups

I never get why the rest of Christians think Catholics are not Christians because our Bible has the lost books?


i dont know about that.....
They're not Catholic either. No, head covering is NOT required for Christians. Just Catholics, and even they don't require it anymore.

Catholics and Christians are the same thing.

Just like Mormons, babtist, lutherns and all the rest of the splinter groups

I never get why the rest of Christians think Catholics are not Christians because our Bible has the lost books?



Trump, supposedly, is a Presbyterian.

The Presbyterian church is pro-choice, does not oppose same sex marriage, nor does it oppose birth control.

Setting aside the obvious, i.e., that who knows what Trump really believes,

are you sure you want to claim that all Christian denominations are the same?

Who said that?

Can you not read, Retard?

"Catholics and Christians are the same thing."

It's in the fucking string of quotes I quoted. Stop being stupid. Stop! Now!

They have the same God.
not what i was taught.....

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

More utter desperation and panic being vividly exhibited by my dear far left Progressives strike again.

You obviously are unaware of the fact that Donald Trump and his family are Christians, as is (I realize this is new information for you) the Pope. I KNOW! Shocking isn't it?

Your sorry desperate need to twist the story is duly noted.

The Trumps and their entourage respected the religion of their Muslim hosts. They dressed and behaved in a conservative manner.

Insofar as the dress when meeting the Pope, as I said, the Pope and the Trumps are Christians and followed the practice of other Christians in the same circumstance.

I am curious though as to why you are so eager, so proud of having no character.

Keep up the good work!

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

Thrice the brinded cat hath mew'd.
Thrice and once, the hedge-pig whin'd.
Harpier cries:—'tis time! 'tis time!
Round about the caldron go;
In the poison'd entrails throw.—
Toad, that under cold stone,
Days and nights has thirty-one;
Swelter'd venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first i' the charmed pot!
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.

- William Shakespeare -
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The hijab signals submission to an evil prophet and an evil "god". Not something Jews or Christians would want to do.
The hijab signals submission to an evil prophet and an evil "god". Not something Jews or Christians would want to do.
The hijab is only to "protect" men who can't control themselves seeing a beautiful woman. THAT is the reason they hide themselves.

The picture the OP is mocking is out of respect for what most consider God's House (I'm not Catholic).

Non Catholic women wear black and cover their head SYMBOLICALLY (notice you can clearly see their hair). This is no different than Jewish men wearing the "beanie" out of respect in God's House.

Catholic women wear white. It's their house, and their rules. They were simply respecting this religion and the House of God.

This is NOT the same purpose as the hijab or the burka.
The hijab signals submission to an evil prophet and an evil "god". Not something Jews or Christians would want to do.
The hijab is only to "protect" men who can't control themselves seeing a beautiful woman. THAT is the reason they hide themselves.

The picture the OP is mocking is out of respect for what most consider God's House (I'm not Catholic).

Non Catholic women wear black and cover their head SYMBOLICALLY (notice you can clearly see their hair). This is no different than Jewish men wearing the "beanie" out of respect in God's House.

Catholic women wear white. It's their house, and their rules. They were simply respecting this religion and the House of God.

This is NOT the same purpose as the hijab or the burka.

Is it no different than wearing the hijab out of respect to Islam?
They look like they're in mourning. Perhaps they're mourning their husband/father's upcoming impeachment. Lol.

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